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I first needed to find out of my sister was okay, then I would figure out the rest of this mess. I know Colin was dealing with it but he was linking me and it was a mess.

"She is going to survive, it will take some time but she is healing" Vivian said, "good make sure she heals fully before releasing her" I said, "yes Alpha" Vivian said as she continued to heal my sister.

"Maddox that goes for you too, I don't need her convincing you she is fine" I said. "Yes Alpha I am on your side" Maddox said. With that I left I needed to help my gamma an address the silver moon pack that still remained.

As soon as I walked outside I noticed the death that followed, a lot of my pack were dead and a lot of others too. This hurt me more than I could express, their lives would not be forgotten.

I noticed the cerebus and he walked right up to me and sat down, "yeah he is yours now I guess" Colin said. "Interesting, what do we call him?" I said, "Fluffy?" Gianna suggested and it made laugh,

"First and foremost how many of them are on our side?" I asked, "not sure they won't talk" Colin said. I kissed Milah before I walked over to those gathered.

"I am Alpha Kayden and I will not stop any of you from leaving if you do not wish to be here. However if you do remain you will be under my pack and I do not take well to threats. If you feel the need to threaten me or anyone in my pack I am sure my new friend over there will be happy to destroy you" I said pointing to the three headed dog.

I did notice a few people flinch and then I spoke again, "if you would like to remain then let me know if not I suggest you move along" I said. The first to walk over to me was Harley and he had a girl with him.

"Alpha this is Chantelle, and she would like to stay" Harley said, "welcome Chantelle, and I take it you finally gave him his mate" I said, "yes Alpha" she said, "good maybe you can turn is frown upside down" I said. She laughed as I made her official so she could link and mark her mate.

Another group of girls walked up to me and I wasn't surprised girls usually tend to make the first move. "Alpha Kayden we would like to stay if we can" one girl said, "okay what are your names?" I said, "I am Britney, this is Haley and Veronica" Britney said. "Well nice to meet you all" I said linking them to our pack as well. I did notice that not a lot of the silver moon pack remained.

I knew that this meant the silver moon pack was no more withe beta and Alpha both gone. I needed to the other packs but for now I walked up to the 5 guys standing there, "staying or going?" I said.

"Screw you" one said, "you can leave, anyone else?" I said, "We don't take order from you" the same guy said. "When you are on my pack lands you do and if you are going to continue being an ass in front of me you will regret it" I said.

"I am not scared of you" he said, and I shifted right there and took him down, this made Fluffy as Gianna called him come over and he stood in front of the group. I shifted back to a human, "then you can take it up with my new guard, Fluffy make them leave" I said.

This definitely made them listen as they all fled off my land pretty quickly I would need to tell the other Alpha's about the 6 rogues males now running around. They were a threat because they were against me.

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