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Preparing for this alpha thing was exhausting if it were up to me I wouldn't care. The other Alpha's I could understand that they would want a strong leader to take over. I still don't know why I needed to be the judge.

Mack thinks it's because I'm the strongest and best Alpha out there. If you ask me he's just being a suck up. Him and Lexa are trying for another baby and I keep him busy.

I knew Milah was tired too her Luna duties were getting more intense. She wanted to be involved more so I was allowing her that but she also needed to care for our kids. Lyla and Theo were older and capable of being out with other pack members. Arianna well she was a handful and required 24/7 supervision as she didn't sleep.

You would think she would want to but she just cried most of the day. My door opened and speak of the devil was my wife with our crying daughter. Kayden I swear she is going to be the death of me.

I laughed taking her and letting Milah have a break. I knew she was most likely just fed so her only problem was sleep. I turned on my computer and tried some music.

That didn't seem to be working, now I wasn't getting any work done. I was getting a video call from Blaze and I needed to take it.

"Arianna please let daddy take this call" I said as I stuck a soother into her mouth. She was quiet for the time being. "Alpha Blaze what can I do for you?" I answered

"Keeping busy I see, I'm just trying to figure out if you are inviting all packs?" He said, "the invitation is open to everyone, not everyone needs to come. I figure it will be quick to figure out who is Alpha material plus Kato is a good judge of character" I said.

"That I know already, I just feel like you might need a second pair of eyes" he says. I laughed, "by all means" I said and added him to the list. I still didn't know if I was going to enjoy this or not. Arianna started to cry again and I knew I had to call it quits. There was no way I could concentrate on laws and paperwork with her.

With this event tomorrow I just hoped nothing went wrong. I had a feeling something would it most likely always did. I had my kids being protected at all costs they would have warriors with them. Milah would be with me and Kato would never let anyone touch her.

Mack was in charge of this event and honestly I trusted him. I was only needed for the challenge at the end. They would prove their strength against me. Well none of them would be even remotely close but it was the thought that counts.

I spent most of the day with Arianna and it was dinnertime before I saw my wife again. "Kayden I am so sorry" Milah said. "Its fine I figured your new job  is keeping you busy?" I asked her, "yes and I love working, being Luna has its perks" she said, "Oh and did you help anyone today?" I asked. "I did in fact, and I think it helped. I had no idea so many people would come to me with their problems" Milah said.

"Being Luna is not easy but the pack trusts your advice, you are their leader and their queen so to speak. I am not surprised that so many people reached out to you. I for one think you are incredible" I said. "Well you are my mate and husband so  you would need to" she said, "hmm little white wolf do not tempt me I have a sleeping baby" he said. "Challenge accepted" she said and I grinned. I put Arianna down carefully and went to her pushing her against the wall.

We had maybe 10 minutes before Charlie brought the twins home, "I can make this quick" I said taking her to the bedroom. She giggled and held back her moan, I was able to get her to climax as I finished and we quickly recovered as our kids came home.

"Really?" Charlie said, "cram it Charlie, thanks for taking them" I said, "no problem and can I talk to you outside for a second" he said. "Sure" I said as I hugged the twins and followed him.

"Everything okay?" I asked, "no it isn't this whole thing tomorrow has me nervous" he said, "why?" I asked, "well for one I may have had  a few run ins with Alpha Darius and the wolves in his pack.  A few of them might not be to accepting to the fact I found my mate" he said.

"What does that mean?" I said, "it means we need to be cautious there are a few female wolves and one male wolf that might have it out for me" he said. "I will make sure you are safe but Charlie you will be okay with my kids? Do I need to hire someone else?" I asked. "I would just to be safe, I am not sure what to expect" he said. "Okay you just be careful" I said and he nodded and left.

This had Kato on edge because I knew something could go wrong I just didn't expect it to be with Charlie. I am guessing these wolves were going to stir up some trouble, I sighed as I went back inside. "Daddy!" Lyla said and I sat down to play with her Milah giving me a look as she fed our infant. "Later" I said and she nodded, the last thing she needed right now was to worry about our children's safety. I mean we had enough of that as it is. 

After getting the twins to bed and successfully putting Arianna down I finally was able to sit down with Milah.

"Everything okay with Charlie?" she asked, "yes he just has some not so big fans coming tomorrow. We are just going to need to be cautious" I said. "Our kids are with Charlie" she said, "I know I have that covered and a few of my warriors will help and so will Cole" I said. "Okay because I don't need to worry about them" she said. "I know" I said kissing her and taking her to bed. I missed her and her smell was intoxicating.

It was a rough sleep as Arianna woke up several times, and I groaned when the alarm went off. "Love I need to get stuff done before 10 when this thing starts" I said, "I know go we will meet you there" Milah said as I left.

I managed to make it out of the house before the kids saw me and I felt that was a win in itself. Milah's parents would be coming with Blaze and I would be making them official into our pack, the bad news however they were both Human now. This meant we would not be able to link with them. They would be living in our guest house though as it was the closest to ours and would help us with the kids.

I was getting Linked 


In my office Mack

and a few minutes later he and Harley were standing before me

"Problem?" I asked, "no everything is set we just need to get approval on this" Mack said handing me a form. 

I read it and laughed was he being serious, "is this for real?" I asked, "yes we thought it would be a nice touch" Mack said. "I am not sure what it has to do with becoming and Alpha but sure if you can make it happen" I said and they nodded and left.

I knew there would be fighting involved it came with being Alpha an getting people in line but a giant pit of Jello. I mean it was just going to get sticky but I would also get to see who didn't mind getting their paws dirty.

I managed to get some paperwork done and I was surprised to see Sephora sitting in a chair when I looked. up. "Hello Alpha" she said, "hello the only time you visit me is when danger is coming" I said. "Yes I do have some unfortunate news" she said, "what is that?" I said hoping this wasn't going to be a problem

"I have been hearing gossip among towns and packs further out then the ones you currently run. Vampires are lurking and are not to happy your pack killed Constantine. I am not sure what is going to happen yet but I feel you might need to be aware" she said. "Great just what I need, are they all power hungry?" I asked.

"Not all vampires are able to manipulate like him,  Constantine was a true blood vampire most of the others are his creation. I do not think they are as big of a threat. They are however still just as dangerous" she said. "Can they be killed?" I asked, "that I am not sure of yet but I will find out and get back to you" Sephora said as she vanished. "Just fucking great!" I said as it was now time to go and deal with this stupid challenge. I was now in a very pissed off mood so it would not go well. 

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