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˜"*°•.˜"*°• Mack •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Kayden couldn't be serious allowing him back into this pack. Fuck I am so fucking pissed off, I pretty much just dug my own grave. I lost it on the alpha now I'm supposed to just forgive this piece of shit. I heard someone come into my office as I threw a coffee mug across the room.

"Awe love talk to me" Lexa said, this story was hard for me to tell. The only one who knew my entire story was Kayden and I wasn't sure I was ready to tell it. "I can't help you unless you talk to me" she said. I kissed her then sat her down on the couch in my office. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"This is going to suck for me so just bear with me. It's been a long time since I told this story" I said, " I'm here for you love always" Lexa said, "Charlie was my best friend we did everything together. He even moved with us when I was 11. His parents died and mine took him in. We came to Kayden's pack, his parents were still here and alive. They accepted my family into the pack easily we used to be on the run. I think we were in Easton's pack before and well it sucked. Anyways we were all hanging out and things were getting intense there was talk of killing the Alpha. At the time it was Kayden's dad, and Maddox and his parents fled which made us all think they had something to do with it. Of course we had no proof but Charlie came up with a plan. Kayden was watching his parents and we were going to help them. Charlie decided that a firework would be distracting enough to help. Well after he set it off he didn't realize that it wasn't a firework but a firecracker so it exploded inside of the pack house. My parents were in there and never made it out, Charlie was trying to figure out what went wrong and he saw a wolf fleeing. He went to stop him but we realized it was Kayden he shifted when he was way too young. His parents had been killed and so were mine. Charlie tried to fix the problem but he ended up making it worse the fire spread taking out almost the entire pack with it. Thankfully Kayden's wolf was huge and he was able to convince everyone to get out. Charlie tried to play it off like it was a big misunderstanding and explaining what happened. He killed my parents and didn't even feel bad for it" I said I needed to keep going.

"Then after Kayden was made official Alpha Charlie hated it. He went crazy and shifted himself he attacked and Aurora tried to protect her brother, Charlie ended up hurting her pretty badly and then he turned on me. Charlie's wolf went rogue as it was technically what he was. He would have killed me if had no wolf yet but Kayden stopped him and kicked him out of the pack. I haven't heard or seen him since" I said. He was not even sorry at all not only did he kill my parents but he hurt Aurora and almost me . Kayden just forgave him like that it was bullshit.

"That is awful I'm sorry, everything you said sounds like it was a mistake though. You helped with the firecracker right?" Lexa said, "are you seriously taking their side fuck Lexa you are my mate" I said snapping at her, " Mack please I am on your side but you are so fast to blame Charlie a lot happened that day, you don't even know if it was the fire that killed your parents and he was so young he couldn't control his wolf" she said. "Get out Lexa I'm not talking to you about this, I told you my side and you're fucking on theirs" I said.

Lexa wouldn't move and I stood up if she wasn't leaving then I was. "Mack" she said but I slammed the door. Kayden was there and he was the last person I wanted to talk too, "Mack my office now" he said, fuck him honestly. Before I could run off he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside his office. I didn't want to talk to him but I never had a choice. "I never told you this before because you were so quick to blame Charlie and I never knew before. Your parents didn't die in that fire, they tried to help mine and were killed in the process. They were all dead long before the fire" Kayden said, "I don't believe you, how can you forgive him after everything he did" I said.

"I haven't yet but he is trying okay Mack, yes he messed up that day and so did you. Charlie was your friend before try and at least give him a chance. If he doesn't prove he can be forgiven he won't stay. I know it's hard and you blame him but he's not the only one who screwed up that day. We all made mistakes" Kayden said.

"Fine but I'm not going to sit lightly" I said. Kayden nodded and I left his office I needed to apologize to Lexa. She didn't deserve that but forgiving for me wouldn't be easy. I blame him for everything but now I wasn't sure I had a reason too, if what Kayden said was true then Onyx killed my parents or his followers did. They died the same way as Kayden's. All of this made zero sense and now I wasn't sure.

Lexa was still in my office it was if she knew I would be back. "Did he help?" She asked, "no but now I'm just not sure, I am sorry" I said, "it's fine I'm not upset with you. I get it you were hurt and he was supposed to be your best friend. You felt it was his fault but a lot happened that day and now you don't know" she said. "I don't but honestly I'm not sure I could be friends with him like I was" I said, "no one is asking you to be but just maybe don't yell at anyone" she said. I laughed and kissed her. I wanted to have sex with her right here and I was thankful she wasn't stopping me.


Mack had every right to be pissed hell I know I still was, but Charlie came with important information. I am still trying to figure it all out. The day my parents were killed changed my life and I will never forget it. Charlie played a huge role in that and not even Mack knows this but Charlie turning to kill him was not the reason I kicked him out. He had Alpha blood in him and I kicked him out so he didn't take my place, no one knows what happened to Charlie's parents but him turning as young as he did made him Alpha material.

Of course now he couldn't be Alpha but he could have back then. The coronation was happening in tomorrow and I just hoped we could squash this threat. I had enough on my plate and I would never let anything happen to my kids. I wanted to be present for this party but of course I would be on guard the entire time.

I needed to call my warriors in and fill them in on the plan. I needed everyone on alert because nothing could go wrong.

Warriors my office please

A few minutes later I had my entire warrior team with me. "Alright I need you all on alert tomorrow. Maddox, Harley you will make sure everyone who enters the border are not carrying or doing anything to harm my family. Lexa you are on Milah duty she will not leave your side ever, Mack you will be with me, the rest of you will patrol around so no one gets a chance to get near us. Everyone can look but there will be no touching of any kind" I said.

"Yes alpha" they all said and left now that it was all set in stone I went back home. My entire family was asleep and I knew the babies would need to be fed soon. I made 2 bottles and fed Theo first he was the loudest, for a baby with a tiny heart he could really scream. He had his appointment with Vivian in the morning before the coronation. We were going to see if he needed surgery or not. Them being so small healing was harder for them, if this happened it could kill him. It scared me to death but I was choosing to believe that my little heir was going to be fine.

I put Theo back into his bed and fed Lyla she was ready for it. She was so much bigger than her brother. She was also more alert so I played with her for a bit before getting her to sleep. I crawled in next to my soon to be wife and I couldn't be happier.

Tomorrow needed to go perfectly I was relying on my pack to keep my family safe. I didn't need this to go wrong and I couldn't be as alert as I needed to be. I was getting married tomorrow and that was my priority.

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