Eighty Two

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I felt the panic coming from Milah and I literally flew to my house, it took me all of 30 seconds to get there. She was on the floor hunched over and crying, "Milah" I said, "Kayden it hurts to much" she said, I picked her up and ran to Vivian, I linked her on the way so she was prepared. Was Milah in labor. I didn't know if the baby was ready yet to come out and I was still recovering myself. I knew Milah set my Beta on a witch hunt to figure out where I went, I was also looking into but she didn't know that. There had to be a reason that Constantine took over Kato but he didn't remember anything.

"Alpha set her down here" Vivian said, and Milah was hooked up to an IV and given some pain meds she seemed happier. "Alpha, Luna your baby is ready but they are in distress I am going to need to do a C-section to get them out" she said. "No" Milah said, I gave her a look, "the baby will be fine Luna but it needs to come out right now" Vivian said and Milah nodded but she started to cry. I kissed her head and held her hand, "its going to be okay" I said, and she looked at me with tears. I wished so badly I could go through this for her, I knew she would not heal as quickly from this. A few minutes later she was prepped and I watched as Vivian cut open my wife it was hard for me to witness. I could feel Kato whimper inside me he didn't like this either, a few seconds later I heard the baby cry. "Its a girl" Vivian said and I smiled I knew Lyla would be happy about that, Milah smiled too. Vivian cleaned the baby up and handed her to Milah.

"She is beautiful" Milah said, "just like her mother, think we should get her brother and sister in here?" I asked, "just give me a minutes please" Milah said, and I would give her the moon if she asked for it. We stared at our newborn daughter and it was honestly a weird thing I was already thinking of knocking her up again. Of course I knew Milah would kill me if I even brought it up so I would wait a little bit. "We have a name picked out yet?" I asked, "I am still thinking about it, I have a few in mind" Milah said. "I will love whatever you choose" I said kissing her head and our newborns. "Kayden get our other babies" she said and I smiled, I linked with them

Lyla, Theo come meet your sister



A few seconds later our kids burst into the room, "awe yay" Lyla said as she looked at her sister. "Daddy why another girl?" Theo whined, "that is just how life works bud" I said not really having an answer. "She is cute though" Theo said, "yes she is what is her name mommy?" Lyla asked, she looked to me but I didn't know either. "I am not sure yet" Milah said, "she looks likes you mommy" Theo said, "would be too confusing having her named after mommy" I said, "I like Norah" Milah said, "Norah is cute" I said, "I don't like it" Lyla said, "what do you like?" I asked her, "Lyla" she said, "well that is your name she needs a name of her own" Milah said. "How about Rosie" Theo said. "I don't like that either" Lyla said, "well missy it is not about you" I said looking to Milah.

"I have decided her name is going to be Arianna Lexie Dixon" Milah said, "I like that" Lyla said, and I smiled I liked it too. "Welcome to the world Arianna" I said as we watched her sleep, Milah would need to stay overnight and I wasn't going to leave her. I linked with Charlie,

Charlie want to babysit?

Of course, but um can we talk first?

Sure, I will meet you in my office


"Love are you okay here for a few minutes Charlie wants to talk" I said, "sure but is he taking the kids?" she asked. "Yes after" I said kissing her, I left as Milah was letting Lyla and Theo hold their little sister. I didn't know what Charlie wanted to talk about but it worried me, as I made it to my office he was waiting for me.

"Hey sorry I know you just had a baby" Charlie said, "its fine what is going on?" I asked, "Willow told me and I am not sure what to do or say" he said. "Just be there for her its all you can really do, I know its hard but my kids will always be a part of your life" I said. "I know but knowing I can't have one of my own it hurts" he said. "I wish there was something I could say Charlie, but there is always the option to adopt, I know lots of young wolves out there that can't take care of their pups" I said. "Its not really the same and I am trying to support her in whatever she wants but Shadow is crushed and I am not sure I know how to help him" I said. "Your wolf well get over it, trust me the mate is the important part" I said. Kato agreeing with me, "I know but ugh, thanks for encouraging her to talk to me" he said. 

"Charlie let me ask you this does it change how you feel about her?" I asked, "no not at all" he said. "Then it shouldn't matter either way, come meet our daughter" I said and he smiled. Charlie followed me to the hospital wing, and I knew a few people would be annoyed Charlie was the first to meet her but Milah and I had a reason for it. "Hey Charlie" Milah said when we walked in, "hey oh wow she is cute" Charlie said, "thanks, we wanted to ask you something" Milah said looking to me and I nodded. "Charlie will you be Arianna's godfather?" she asked, "are you serious?" he said, "yes very" I said, "I would be honored" he said and Milah handed him over.

I told Milah what Willow talked me to about she said I could and we knew how great he was with Lyla and Theo. We both felt that he would protect our daughter no matter what and him being her godfather was the reasonable choice. "Come on Theo and Lyla, Willow and I made pizza" Charlie said. "YAY" the twins cheered as they said goodbye to us and left with him. "We made the right choice" I said, "I know but I think we need to let the other meet her too" Milah said, "we will when she is at home, right now she is about to cry for food and I am exhausted" I said. "You are exhausted" she said, "I meant you are exhausted" I said kissing her head, she rolled her eyes at me as she fed Arianna. I lay beside her and closed my eyes only to be woken up by someone linking me. I sometimes wished I could turn it off, it was Mack,

Alpha I am need to see you right now

Is it important we just had our baby

Yes I am sorry I found something

Okay I am coming

Milah was asleep and Arianna was in her bassinet thing also asleep I figured I had maybe 10 minutes. I rushed out and met Mack outside my office,

"What did you find out" I said opening the door and he followed me in, he had is tablet with him. "Look at this" he said, I was looking at a huge field and it looked like a bunch of dead bodies, "What is this?" I said, "this is nightshade pack lands, all of them died" Mack said, "okay but no one lives in nightshade anymore" I said, "they aren't wolves Alpha" he said, "what are they?" I asked, "humans and by the looks of it about 20 all together" he said. "I am confused why are you showing me this?" I asked.

"I had Sett go check this out, and he sent me this picture, he said they are all human and were ripped apart" Mack said. "Your thinking I did this?" I said, "I don't know, you were gone for 3 days and you don't remember. Constantine needed you for something and Sett's guess is he using you to do his dirty work so he can come back to life" Mack said. "Is that even a thing?" I said, "it is but its a nasty process, the first step is to kill 20 people in the place he wants to be resurrected" Mack said, "what is the next step?" I said, "you aren't going to like it" Mack said. "Tell me" I said, "he needs his first victim" Mack said, "his first victim?" I asked confused. 

"Milah was his first victim he needs her drained of her blood" Mack said, "fuck that" I said, "I know but are you sure he isn't still in your head?" Mack said, "even if he was no way in hell would I ever hurt Milah" I said. "I know but Sett thinks he is going to try anything" Mack said, "well then he needs to be destroyed once and for all" I said. "Problem is we have no idea how to do that" Mack said. "We will find a way Mack he is not touching my wife" I said and he nodded.

I knew my pack would protect their Luna even if it was from me in the long run. I sighed I was hoping Constantine was gone for good, I as the Alpha needed to be extra careful.

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