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*Time Skip*

Twins are now 3 and Remy is 1

I had literally no time on my hands dealing with my toddlers, and Remy most of the time as Lexa was here. Aurora has been so sad lately and I felt awful for her, she ended up miscarrying her baby half way through. Maddox was having a hard time getting her to do anything and she wouldn't listen to me either.


Maddox everything okay?


"Sorry love I need to go" I said kissing Milah as I ran out the door, I had no idea what was going on. I rushed in her room, "Oh Aurora no" I said as she was covered in blood, "she used this" Maddox said holding up a silver knife. "Dammit Aurora!" I said taking her to the hospital wing.

Vivian was able to help a little but silver did damage, we were able to stop the bleeding thank god. She opened her eyes, "what the fuck were you thinking!" I said to her I was pissed, "don't yell at me okay! I am hurting" she said. "I get that and what you went through Aurora it sucks, and I am sorry. Right now you are not thinking of anyone but yourself, if you die Maddox dies, my twins grow up without their Aunt. It would kill me if you died!" I said to her. "I lost him, he was so little" she said. "Fuck Aurora it would be so much worse if we lost you, I am so pissed at you" I said. "Whatever Kayden" she said, "no I have had it you are on lock down and if you try something like this again I will have you admitted" I said leaving her with Maddox.

I was so pissed off I ended up shifting right there Kato was dying to get out and release some anger as we ran along the border. I could sense Kato's anger and he was ready to rip someone's throat out. Kato stiffened and I didn't know what he was  seeing or hearing,


Are you sure?

Yes I can smell him

Fuck Kato find him

I let myself out of the border and we searched around but didn't find anything he vanished as fast as he arrived. That is the one thing I hated about vampires they were sneaky bastards that didn't give a shit about anyone.

I made it back home making sure to keep Maddox and my sister linked, "everything okay?" Milah asked, "No Aurora tried to kill herself" I said, "oh my word is she okay?" Milah asked, "she is fine but fuck Milah I don't know how to help her" I said. "Neither do I losing a baby is hard" Milah said as our two toddlers chased each other in the yard.

Theo was stronger now and he was a force to be reckoned with, he was growing and becoming a little fighter. He was so smart too it was like he was waiting to be older to thrive, I was proud fi him and knew he would be a great heir. Lyla was stubborn as hell and could throw a mean tantrum, and she always fought for attention. Milah and her were getting closer but I could still sense her jealousy when her mom paid attention to Theo but it was even worse when Remy was here.

It was almost as if my little girl has this bottled up rage inside her and when it came out we would all suffer. She was inconsolable and would freak out so badly that I worried for everyone's safety. I had to literally restrain her and I wondered everyday if the vampire had something to do with that. I mean for a little girl she had a lot or rage and I just didn't know how to deal with it most days. I worried for her.

I was being linked again and this time it was more just sad I felt my sister and she was crying. "Milah you good for a bit?" I said, "yeah is it Aurora?" she said, "yes she is sad I feel like she is linking me for a reason" I said. "Okay go" Milah said kissing me I know she was just as worried for her as I was but for now she needed her space.

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