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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝒶𝒽 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  

We headed to town for dress shopping in all honesty I didn't want to do this, but Lexa and Aurora both insisted. I really didn't want to indulge Onyx either I hated nightshade pack and I was very nervous. 

"Girl you okay?" Lexa asked me, "yeah fine" I said as we climbed out of the car, I felt bad for Harley he was stuck with us for the day. "You are a bad liar Milah" Lexa said, "yeah even I knew you were lying" Aurora said.

"I am just nervous, like what does challenge mean, I am so new to all of this and what if I lose?" I said. "First off you won't and second and trust me when I say this my brother would rip Onyx's throat out before he ever marked another girl over you" Aurora said.

"That is another thing I don't want Kayden hurt either" I said, "he won't and girl we have your back" Lexa said. "Absolutely plus I know that Lilliana's wolf Anya is scary" Aurora said, "she is not" Lilliana said.

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better" I said, "but you don't feel better" Lexa said, "nope not in the slightest" I said. "Well lets find you a kick ass dress one that will make sure my brother can't take his eyes off you" Aurora said.

We spent a good few hours searching stores and we were not getting any luck, then I heard Lexa gasp. "Its perfect" Aurora said looking at it, "I am going to freeze to death in that, you do realize this is an outdoor thing" I said. "Oh come on you are a wolf, plus the Alpha can keep you warm" Lexa said.

I tried on the dress and unfortunately it was perfect, and I did feel sexy in it. I also knew Kayden would not be able to resist. "Fine you are right it is perfect" I said, "and this too" Aurora said holding up a jacket that matched it perfectly.

"Thanks for this girls, and I am sorry Harley for dragging you around" I said, "no problem just doing my job" he said. "Which was?" Aurora asked, " Keep you all safe and bring you back in one piece" Harley said. Aurora rolled her eyes, and I laughed she hated her brother being so bossy.

As we were walking back to the car I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, someone was watching us. I swung around only to be grabbed by some creep, "you are so beautiful" he said and before I knew it he was on the ground and Harley growled at him. The man ran off pretty fast after that.

"Are you okay?" Harley asked, "yeah thanks um was he a wolf?" I asked, "nope human that is why he ran so fast when I growled" he said. "I see um maybe don't mention this to Kayden" I said. "Oh um well I sort of linked him" Harley said, "Harley!" Aurora said, "what he has been tuned into my head all day not like I could shut him off he would be pissed" Harley said.

As soon as we arrived at the pack house, I didn't even have a chance to step out of the car before Kayden grabbed me. "Are you okay did he hurt you?" he asked, "calm down I am fine all he did was look at me and tell me I was beautiful" I said. The growl that came out of Kayden was anger and dominance at the same time.

"Before you go all wolf and hunt him down brother of mine Harley scared him off pretty good" Aurora said. "I want to rip his head off" Kayden said, "he didn't do anything please for me just let it go" I said grabbing his arm and making him look at me. He calmed down a bit and said, "fine" as he walked me inside.

It was just before dinner and he spun me around before I could walk upstairs, "I had all your stuff moved to my room, and my lock is ready for you. Just scan your hand for it to register you, and movies can be watched in the room on the 4th floor" he said. "Thank you Kayden" I said kissing him before heading upstairs.

I put my hand on the scanner just like he said, "Milah Nolan Luna access granted" and I liked that it called me Luna. I set my stuff down and decided to shower before heading downstairs to dinner. His shower was incredible and I took full advantage of it before climbing out and getting dressed.

I towel dried my hair and left his room closing the door behind me, I wasn't paying attention and I missed a stair rolling my ankle again. I went down, and it hurt a lot, not just a minor sprain this time. I linked Kayden trying not to cry, I didn't know if he could feel my pain yet.


He didn't even say anything he was there in an instant and I literally didn't know how he was there so fast.

"Damn Milah are okay?" he asked me, "Ow no" I said he picked me up and took me to the hospital wing where Vivian was waiting.

"Oh no what happened?" she asked me, "I missed a stair" I said, "Okay lets have a look" she said being again so gentle. 

As she took an x-ray I looked to Kayden, "how did you get to me so fast?" I asked, "I was on my way up and I heard you fall, plus you linked me as you did it and ugh Milah I am so sorry" he said. 

"Don't be this was on me I am a klutz and I am sure it won't be the first time I get hurt" I said. Vivian came back, "it is broken Milah but it is healing already, and with some rest it should be just fine in about 5 days" she said. "Wait our mating ceremony is on Saturday" I said, "so?" Kayden said.

"Kayden I am not doing it with a broken ankle" I said loudly, he looked to Vivian, "we could try giving her your blood it might speed up the process, like I said male wolves heal faster than female" Vivian said. Kayden tried to give me his blood, "no I am not doing that" I said.

"Then you will need to rest it" Vivian said, "If I rest it until Saturday what are the chances of me walking on that day?" I said, "I am not sure maybe like 80% given that it is Thursday" she said.

"Milah" Kayden said all dominant like and I was not having it, "thank you Vivian" I said as I looked at him. Kayden growled but he knew he wasn't going to win the argument so he picked me up and carried me to dinner. 

The pain was already getting better or it could be the painkiller that Vivian gave me. Kayden set me in my chair and went to get us food.

Everyone looked starving as they waited for their Alpha, "Milah you good?" Lexa asked, "I am fine, just fell down the stairs" I said. "Damn girl you need to watch your feet" she said, "that won't help" I said to her and she laughed.

Kayden came back with food and like always he put way to much on my plate, but I thanked him anyways. Once Kayden took the first bite the rest of the pack dug in, and you could hear chatter going on around us.

Mack sat down and said, "Alpha more packs have agreed to come" he said, "Later" he said, "no I want to know about the challengers" I said. "Later" he said a bit grumpy, and Mack left, "Kayden what are you keeping from me" I said getting a few people to stare at us.

"I am not discussing this at dinner Milah now eat" he said with power behind his voice, "NO" I said and I tried to stand up forgetting about my ankle. Kayden caught me and I immediately regretted standing. "Dammit Milah" he said as he carried me to his office and Mack was right behind us. 

I felt Lexa try to link me but I ignored her I wanted this conversation in private.

"Kayden tell me" I said, "so far there are 6 challengers" he said, "um make that 10" Mack said.

"No fuck this I am not having it, she can't even walk down the stairs. Mack fix this and fix it now" he said. 

"How?" he said, "I don't know but she is not fucking challenging anyone I will not watch her get hurt" he said angry and I saw that Kato was coming through.

"Deep breaths Kayden, I am going to be fine" I said, "Milah no I can't" he said, "look I get it okay and I am scared too but Aspen is ready for this and I will be fine I trust her" I said. He looked at me and kissed me, "I will figure something out" he said. 

I knew he wasn't going to let me do this no matter what I told him, he picked me up and carried me upstairs setting me on the bed and leaving. I figured he was going to figure somethings out  but I hated how he was getting so worked up.  


I have your back girl but he is right you know

I know but how is he going to stop it?

I don't know

I am worried

I will always have your back 

Thanks Aspen.

The Alpha ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora