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꧁༺ 𝓚𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓮𝓷 ༻꧂

I knew this was going to be bad for someone, I was beyond pissed off, and I was about ready to rip someone apart. I waited a few minutes until I knew the entire pack was in front of me, "I would like to speak to everyone separately, no one is to leave this room unless I have spoken to you. Mack, Harley and Maddox will see to it that no one leaves understood" I said, "Yes Alpha" they all chorused like they didn't know why I was so pissed off, "Love you are off the hook" I said to Milah giving her a kiss, "Kayden I am going with you" she said, "I would rather you didn't" I said, "You will not do this alone, you will be too much of a bully" she said, "that is the point Milah someone intended for our children to die, I am going to tear someone apart" I said, "if you do I will never speak to you again, these are you pack members" she said. "I am not discussing this with you now" I said, she stormed off and I knew I was in for it later.

I interviewed everyone I didn't think did it first, I had to be sure, and I let them all off the hook, Charlie was my first suspect. I did feel like he was being truthful, and he wanted to help me figure it out. I needed to do this alone, next was someone I hardly knew, and I could tell they were scared of me, so I didn't think they did it. Kato was checking everyone too he was better and smoking out a lie than me. I felt like I had been at this for hours but I had nothing and everyone was innocent. I needed to find this person and fast, I was starting to get angrier by the second. Then I knew before the piece of shit even opened his mouth by the smirk of his face when he walked in. "Trent" I said, "Alpha" he said back, "give me one reason why I shouldn't rip you apart?" I said, "you are to weak" he said and laughed, with that Kato pushed forward and I was hovering over him on all fours. 

We fought, but I didn't want to kill him not yet I needed to know why he did what he did. I needed answers, he shifted back, "Uncle!" he said laughing I wanted to wipe that grin off his face, "who was helping you?" I said, "no one I swear" he said. "If you expect me to believe that you baked cookies then you must think I am an idiot, tell me who helped you" I said, "Fine it was Britney" he said, "why?" I asked with anger, "she is a threat! we don't want to die, a lot of us are scared" Trent said. "Then you can fucking leave" I said. "No please Alpha we don't want to be rogues" he said, "would you rather die?" I said, "no please I am sorry" he said still with the smug grin. I felt like he didn't think I was going to do it and I let Kato forward, and with that Kato ripped him in half I wasn't playing games he tried to kill family. I knew Milah would be pissed at me I basically did it even if he was sorry his snark made me think he wasn't, and I was just too angry to care and now I needed to talk to Britney she was new to the pack so I wasn't surprised. 

"Why?" I said, "I am afraid" she said she saw Trent's dead body and I knew she wasn't going to deny it. "Have anything else to say?" I asked, "please Alpha don't do this, I am not the only one who feels this way" she said, "that wasn't the question I asked Britney tell me why or you will suffer the same fate as your boyfriend" I said, "I don't feel like we are safe and I am terrified of this vampire. Please alpha I am sorry and I don't want to die" she said, "fine you will live in the dungeon" I said and I had Maddox take her there. I linked the entire pack,

If anyone ever fucking tries to touch Lyla again I will kill everyone of you, if you feel unsafe get the fuck out of my pack. I am not bullshitting around anymore, and I will not allow anyone to touch my children. If you don't like it see you later

After that I went home to deal with Milah I knew she was pissed at me, "Milah love" I said walking in the house. "Don't love me, you killed him didn't you?" she said, "I killed Trent yes, but I spared his partner in crime" I said, "you are such a dick Kayden and I am so pissed at you, in fact you can sleep outside" she said,  "Milah please, it was for our daughter" I said, "no I think it was for you, Lyla is fine and she will remain fine she as so many people protecting her. You needed to boost your damn ego and I am not going to pretend what you did was okay" Milah said. "I think you would feel differently if it was Lyla or Theo who ate the cookies" I said, "maybe but we wouldn't know would we. Get out Kayden" she said, "this is my house" I said, "no right now its mine and our children's, you need to get out right now before I kick you out permanently" she said. 

I had no choice but to leave, she was angrier than I expected and I knew she was hormonal. I felt the everything and for some reason I linked everyone as I shifted and took off for a run, I wasn't expecting anyone to follow. Before I knew it I had, Maddox, Cole, Harley, Mack and Charlie sitting beside me. None of them said anything they just sat with me in wolf form, and then I shifted. They did the same, "you okay?" Mack asked, "Milah kicked me out" I said, "she will get over it honestly he tried to kill your child" Harley said. "She doesn't see it that way, she sees me as a bully" I said. "She is hormonal, Lexa also said the same thing about me" Mack said, "this is different, I feel like she isn't going to forgive me, she is going to keep the kids from me too" I said. "No she won't give her time to cool down, she will realize why you did it" Harley said.

"I did it because he was laughing he thought it was a big joke, he was sorry but I didn't think he actually was" I said, "he was a dick honestly I am surprised Britney helped, Chantelle didn't think she would sink that low" Harley said. "She is lucky I spared her she will live her life in the dungeon.  I am not fucking around when it comes to my kids, and if that vampire does take her again I will do something about it. I will not let him hurt our pack" I said, "we know that Alpha and we are on your side, I meant it when I said I would sacrifice my wolf for you" Charlie said. "I know but I am hoping it won't come to that" I said. "Well I will have Lexa talk to Milah, and for now you can stay with us" Mack said, "its not necessary I will just sleep on my old floor, I just want to be alone" I said shifting and running back to the pack house. 

I felt so much right now and I made sure Milah could feel it she might be pissed at me but she needed to know how much I was hurting. I felt like she tore out my heart and I am not sure if it is the poison talking or I was dying. I collapsed on my old bed and it wasn't the same and I let it all out, I cried for the first time since I was 13 years old. This was worse than losing my parents, I was losing my mate and my kids all at the same time. I didn't know if she would forgive me and I felt weak, I felt like I wasn't capable of being Alpha. I linked Mack, 

you will be Alpha for a now

Wait what?

I can't Mack I am broken

Honestly I will fix this Alpha

I am not sure what happened after that because I just shut myself off from everything, every feeling every damn emotion. I just literally felt like I died on the inside and I was nothing but a shell. I was literally questioning myself as Alpha, did I do the right thing? Did he deserve that? Did I let my wolf do to much? Was I going to die and therefore kill Milah too? Would she keep our kids from me? I just didn't have the answers and I needed them right now I had not purpose and therefore was not capable of being Alpha.

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