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I felt like awful when I woke up in the morning, I had no idea what was going on, but Lyla just did not sleep at all. I let Milah sleep, so I was up with her like 7 times, and now she was currently crying once again. "Baby girl you are giving daddy a hard time, and I need to go to work" I said to her. "Dada no!" she screamed at me, of course she was only 1 and I had no idea what that meant. Their party was later this afternoon and I needed to do somethings before going, thank god there was a knock on my door. I opened it to Milah's parents they were literally heaven sent honestly, "oh no Lyla is giving you a hard time?" Kleo said, "yes she was up 7 times last night and is currently crying for an unknown reason" I said. "Oh Alpha this is nothing you just wait" Kleo said as she walked in and scooped up Lyla. Milah was just coming out of the shower and her dad was now holding Theo. I kissed Milah, "I will see you at 1 for their party" I said leaving, I felt her sadness but I really did need to get some work done.

There were a few new laws that needed to be looked at and I knew that there was yet another threat out there. I mean why the hell couldn't the packs just leave me and my pack alone, I mean did I really need to destroy them all. I was beyond frustrated looking at the paperwork before me like what the fuck did my Beta do the last few days.

MACK!!  What the fuck!

Sorry Alpha um what did I do?

Nothing that is the thing, like your supposed to help me with this shit not make it worse

Oh um I am coming just hang on

Like fuck I did not need bullshit today and the thing I was looking at was giving me a headache. A few minutes later Mack was in front of me and I showed him the law I was looking at, "yeah um that one made no sense to me either, but like I didn't know what to say about it" he said, "This is never going to sit well with me, I don't care how many other Alpha's have kids, Theo is my heir and he will take my place" I said. "I understand that but um a lot of the other packs know about his condition" Mack said. "He is fine and he will prove that to them day after day but I will not stand for my kids fighting for a role that is meant to be theirs. I will not do it and this needs to be squashed. I killed the challenge for adult wolves and I will be damned if I let the children pick it up once again. Mack get rid of this challenge it is not happening" I said.

"Yes Alpha but um how exactly?" he said, "I don't care you are supposed to be on my side here and I am sure you do not want to see me destroy anyone who comes near my children" I said. "I do not want that no" Mack said as he left my office. I didn't care how he did it as long as I wasn't watching Theo fight for a position that was already his. Hell he didn't have to be king but he was going to be Alpha of this pack. I have watched him fight hard for the year and he was going to be a great Alpha.

I looked at the emails being sent to me from other packs and I sighed, honestly Arwen and Finn were idiots. I did not understand how some wolves were Alphas they do nothing but bitch to me about their problems. Finn was currently have a rogue issue and I didn't exactly know what he wanted me to do. A lot of his pack members were leaving and becoming rogues, yes it was bad for all of us but that was because his leadership sucked. I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted me to do, I hated rogues they always caused problems. It felt like I would be seeing more of these rebellious wolves soon and I knew Kato would not stand for bullshit.

I had young one everywhere given that Lexa was about to give birth here soon and Lillianna, Aurora is newly pregnant but even still. Hell I am sure Harley's mate Chantelle will be pregnant soon here too. It was like a soon as my pack knew our kids were doing well they all started popping kids out. I did still have a few pack members without mates but the majority of us did and my pack was just going to get fuller, I loved having the dynamic that we did. It was almost 1 pm and I sighed I still had so much shit to go through. I would be working well into the night, I only hoped the party would wear Lyla out enough that she would sleep.

I made it to the ballroom and was attacked by a little person, "hello princess" I said picking her up, "dada cake" she said. "Soon" I said as I put her down, and found Milah she had Theo and I hugged him as well. "Lyla would like cake" I said, "what else is new, that girl has been on a terror all morning" Milah said, "she is smart though already talking, Theo has yet to say anything" I said, "I know but he is doing things at his own pace, let's not rush him" Milah said. "I have a lot going on love with work, and the other packs are already threatening him for the throne" I said. "Are you kidding, he is a baby are they that threatened by him?" she asked, "yes and it is just going to get worse. Alpha's are brutal and a lot of the other packs think he is too weak" I said, "he is not weak!" Milah said I knew she would get worked up but it was her Luna power that I was hoping would make a difference. Aspen was bad ass and I needed her to fight for her children the way that I would and I knew she would not let me down. "I know love but its not something we need to worry about right now" I said. I wanted to try and enjoy the party.

Of course anytime I was to do anything remotely fun there was always a problem, "Alpha there are 5 wolves outside the border they would like to speak to you" Harley said. "I am busy" I said, "I told them that but they said it was important" Harley said, fuck I bet it was not that important. I sighed and followed me Gamma to meet with these wolves. I truly did hope that this was important enough to take me away from my children's  party.

"Alpha Kayden, we are here to ask you for permission to join your pack" one of the wolves said, "why would you need too?" I said, "well um we think our Alpha is an idiot sir" a female wolf said, "So you 5 are rogues and expect me to just pretend that you are not a threat?" I said, "no Alpha king sir we just um think you are the better Alpha, we will not harm or cause trouble. We truly believe you are the best Alpha out there and we want to follow under your command" a male wolf said. I felt like it was all a set up like I did not trust this at all, "I am not going to just make you all pack members, I will need to earn your trust first, but one issue from any of you and I will allow my wolf to do what he needs too" I said. "Yes Alpha" they said and I nodded to Harley as he let them in.

Of course it was not important but I made sure Harley knew to keep and eye on them as the 2 male wolves an 3 females walked into my pack land. I really didn't need trouble right now and I hoped that they were telling the truth. I went back to the party and it was a success, I was currently carrying Lyla in my arms she was asleep. I only hoped she stayed asleep because I was exhausted and needed to work all day tomorrow. I would need to let Finn know at some point his pack rogues were here and see how he wanted too deal with it. I was not about to take in stray wolves but here I am fucking doing it. I think I am to soft I mean hell Kato will rip anyone apart but me I am too soft and I need to be more ruthless or I will lose respect.

After getting Lyla to bed I collapsed on mine and Milah was there kissing me, god I wasn't even sure I had the energy to do what she wanted. Of course Kato didn't care and he forced himself forward so he could have sex with his mate.

*The next chapter will at some point have a time skip, as the Alpha's children age up*

The Alpha ChallengeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ