Seventy four

10 3 0


The next few days were challenging as I tried desperately to figure out a way to defeat a god, I mean everyone could hear the 3 headed dog, fluffy was angry. I was just glad the dungeon was holding. I knew that the vampires essence was inside it and I either needed to get rid of that or kill fluffy all together. So far my search was coming up short, I even had Blaze trying to help he had Sett looking into it. Sephora was not able to find a solution either as she thought fluffy could beat the vampire.

I mean he did because my daughter is safe but now fluffy is possessed and it's only getting worse. The longer the vampire is inside him the stronger he gets. He can't be killed and I'm running out of options. My pack is not safe here because if he gets out then we are all dead. I do not think fluffy will back down. This has me extremely worried especially for the children. I also needed to protect my mate at all costs she was the link to all of this.

I was looking into her bloodline and vampires were after her family for centuries. Her parents didn't know much about it and that just made me more curious. Mack was doing research for me, and I hoped he came up with something soon. I was beginning to get worried and stressed. My computer pinged it was a video call from Alpha Roan. I still had no idea why he wanted me to take over his pack. With how things were going with mine right now I didn't need this added onto my plate.

I sighed but answered, "Alpha Kayden, I am sorry things are taking so long. I will be there within the next few days to explain. I am just getting my affairs in order" he said, "of course take your time. Things here are a little chaotic" I said, "so I have heard and I may have a solution for you. It will however need to wait" he said. "A solution would be nice" I said, "yes I will be there soon and I will hopefully be able to help" he said hanging up. What the hell was that? I mean fuck if he could help me it would be nice if he just told me. I would much rather have the solution now, I was getting nowhere and getting annoyed. I was just about to go home to my family when I received a panicked link.



He is escaping!


I ran out of my office and to the dungeon, Mack was trying to keep the door latched. I shifted and ran towards him Kato being stronger than me, I knew this was going to be bad. I linked with Mack so he could hear me.

Get everyone inside and do not let anyone out.

I am not going to leave you alone

Yes you will and I am ordering you as your Alpha now go!

Mack had no choice and he ran inside locking the door, I looked back to see Milah and my kids watching me through the window. They looked horrified and I know keeping them safe was my first priority. I had no idea what I was going to do but I backed away from the door and let Fluffy free. I was hoping he would just leave and this would all be over, a god who never died was dangerous and I didn't want him anymore. The three headed dog looked right at me and growled and I let Kato all the way through he was growling back, I felt sick I was going to die right here.

Kato backed away slowly we needed a plan and getting one was not going to be easy, I had no idea what to expect. Fluffy charged at me fuck and even if I ran this thing was huge my chances did not look good. I could feel Milah through the mate bond she was worried. Hell I was worried I did not have a plan here. I knew the vampire wanted to kill me not so much fluffy himself. Damn I sort of wished wizards were real and they could say a spell to get me out of this. I knew killing the vampire essence would not work but in order for fluffy to be mine again I needed to do just that. Either that or trap it, I prayed to the moon because honestly I was running out of options here and fluffy was closing in on me.

I felt a presence beside me and it was Sephora, she summoned a trap. It looked like it was enchanted or something. "This will hold 2 days then it falls, I hope you can come up with something" she said. I had 2 days to do what I mean I wasn't even sure that was enough time. I needed to get my pack to safety, then I felt someone slap me hard.

"Ouch" I said, "what the hell were you thinking? Do you realize he could have killed you" she said. "Yes I knew that could be an option" I said, and she slapped me again, "ouch" I said. "Kayden" she said, "it was to protect you and our family hell this entire pack. I am the Alpha it is my job to protect you all" I said. "If you died who would be Alpha?" she said, "Mack, as Beta he would take over" I said. "Our kids? I mean you do know that I would die as well right?" I said, "Our will says they go to Aurora and Maddox but I might change that honestly. I think Charlie would be a better option" I said. "FUCK YOU!" Milah said and ran off, I mean yes I get she was mad. If I died she would to and therefore so would our un born child.

It is my duty as the Alpha to do what I can to protect my pack and Milah was strong if anyone could survive the curse of mate death it was her. I truly believed that and she would be a great Luna to the pack. She already is a great Luna to the pack and she would get even better with time. I mean I believe her bond with our kids these days is stronger than with me. We have been butting heads a lot and we are not as close. I mean don't get me wrong we love each other but we have been growing distant. She was moody these days and mad at me for getting her pregnant once again.

I hope when Roan came here this solution worked because fluffy would not last in this magical prison. My pack would not survive fluffy and I needed to figure things out. I would not let anyone outside the pack house. This made quite a few people happy because it meant no training. "Alpha" Charlie said walking up to me. "What?" I said knowing exactly what he wanted. "I want to help kill him, I can't let your family get hurt again and I sure as hell won't let our Alpha go down either" he said.

I sighed, "I appreciate it I do, but think of how devastated Lyla would be without her Charlie. I know you are not wanting her to get hurt and trust me I will never let anything happen to my family. It is my job as the alpha to protect everyone. I don't know what is going to happen but Constantine is after my family and I will do what I can to protect them. Please Charlie don't help. I need you here to take care of my kids" I said.

I could feel Milah again she was listening and she was pissed I know she didn't want me to go against her either but I had to do something, and her and I both know I need to be the one to do it. I made everyone sleep in the great room it was big enough for everyone. The babies were crying but other than that it was quiet.

Aurora and Maddox were trying to get Eva to settle and Milah was comforting Theo. Lyla was with Charlie and I snuck out I needed to be sure fluffy was still trapped. I lay outside watching him all night not getting any sleep. I had my link open to my entire pack and everyone slept soundly except me. I was going to be sure they all stayed safe.

The next morning bright and early I went to the border to meet with Roan I needed the solution now more than ever. My anxiety and stress level through the roof. Until my pack issue was resolved I could not even think about his pack. I just hoped he understood and that whatever he had would work. I was desperate and he as of right now was my only option.

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