Chapter 47: Like the one in my arms

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'Cause I was worried you'd come back late and not see well inside, so I kept the lights on at the door.

The lamp on the bedside table was lit for you too.

In bed, you were bathed in a soft, warm glow, looking all adorable and sweet.

I opened up a package, took out the bracelet inside, and slipped it onto your wrist while you were sleeping, none the wiser.

I crawled into bed beside you, wrapping my arms around you, and drifted off to sleep.

Next day.

Morning light.

You woke up, but I wasn't there.

You probably thought I stayed out all night, but then you noticed my pillow had been used.

Your suspicion faded when you caught a whiff of my scent on the pillow, and you knew I'd come back.

"Did you catch a whiff of something?" I leaned against the doorframe, watching you sniff my pillow.

"Yeah, I smell it. My hubby was back last night." You put down my pillow and got out of bed.

Then, your eyes caught something on your wrist.

You raised your hand and saw the bracelet you'd been eyeing for ages.

"'Sparkling Flower' bracelet from Grand Spectrum Mr. Guan!" You said its name, eyes shining like stars.

I raised an eyebrow, realizing how much you love these things.

"Do you like it?"

Your head bobbed up and down like a garlic crusher. "Love it, absolutely love it. But it's so expensive, I couldn't bear to buy it."

"Didn't I tell you? If you want something, buy it. Hubby's got your back when it comes to splurging."

"Even luxury items?"

I nodded.

You happily ran into my arms, hugging my waist and burying your face in my chest, expressing your joy.

I patted your head, feeling content.

In the morning, as you got ready, I said, "I've figured out what's bothering Wang Rui."

"What is it?"

I told you about Wang Rui's family matters, asking if you had any good ideas to help him.

You stopped brushing your teeth halfway, frowning. "I don't."

You quickly finished getting ready and walked out the door, saying, "Family problems need to be solved by the person themselves. If the husband's in trouble, call the police. If the mother's sick, call the doctor. If the daughter's in trouble, teach her a lesson. We outsiders can't do much. But..." You gave me a mischievous smile.

"Go on."

"My husband might be able to help him a bit."

"Oh?" I was intrigued by what you had to say.

You took my hand, coquettishly saying, "If my husband gives him a few days off, he might be able to handle the family matters more efficiently. People aren't productive when they're sad; their hearts are at home while their bodies are at work. If my husband gives him some time off, he can focus on family matters, which means he won't make mistakes at work, and my husband won't get mad. And then he's back to being my sweet, handsome husband."

"What if he's just not capable?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That second-in-command is really nasty, using underhanded tricks and even exploiting my dad and you. He must have a terrible character. Compared to him, even though Mr. Xu might not be as capable, at least he's not a bad person. I'd feel more comfortable working with him. So, let's cooperate with Mr. Xu."

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