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This was all too much and now I was being physically forced into a new pack, I mean I should have just listened to my dad. I knew this was a huge mistake, I am not sure I want this.

My wolf pushed through to mind link me and it was weird hearing her in my head,

We met out mate it was worth it

I know but he is an Alpha!

A sexy one too


Oh come on admit it even in human form he is smoking

Okay yes but still its a lot

I know but I am here for you always


I had a feeling my wolf was going to take good care of me, but I still felt like this step was huge and I was not ready to just dive into being full on Luna yet. I was not ready to officially be marked being in the pack was one thing but marked.

There were 3 of us being sworn into the pack, and we needed to be made official by Kayden and with blood. Like what the hell was that, I mean at least he wasn't asking us to drink it, just basically touch him. I could do that, I mean touching him shouldn't be a problem right he is my mate.

Lexa went first and it seemed okay nothing happened to her, then the boy from Crystal blood pack went next and nothing happened to him either. Kayden stood in front of me and he smiled, man that alone could send me to my knees.

"Ready?" he asked me and I nodded as he cut my hand and our blood touched and I instantly felt weak and he grabbed my arm and steadied me. "That would be the mate bond reacting" he said and I knew he felt the same wave of electricity join us together. I could only imagine what would happen if he were to officially mark me.

"This is so exciting" Lexa said as her mate Mack stood behind her, "Now you are officially Mystic Shadow pack members. You will be able to mind link to the pack in both forms and you will now be able to pass through the border if need be. I would recommended not doing it, there is also training every Monday to Friday if you choose to be a part of that Colin will be around to help" Kayden said.

I couldn't take my eyes off him Aspen was right he was definitely something to look at with his muscles and black hair that framed his face perfectly. Even his blue eyes could turn heads, I was mesmerized and even though this whole thing terrified me at least my mate was sexy.

I would never be able to look at another guy ever again now that I had eyes for him,

you won't need to plus he would never let anyone touch you

My wolf Aspen said coming forward, I knew she was right, but being 18 and now mated for life was a lot for anyone except maybe Lexa.

She was always so strong and collected, and I envied her my entire life, she was the definition of what I wanted to be.

A girl was walking up to me she looked younger than me but not by much, she was beautiful and had the same black hair as Kayden.

"Oh my gosh you are beautiful, I can't believe my brother finally has a mate!" she squealed, I saw Kayden roll his eyes.

"Aurora leave her alone" Kayden said, "no this is like super exciting the ALPHA and my brother finally after 7 years has a mate" she said with excitement.

I could see the family resemblance for sure, and she was beautiful too,

"Glad I could fill the position" I said trying to sound confident.

"Ah! I am Aurora by the way and your hair is so amazing" she said,

"Thanks I am Milah" I said, "well Milah welcome to Mystic Shadow and I hope you can finally tame him he can be a grouch" Aurora said.

"Aurora go bother your own mate" Kayden said, and she smiled walking over to the boy that Kayden welcomed. She was really young to have found a mate but I mean I guess so was I. Kayden had been doing this for 7 years which would make him 24 oh man I feel so young in comparison.

I know wolves have a long lifespan but this was a lot and I just needed a place to think.

"Um is there somewhere I can freshen up, maybe change?" she asked me, "yes of course" Kayden said as he grabbed my hand. I instantly felt the warmth and it was comforting it made me feel at peace. I had a feeling he was going to be good to me, even if this was all a huge step.

"Normally I would let you onto my floor and we would share my space but I am not sure if you are ready for that" he said. I wasn't ready for any of this, it was all way too much for me to take in.

"Oh um" was all I could say, as he opened a door to a beautiful bedroom and I thanked him as I walked inside. It was perfect, I settled right in calling my parents because I know they would want to know.


I wasn't sure why my mate was so hesitant but I was going to do this at her pace, I was not going to push her. I needed and wanted her in every way, Kato was happy but he also was telling me to let her come to us. I mean I am not a patient man and her being so young and only shifting today for the first time worried me.

I left her on the 4th floor even though I so badly just wanted to take her to mine and have her live there. Like I said I was going to take this slow, I sat in my office and sighed, I was not sure how patient I could be here. Every part of me wanted to mark her and make her mine but I knew it needed to be done the right way.

I felt the mind link and someone was pushing through it was Mack

Alpha Onyx is coming to your office! I tried to stop him

FUCK! this was another thing why the hell was he here, it was no doubt to check up on me as he knew I would challenge him.

He didn't bother to knock as he burst in my office door Mack right behind him, "Alpha Onyx" I said as politely as I would allow.

"Kayden I see you finally met your mate, I can't say I am surprised, I heard she turned for the first time today. Pity she is not going to be very strong" he said,

Kato growled inside me as he spoke so lowly of our mate, I growled, "what the fuck do you want?" I said instantly regretting those words

"That is no way to speak to your King Alpha, honestly Kayden I knew you were not meant for this role. As you are an Alpha you will need to mark your mate in an official ceremony you will invite all the packs. It will be done properly and by my rules, if another women objects then your mate will need to fight for you. If not well then I wish you and your mate good luck" Onyx said as he turned and walked out of my office.

I waited a few minutes after he left my room before I grabbed a coffee cup and smashed it against the wall. Mack stood there staring at me,

"I finally after 7 years find my mate and I need to do some special god damn show! I fucking hate his bullshit!" I spat,

"Well you are an Alpha and its a big deal" he said trying to lighten the mood,

"Fuck being Alpha she is not prepared to fight for me she has only been a wolf for one day! I mean fuck Kato would never allow another woman to be my mate" I said, I felt Kato agree inside me as he stood foreword.

"I get it Kayden but maybe we can be careful who we invite" Mack said, "you heard him Mack I need to invite all the kingdoms. I mean I just know that Milah is not going to want this, she is fragile and literally a new wolf. Making us become mates for the entire kingdom is overkill" I said.

"I know but you are the Alpha" he said, I tossed a pen at him and he knew it was my way of saying fuck off.

I turned off my mind link I was not in the mood to talk to anyone after Mack left and I just wanted to be alone. My head was spinning and I knew the only way for me to calm down was to go for a run, I tore out of my office. I ran past the people gathered in the courtyard and let Kato through as he took over my mind. Before I knew it was running through the trees on all fours and it felt good, to just let go.

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