Seventy two

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꧁༺ 𝓚𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓮𝓷 ༻꧂

All you could hear was the sound of our paws hitting the dirt. Everyone silent as we ran towards night shade. I figured it was the best place to start, I knew the rogues gathered there. I honestly didn't know what we would be running into. I stopped just outside the night shade border. I couldn't hear the buzz so I knew it was not up anymore. My warriors beside me,

I do not need any freelancing we stick together and do not try be the hero

Yes alpha

Mack: are we even sure he is here?

No I'm not sure of anything

Mack: great

Look Mack you are pissing me off go home if you don't want to be here. Lexa keep your mate in line or I will find myself a new beta.

Lexa: yes alpha. Mack please

Mack: he's just pissy because he doesn't know what to do.

Now he was really pissing me off so I walked up to him and Kato took over. He had him pinned down so fast Mack had no chance to react.

I'm the alpha you will remember that and if you don't Kato will have no problem showing Aztec who he responds to got it

Yes alpha

With that Mack finally shut the hell up I knew the others were with me. We pushed forward and I knew we were surrounded it was like they were waiting for us to arrive.

They were in wolf form like us but we couldn't hear them because they were not a part of my pack. I needed them to make the first move was it going to be attack and ask later or shift and talk. I waited as they came closer and closer, I knew they weren't going to shift.

They are going to attack us I want everyone on alert and do not get hurt or Milah will murder me understood.


With that being said they lunged and so did we, I am not sure if this was planned or if they were hiding something. It took us a little over an hour to win this fight, all my warriors still standing no one appeared to be hurt. 

I shifted looking around, and then I saw him, standing in the distance watching, it was either him or I was hallucinating.

"Come fight me!" I said to him, "now is not the time Alpha, but mark my words this will not be the last time you see me. Tell me how is my girl?" he said, "Fuck you!" I said, "that good I take it, well Kayden you will see me again soon" Constantine said as he vanished, I heard Charlie whimper. and I knew he wanted to go after him and just help Lyla.

"FUCK!" I said as I shifted back into wolf from and sniffed around he had to still be here that couldn't be it. I mean we just killed all these rogues and for what? For him to tell me that he would see me again, damn it this was so frustrating as I knew he had a plan but I couldn't figure it out. I wasn't going to sit around and allow him to take over my daughter's mind, I saw out of the corner of my eye my warriors shift before me. I was still letting Kato figure this out he was very protective of his children. 

"Alpha please tell me what we are doing?" Mack said, at this point I didn't know, and I ran in the direction that I saw Constantine. My warriors following behind me I could hear them but no one dared say anything to me other than my pain in the ass Beta. Kato growled and I knew he was till here, fuck I could smell him. He might have vanished but he was not gone and he was watching us and it was driving Kato into a frenzy.

All of a sudden I was on the ground and I felt like I was being burned alive, what the fuck was going on. I didn't see a fire, it was making me whimper. "ALPHA!" my warriors said they didn't know what was going on either.

"See how easily I can make him think he is on fire. I am stronger than he is and you all better take note. I will get what I want" Constantine said. "What is it you want?" Mack asked as I couldn't move. "Time will reveal that wolf but for now I want your Alpha to know that this could he his daughter if he tries anything again" Constantine said. With that I saw Charlie attack and I would have stopped him but I was in pain. Whatever he did had me immobilized. 

I didn't just see Charlie I saw Sephora and before I knew it Constantine had been taken down, I regained my composure and walked up to him. I shifted so I could  speak, "you might be stronger but I have more allies. You back the fuck off my daughter unless you want to join your wife" I said. "Please if you kill me your wolf dies, as an Alpha that is not wise" Constantine said. "Alpha, I can detain him long enough to get him to your dungeon" Sephora said. "Do it Sephora" I said and she did her magic. It was interesting to watch, I saw him go limp, "I will meet you back at your pack house" Sephora said.

"What good is it going to be keeping him locked up he has powers" Mack said, "he has weaknesses and I will figure them out" I said to him as I shifted and ran towards the pack house. My warriors following behind me, I made haste and was there in no time.

Sephora was there and I entered the dungeon and he was placed in a cell, "wait you still have him?" Sephora said, referring to fluffy. "Yes he only answers to me though he is my guard" I said, "ALPHA! this is perfect the is a god and he can't die!" Sephora said, "okay" I said not fully following her. "He can kill Constantine; I am not sure at what cost to him but he doesn't have a wolf to sacrifice" Sephora said. "I never thought of that, thank you Sephora" I said as she left, and I looked to fluffy, Mack was with me.

"This is a bad idea" Mack said, "do you have a better one?" I asked, "no but if this doesn't work you realize the first one he goes for is Lyla" Mack said. "Mack what is the problem with you lately? why are you questioning my ever move?" I said, "I um well I just worry" Mack said, "well don't go worry about your own family" I said, "I do that is why I am worried" Mack said, "Fluffy kill him" I said and my three headed dog attacked the vampire. I mean damn he definitely did a number on him. 

From what I could tell he was dead, but I wasn't sure and I couldn't be sure and Milah was channeling me something was wrong.

I ran to my house and my daughter was crying, "daddy it hurts" she said, "what hurts baby?" I said, "everything ow daddy make it stop" I said, I looked to Milah and she shrugged and I picked her up and took her to the hospital wing. 

"I am not sure what I can do" Vivian said after a few minutes, she put her into a coma for now as it was the only thing to stop her being in pain. "FUCK!" I said wondering if I made a mistake, all of a sudden Lyla sat up, "you lose Alpha!" she said as she attempted to walk away, "no" I said as I grabbed her and she was strong but I wasn't going to give up. 

"Lyla fight this I love you, we love you please fight this" I said, "it doesn't work like that Alpha she is mine now and you can't win this war" Constantine said. "Vivian" I said, "I don't know" she said to me with sad eyes. I held onto my daughter for dear life, what the hell did I do. It was so hard to hold onto her as Constantine took over her mind and I was losing this battle. 

Just then Milah and Theo came into the room and saw me struggling, Theo looked at his sister and knelt down beside me. "Lyla don't leave me, I need you, we are a duo! you are my twin sister and I need you. Please don't leave me, I need you to help me with our new sibling and to figure out mom and dad. Plus Charlie needs you, he doesn't know it yet but he does, Lyla I love you and I will always needs you by my side. Please you are my other half" he said, Lyla stopped struggling and looked at him and screamed loud. I wasn't sure what just happened, but a few seconds later she was hugging me. 

"Lyla?" I said, "its me daddy, he is gone" she said, "gone as in for good?" I said, "yes I think so" she said, and as a family we sat there and cried. I mean I wasn't sure if it was over for good but as of right now Theo just saved his sister's life. I knew in this moment he would make a great Alpha. 

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