Fifty Six

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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝒶𝒽 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

I didn't know it was possible to lose more sleep once your kids were older. I mean I know they are only 1 but during their naps I couldn't get everything done let alone actually sleep. I slept terrible at night because I was always so worried about Theo. Everyone keeps telling me he is fine but I just can't help but worry. Lyla is waling and talking while he just lays there he doesn't even try to move around much. 

Then there is all the talk about him not being fit to be Alpha if he was to be Alpha today I would agree with them. Lyla is definitely Alpha material she is the boss and literally screams when she doesn't get what she wants. The only person who seems to get through to her is Kayden and he is working a lot these days. There have been some new arrivals into the pack and he just doesn't trust them. 

I ask myself everyday why he let them in in the first place, but questioning means questioning his authority. Unless you want your head bit off its best to just leave well enough alone, I had just finished feeding the twins when there was a knock on my door. I opened it to someone I didn't know, "hello I am Charlie and I thought I would come officially meet my Luna" he said. "Oh um are you one of the rogues?" I asked, "kind of this was originally my pack a long time ago, and well its complicated" he said, "right well now is not really a good time Charlie" I said, "I am sorry do you need any help?" he asked, "I am fine" I said but I spoke to soon as Lyla had decided to wear her yogurt dumping it on her head. 

"Oh who am I kidding yes please help" I said as I took her into the bathroom as I needed to now bathe her. Did I think it was smart leaving Theo with someone I didn't know of course not but I had no choice. I linked with people to see if they could come and help,

I need help! I have Charlie with Theo but I don't know him

I heard someone in my house before I heard anyone in my head, "don't touch him" I heard Mack say. "Mack um what are you doing here" Charlie said, "helping my Luna, you can go" Mack said, "okay but I was helping too" Charlie said, "get the hell out of Milah's house before I throw you out" Mack said. "Look you are being ridiculous we were kids and it wasn't my fault" Charlie said. I had to come into the room because it was getting out of hand. I had Lyla in a towel and I walked into my living room. "Both of you get the hell out! if you can't get along, fighting in front of Theo honestly. I am appalled" I said. "I am so sorry Luna" Mack said, "get out" I said and I mean it as both of them left. Theo started to cry and Lyla was shivering I had to get her dressed as I quickly found something and dried her hair the best I could.

I cuddled with Theo as Lyla played in front of us, "mama" Theo said and I could have died right there. "Yes baby awe Theo honey" I said hugging him tighter. I linked with Kayden

Theo said mama

That is awesome love dealing with something talk later

Of course the one person I wanted to share this news with was busy, and here I was dealing with both our children alone. I mean I know he is the Alpha but still its hard and I am exhausted, "Mama ook" Lyla said as she was now playing in the yogurt I didn't clean up off the floor, I sighed as I put Theo down. I grabbed some paper towel and washed her off the best I could, I would bathe her again later. Why is she is so active over Theo like its like they are months apart. I was sad for my boy but exhausted from my girl like I wanted to just cry.

꧁༺ 𝓚𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓮𝓷 ༻꧂

I know Milah was having a hard time with the twins but right now I was dealing with the damn rogues I let in. "Why are you all here?" I asked, "Charlie is here and we figured we would be safe" Georgina said. "What do you all have to do with Charlie?" I asked, "nothing it is just we know he was a rogue and then he came here" Georgina said, "I need a reason to keep you here and right now I don't have one" I said. "We won't do anything Alpha we just need a place to sleep" one of the males said. "I need names" I said, "I am Georgina, this is Nolan, Morgan and Trinity" Georgina said. "Where is the 5th?" I asked, "I am not sure" Nolan said, "I am sorry you are all going to need to leave" I said. "Why we didn't do anything?" Morgan said, "you didn't no but your Alpha is on my ass and he is accusing me of taking you so I am sorry I can't" I said.

I knew they were disappointed but I just couldn't have yet another pack Alpha threatening me because I have already killed two. I was not about to go and kill a third because of some random rogues. I watched them leave the border and closed it behind them I needed to go and find this fifth rogue. "Charlie just the idiot I wanted to see" I said spotting him he was talking to a girl, the 5th rogue. "Alpha, this Arabella" Charlie said, "look I don't care if you ever go to my house again without me being there I will put you in the ground you hear me" I said, "Yes Alpha" Charlie said, "and another thing deal with your differences with Mack by the end of the day or you are gone understand" I said. "Yes Alpha" Charlie said walking away, "Arabella was it?" I said, "yes sir" she said, "I am sorry but you are going to need to leave" I said, "what why?" she asked, "there is just to much going on and I can't be taking in strays" I said as I took her to the border.

I noticed the others hadn't left, but I didn't have time to deal with it as I needed to go check on Milah and the kids. 

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Mack •°*"˜.•°*"˜

I can't believe Milah would let that scum into her house like what the hell was she thinking. I was pacing my office when I heard a knock, "come in" I said before thinking to link with them. Charlie entered well no wondering I couldn't link to him. "What the fuck do you want?" I said, "look I very much want to stay here but I can't because of you" he said, "good you know where the exit is" I said, "Mack come on were just kids, and I didn't know Kayden was going to be this amazing Alpha" he said. "If you think for one second the reason I hate you is because of Kayden then you are delusional" I said.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked, "you are a piece of shit, your stupid plan made Kayden turn into a wolf at 13 and kill wolves. Now yes he is a great Alpha but he was a dick back then, and you tired to kill not only me and him but his sister. I had to deal with the aftermath of all of that, you were gone" I said. "Okay so I still don't get it?" he said, "you are fucking stupid! just go please do us all a favor" I said, "Mack look I am sorry okay, we were friends once and I know we can be again. I am sorry please just let me prove that to you" he said. "Whatever Charlie just go" I said and literally pushed him out of my office and out the door.

Harley was linking me to the border and I rushed over there to see the 5 rogues that were here before.

"I thought they were inside?" I asked, "they were but Alpha told them to leave now they refuse to leave and are throwing a fit" Harley said. "Let us in, we want to show your Alpha a thing or two" Nolan said, "yeah no thanks, unless you want to die" I said, "we want him to let us in" Nolan said. "He is a very busy man you will have to come back never" I said as Charlie came up behind me. "Guys go please" he said, "come with us Charlie" Arabella said, "not right now I am working on things here" Charlie said, "go Charlie it will be better for all of us" I said, "Mack" Harley said giving me a look, "what he is a dick" I said, but Charlie didn't leave despite how badly I wanted him too. 

He did however convince the other rogues to leave, I guess I did have to give him that, would our relationship ever change I don't know. I guess only time will tell. 

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