Sixty one

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝒶𝒽 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

I was so nervous after talking to Kayden that I felt like I was constantly watching Lyla. I never knew when her tantrums were her or if it was this vampire thing it made me hate him. I just wanted my sweet little girl and now I'm constantly worried that she will turn into a monster. Or maybe she will never be a wolf I don't know or I wasn't sure I would ever be one.

Turns out all I needed was to meet Kayden and I am so glad that I did. After we put the kids to bed we sat down with my parents. I didn't know how this conversation was going to go. "Mom can I ask you something?" I said, "of course sweetie" she said, "mom how did you lose your wolf?" I asked, "it was just after I gave birth to you we were attacked by a vampire and I didn't know killing it would kill my wolf. He was trying to get to you" she said.

"Kayden" I said, " I know so this was revenge then" he said, "revenge what are you talking about?" Kleo said, "Lyla was taken by a vampire when she was 6 weeks old, and now she's hearing voices. He is telling her we don't love her and that she needs to come to him" Kayden said, "are you serious? She is 3" Kleo  said, "yes that is why we are super worried we know we can't kill the vampire either so we aren't sure how to help her" I said. "This pisses me off I'm sorry I feel like this is my fault have you spoken to Sett?" Kleo said, my dad was being awfully quiet.

"Yes he told me the same thing that I can't kill it, but he said love will keep her here" Kayden said. "Well, we will show that little girl so much love she can't stand it, I am so sorry do you know the name of the vampire?" She asked, "no but I'm too scared to ask Lyla I don't want to scare her" Kayden said, "ask because if it's Constantine then we are in big trouble" she said. "Dad?" I said wondering if he was going to say anything. "I didn't stop him" my dad said, "what?" I said, "Constantine I didn't stop him, after I saw your mother lose her wolf I panicked and stopped. I let him go and now he has taken my granddaughter" he said. "Dad Lyla is right here" I said, "I know but he has corrupted her mind, that is what vampires do they corrupt the mind. If he takes it to far she will lose herself and then there is nothing we can do to stop her" he said. "Why is he doing this?" I said, "he is evil and he needs the blood of an Alpha or a Beta wolf in order to obtain true power. Lyla is both, she has beta and Alpha blood now and even Luna blood. If he corrupts her fully then we are all doomed" dad said.

I looked to Kayden, "we won't let that happen Milah" he said, "how exactly are you going to stop it. I mean I already showed her signs of not being loved and I regret it now everyday. I will not stop loving her and I will kill this vampire if it means keeping her" I said. "I can't and won't let you do that, I need my Luna wolf in tact, I will figure out something else. There has to be another way to take him down" I said. "We will help you find one, for Lyla" Kleo said, "yes I will sacrifice my wolf if I need too" my dad said. "No one is sacrificing a wolf, we will figure this out I will not let  anyone hurt or take my little girl" Kayden said, I agreed with him and I hoped that he was right and he could figure something out.

We all decided to head to bed it was late and we all knew Lyla would be awake early, and keeping her happy these days was key. I would do whatever I could to show her that she was loved and make up for my stupid self in the past. I mean I felt like the world's worst mother how could I have been so cruel. I love her she is literally me in mini form and I wondered if she would have a white wolf just like me. I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about Lyla and what could happen. Kayden pulled me close, "talk to me my little white wolf" he said kissing me. "I am just so worried about her" I said. "I know love so am I, but I promise I will not stop searching for way to help her" he said. "I know I believe you but what if we do lose her?" I said, "We won't I am not going to let that happen" he said. I curled my body into him and took in his scent he was my safe place.

I felt as long as he and I were together nothing bad was going to happen, that our babies would be okay. I knew that as long as I had him and Kato protecting our family that we were going to be okay. Aspen bristled inside me she agreed and I knew she would love more time with Kato, "Kayden while my parents are here tomorrow want to go for a run?" I said, "I would love to little white wolf. Kato is practically there already" he said and I kissed him. I was already excited for the morning I fell asleep knowing that I would be with my Alpha tomorrow.

The next morning I was all excited to go with Kayden but he was called my Mack it was some sort of emergency. I mean I hoped it was a way to stop this vampire but in the end I didn't know and Kayden had his linked turned off that made me worry even more. I needed to know what was going on I hated being in the dark. "Milah honey were are you going?" My mom asked, "to find Kayden" I said. "Love if he wanted you to know what was going on he would tell you. Usually when and Alpha has their links to their Luna's turned off it is for a good reason" Kleo said. "Mom if it is about Lyla" I said, "than he will tell you, she is here she is fine lets not get all worked up about the what ifs" she said. I hated when she was right mother's were always right, but I still couldn't help but worry.

"Mommy look" Lyla said, "Oh baby its beautiful" I said as she handed me a fingerpainting and I stuck it to the fridge. "Mommy is daddy coming home soon?" she asked me, "I am not sure peanut" I said. "Mommy I don't want to leave" she said, "no one is going to make you leave Lyla we love you" I said. "He wants me too" she said, "who wants you to baby" Kleo asked, "the man in my head" she said, "what is his name?" Kleo asked, Lyla started to scream and I grabbed her, "its not real baby girl its not real" I said not knowing what else to do, I had a feeling he was torturing her in her mind. "Leave my little girl alone you piece of shit!" I said out loud. Then Lyla started to laugh it was so evil coming from her I didn't know what to think. It made Theo cry and my mom had to take him out of the room. I panic linked Kayden I know his was turned off but I was hoping my panic was enough.

A few minutes later Kayden was there and he grabbed Lyla, "Lyla look at daddy, he is not real, you need to fight him" he said. "Its to late for her Alpha and soon she will be mine" Lyla said but we all knew it wasn't her. "Get the fuck out of her head" Kayden said hugging her close and Lyla lost consciousness and I started to cry. He was really in there and there was nothing we could do to stop it. I couldn't let him get my little girl, Kayden let Sett into the room and he did some sort of spell. "I can keep him out for a short time, but he will get control of her again. I am afraid the next time he does it might be for good" Sett said. "We need to stop this" I said, "I am talking to all my contacts if there is a way to stop it I will let you know. For now give her this 2 times a day it will keep him out. I will make sure to show Vivian how to make it before I leave" Sett said. "Thank you" Kayden said as we both held our little girl and prayed to the moon we could find a solution. 

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