Eighty eight

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I didn't know how this was going to go with the other packs. Mine I knew would follow me no matter what.

"As you all know my wife was attacked by a rogue wolf. I have been informed he is working for a clan of vampires. These vampires can be killed as they are not pure. They are half vampires a creation so they can be destroyed. They are wanting to finish what Constantine started and be the greater species. I for one disagree to that as wolves are superior, I will be leading a fight and those who wish to join me please let me know. You are not obligated to join this fight and I will not think less of you if you don't. fight. Please let's end the vampires once and for all so we can live our lives" I said

My pack looked to me and nodded I knew they were with me. Blaze walked up to me, "you know I'm with you" he said, "thank you" I said as all the other packs remained silent. A bunch of cowards if you asked me.

"We leave at dawn" I said and I dismissed everyone. Most of the packs left and I didn't blame them but it would have been nice having a bit more help.

This could go horribly wrong and I wanted to make sure my kids were taken care of. Milah's parents would watch them and I would have few warriors stay behind as protection. I wanted this to go well and I needed it to end once and for all.

Mack walked up to me, "you going to have a team stay behind?" He asked, "yes I need too just as a precaution" I said. "Can Lexa be part of that she's pregnant" he said.

"Congrats man and yes I will allow that" I said, Mack nodded as he walked away as much as I would want her to come with us I couldn't risk a new wolf. Babies in my pack were sacred and I couldn't risk their lives. I mean this whole challenge thing was a bust and I'm sure it made Darius and a few others hate me more.

I mean sure there wolves were good but they were not strong enough to be alphas. None of them even came remotely close to beating me and I wish they had. It was sad and if I am responsible for the packs then I want strong leaders running the ones I'm not alpha of.

I didn't have the patience to babysit amateurs, I know that they all agreed. Those kids were definitely not alpha material. A part of me wondered if this was some sort of joke and they came here to mock me.

"That was some display" Harley said, "it was a joke if you ask me" I said. "Yeah sad, I'm wondering are you sure these vampires can be killed" he asked, "yes I'm sure and we will destroy them all. They want Milah dead and I can't have that" I said.

"You know we are with you to the death Alpha" Harley said. "Let us hope it doesn't come to that but I appreciate it" I said. I went to spend the time with my family knowing I could end up not coming back.

I knew Kato would fight to the death, so it was a matter of survival. I of course didn't want to leave my family alone but I would do everything to protect Milah. I know if anyone was to survive the mate death it would be her. She would fight tooth and nail for our kids. As much as she complains I see the love she has for them.

"Are you going to let me come?" She asked, "I am not sure I would need to see how strong you are" I said. "Alright let's go" she said and Kato stirred he was taking it as a challenge to wrestle with his mate. "Go mommy!" Theo cheered her on really I mean okay I had to give it to him he was a mommy's boy.

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