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I felt numb, at I wanted to believe that I wasn't going to lose my family forever, then the door opened. I knew the only person who could get in was Milah, I felt her beside me if felt nice, I didn't know why she was here. She cuddled into me and she smelled incredible this made Kato stir and I flipped her over onto her back and kissed her. I missed her and I needed her to know that I wasn't mad. I made her feel everything and she moaned under me as I took her. My sexy pregnant wife and I made sure she felt everything as we finished having sex. I lay back and she rested her head on my chest. 

"We are going to have to talk" she said, "I know" I replied but for now I was going to just savor this moment. "Kayden I know you felt what you did was the right thing, and I am just as upset trust me. I just feel like you overreacted, and I hate how you never included me in your choice" she said. "I am not at all sorry for what I did Milah, I am sorry you felt excluded but he deserved it. He was laughing and he wasn't at all sorry, I know he would do it again if he had the chance. I am the Alpha for a reason Milah and I have a bond with everyone in the pack it is why my blood is used to welcome them. He would have tried it again" I said. "Fine I get that but what about Britney?" I said, "what about her? I didn't kill her I am teaching her a lesson she was the one who helped him. I feel that she is sorry and I will talk to her about it, but for now she stays put" I said. "What about Nathaniel?" she said, "don't even start with me about him he has nothing to do with this and that is my business. How did you get in the dungeon?" I asked her, "doesn't matter" she said. "I knew it was Mack and he would regret that later, "Milah I never want you to go in there it is not a good place, and I am only trying to protect you and our kids" I said. 

"That is another thing, you keep excluding me from the pack decisions I feel like just a modern housewife. I am not allowed to make choices and I am supposed to be the Luna of this pack but you treat me like I am just a incubator for your spawn" I said. "Milah you know that isn't true, and I can include you in stuff if you want but its not exciting, I can guarantee you that. I figured while the kids were young you would want to spend time with them" I said it was the truth. "I want to be respected among the pack" I said. "You are trust me but if you want to feel more involved Milah I will pass some duties onto you" I said. "Thank you" she said, "anything else?" I said hoping that she would allow me to come back home. "No nothing else" she said, and I rubbed her back. "So am I still banished?" I asked, "no you can come home the kids miss you" I said, "good I miss them too, and I love you my little white wolf" I said. "I love you to Kayden but I don't love the dark Kayden" she said.

"I am sorry but it comes with the price of being Alpha and Milah I will not defend my actions to you. I do what I have to for the sake of you, my kids and this pack. Trent was bad news, and I can only bet he isn't going to be the last one either" I said. "Okay I get that but please involve me this time especially if it involves our kids" she said. "Deal, come let's go find our kids, Lyla's link is wide open and she misses us" I said and she kissed me one last time before our kids occupied our time. We walked out together and found the kids with Charlie and Willow she looked overwhelmed, and Charlie was having a blast. "DADDY Lyla said running towards me Theo joined her a few seconds later. I hugged them both, "nice to see you back on your feet" Charlie said. "Thanks for watching them" I said back, "anytime man they are great" he said and I laughed because Willow looked like she was about ready to call it a night. "Milah love I will meet you at home I need to just talk to Mack" I said. "What is it about?" she asked, "nothing I promise just what happened while I was down. I will tell you all about it if you want after" I said. 

She took the kids and walked out as I went to my office I knew Mack was there, I walked in, "Alpha" he said standing up really fast. "Mack what are you hiding?" I said, "nothing Alpha I swear" he said. "Mack what do you think I should do about you letting my wife into the dungeon?" I said. "No that is not fair she is very intimidating for a small thing and her hormones. I had no choice" I said. "You had plenty of choices, and if you ever take anyone down there again I will strip you of your rank" I said. "Understood sorry Alpha but um are you back?" he said, "I am" I said, "Oh thank god the other Alpha's are pissed" he said, "about what?" I asked, "everything Kayden, they are scared Lyla is going to destroy us all. They are worried that this vampire is going to destroy us all" Mack said. "Whatever I can't deal with this today" I said, "okay are you all coming for dinner?" Mack asked, "I don't know we will see" I said walking away and I headed back to my house. 

Lyla was on me before I even opened the door and I played with them while Milah watched, "want to join the pack for dinner tonight?" I asked, "taking the kids there is a lot of work" she said. "I know but I think its necessary and the Luna should be with the Alpha" I said. "Oh so now you are involving me" she said. "I always involve you Milah please don't do this" I said, "fine we can go but they are your responsibility" she said. "Okay deal" I said as I kissed her getting Theo to giggle. "You like that buddy" I said, and Lyla started to cry, "what?" Milah said to her, "daddy mine mommy" she said and I laughed that was hilarious. "You can have him Lyla" she said, "oh come on you don't mean that" I said. "Oh trust me I do" she said giving me a wink. I knew she was playing at leas that is what I figured the wink was about.

We headed to the pack house and Theo being the shy one clung to his mother, man if he intended to be Alpha he was going to have to be stronger. Lyla ran into the pack house and straight to Charlie. It was interesting how much she liked him. I had no idea what they did together but I had a feeling their relationship was the reason he agreed to sacrifice his wolf for her. "I am glad to see you out of that room" Aurora said.  "Yes well I came to my senses" I said, "good are you two okay?" she asked me indicating to my wife. "We are fine, nothing to worry about it" I said. "I hope so I would hate to have to do something about it" she said. "Aurora that is your Luna and you will not talk about her like that" I said. "Sorry but she just ugh!" Aurora said and I laughed hormones were getting to her too. She was due any day now and she was excited to have this baby.

The food was brought out and everyone was seated, I grabbed the plates for my family and brought them. "I want to thank everyone for sticking with us I know that the whole vampire thing scares everyone. I am figuring it out and my priority is first t my family and that includes all of you. I will do whatever I can to protect everyone here. Please trust that" I said. "We trust you Alpha but is she okay" a girl said, "for now yes she is a typical child, and by the time it is a problem I am hoping to have answers" I said. "We are with you Alpha" everyone said and that made me feel better as I started eating and the rest of the pack joined in. 

Things were going to be okay and my kids were happy for now, I would need to figure out this vampire thing. I am going to have to deal with the other packs and I know I am going to need Milah's help. This wasn't going to be easy involving her but she wants to be included so I am going to do that. Even if it scares the hell out of me especially with her being pregnant. I know the twins will be okay as Charlie was having more fun with them then they were. I knew he would come in handy while Milah and I figured out this vampire thing. 

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