Eighty four

9 2 0


The next morning as promised Milah's parents were knocking on or door, and they were very excited to meet Arianna. Milah was glad someone else was there to fuss over her giving her a much-needed break. She looked to me and linked me

Are you going to tell me what is going on?

Soon, we are waiting for Mack and Charlie


Mack is here to help with details and Charlie is taking the twins

Milah nodded as she went to make breakfast, and Kato wanted to take over and cook for her but of course Lyla wanted to play. I played with her but kept glancing at Milah just in case she needed help I could tell she was stressing over this.

After breakfast, Charlie came and took the twins and Mack, Milah, her parents and I were sitting in our living room. "What is this about Alpha Kayden?" Quinn asked me, and I sighed, "as you all know Constatine was possessing Lyla. When we took him out of her head we didn't kill him. His soul was placed in an amulet" I said.

"Yes and it will stay there" Milah said, "well not exactly Mack" I said looking to me Beta, "I am not sure really this is just what I found out. If he were to complete and break 4 seals he will be able to come back. He already broke one using Kato to do it, and I am sure he can break 3 more" Mack said. "I am sorry he used Kato how?" Milah said, "remember when I went missing for 3 days?" I said, "yes" she replied. "Well he used me to break the first seal, Kato killed 20 people" I said, "he massacred them" Mack said, "really not helpful" I said to him with a tone.

"So what does this mean?" Kleo asked, "well he needs to break 3 more and one of them is to have 20 people sacrifice themselves to draw in power to a powerful being, the next one is to steal the life of a soul before they take their first breath. Last it so kill the person where all this began" Mack said. "I don't follow" Kleo said, "in order for him to come back he needs to kill the first soul he tried to claim, Milah" Mack said.

"No" Kleo and Milah both said, "I will never let it happen" I said, "how can you stop it no offense" Quinn said. "I will make sure this entire pack keeps her safe" I said, "What makes you think she is the first?" Kleo said, "his obsession with my family, and my pack. I just have a feeling and he won't stop until he gets her" I said. "How do we stop it?" Milah asked, "I am not sure, Sett has the amulet for now" I said. "Wait you gave it to a powerful being?" Mack said, "I did he said he could take care of it" I said. "Or he will release the next seal, Alpha you are an idiot" Mack said.

"Look it was no good having it here, I am not going to risk the lives of my pack or family because of some stupid Vampire. I will do what I need to in order to stop him" I said. "Which would mean sacrificing your wolf" Kleo said, "then so be it, Mack would make a great Alpha" I said, "wait what?" he said, "If I have no wolf I can no longer be Alpha" I said, "you are not going to sacrificing anything, this is my fight" Quinn said. "How?" I said, "she is my daughter and Blaze will be fine without me as his Beta. You have to much riding on this and I will not allow you to do it. Even if the other packs don't agree, you are the best king we ever had" he said.

"Thank you I appreciate that but are you sure?" I asked him, "I am my wife is no longer a wolf so I might as well join her. Then we will transfer to your pack and be with our grandkids" he said. "Daddy" Milah said, "its done Milah, I will not lose my only daughter to a bloodsucker he can join his wife" Quinn said. "Mack make it happen" I said, "yes Alpha" he said as he took off, now all we needed to do was find Sett and destroy Constantine once and for all.

I felt a panic link

Alpha your going to want to come see this


Come to the border now

On my way

"Trouble at the border, Milah do not fucking leave this house" I said she tried to protest but Kleo  stepped in, "she will be safe go" and Quinn followed me. Once we arrived I noticed right away the people outside the border. I knew they couldn't get in but what were they doing.

"They have been chanting something" Harley said, I looked around but didn't see anything, "Look" Quinn said he noticed something I didn't. I looked to where he was pointing and noticed Sett. "Wait is he?" I asked, "yes he is sacrificing them" Quinn said, "then we know he needs to die" I said. "Alpha wait" I heard as I looked to see Sephora, "wait?" I said, "yes he needs the power before he is destroyed Constantine needs that power" she said. "Then all those people will die" I said, "they are already dead" Sephora said as they all dropped one by one and Sett started to glow as he absorbed their souls.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and Beta Quinn shifted he was ready for this fight, I knew he would need some help, "Warriors lets help but Beta Quinn gets the kill" I said, and they all nodded shifting before me and I joined them. I dropped the border with my paw and Sett laughed.

"You can't stop me Alpha I already won" he said, I charged at him and he was able to dodge. This was going to be a hard fight but we were going to take him down once and for all.  After about and hour of fighting I could tell my warriors were getting tired but we finally did it we had Sett pinned and Beta Quinn went straight for his throat and ripped off his head. 

A mist left his body and Sephora appeared, "Beta Quinn are you willing to sacrifice your wolf?" she asked, he nodded and we heard a whimper as he fell to the ground. I didn't know what was happening but the black mist entered his body and Sephora did something. Within a few minutes Quinn was human and standing before us. "It is done" Sephora said, "and Constantine?" I asked, "is gone" she said with a smile.

"So that's it he is gone for good?" Mack said, "yes I felt him die inside me taking my wolf with him" Quinn said. "Thank you" I said, "I did it for Milah and my grandkids, not for you" Quinn said walking away. "Yikes well at least that is one threat down" Mack said, "yes deal with this" I said pointing to the dead bodies.

Mack rolled his eyes at me but he knew he would do it in the end, I wasn't sure how I felt about Quinn doing that. I know it needed to be done but at what cost? Was it really over? I just couldn't be sure. I had so  many thoughts going through my head and I needed more answers. I needed to find out what I could about vampires.

I knew Constantine was one of the most powerful ones but were there others? I needed to find the threats to this pack and all the other ones, I needed to be sure that the wolf species lived on.

I sat in my office, I knew Milah was with her mom and I just stared at my computer screen, it was obviously telling me nothing. I then received a call from Blaze,

"Hello Alpha Blaze" I said, "I heard what happened and I am sad to see Quinn go" he said, "he insisted and I am still not entirely convinced this is over" I said. "It is I spoke to Sett prior to this happening, he knew it was the only way. Quinn needed to be the one to do it" Blaze said. "Wait you knew about this?" I said, "yes I arranged for it to happen, I spoke to Sett and Quinn it was all planned" Blaze said. "I see and we are sure it is over?" I asked, "yes when Sett died I watched the amulet and it melted" Blaze said, "melted?" I said and he showed me a pile of liquid gold and it was in fact melted.

"Well I appreciate it" I said, "I know, there is talk though" he said, "about?" I said, "there are a bunch of wolves coming of age and they all want to become Alpha" he said. "That is up to their Alphas" I said. "No its up to you, you are the king, and you must figure out if they are worthy of being Alpha. We do have 2 packs currently down therefore 2 unclaimed lands that some of these wolves thinks they can handle" Blaze said. "I am not sure I want anyone on nightshade land" I said, "well its your call but if you say no be prepared for a huge war" Blaze said. 

I nodded and hung up fucking hell young alpha's was going to be a nightmare I guess I needed to figure something out. 

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