Sixty Two

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• Mack •°*"˜.•°*"˜

I wanted to help Kayden figure this out with his daughter, but there was so very little information on vampires. I was beginning to get annoyed as I felt little arms wrap around my legs, "DADA" my son said to me, "hey buddy, daddy is working" I said, "DADA Up!" Remy said, I picked him up as I continued to stare at the computer screen. "DADA!" he said slapping me, "dude I am busy and you are not helping, where is your mother?" I asked him. "Mama gone" he said. "Wait what?" I said and just as I was about to link her she came in the door, "Remington you can't run from me and bug daddy" she said. "He told me you were gone" I said, "yes well I turned my back for 1 second, I was going to come in here all panicked because he was missing" she said. "We are in trouble with this one" I said, "not as much as Kayden and Milah are, did you find anything?" she asked. "No and I am at a loss, like it is as if vampires don't exist" I said.

"They do though but they are sneaky and right now he is taking over Lyla's mind and I am afraid to bring Remy there" she said. "I know I can feel Kayden's fury and worry and its starting to put me in edge" I said. "Mack don't let him get to you because he needs to realize that you have a family too" she said. "He does and I know love I just want to help her so bad, if anything happens to Lyla you do realize our Alpha is going to lose his shit" I said. "I am well aware but we as a pack need to make sure nothing happens to her right?" Lexa said, "we can only do so much I can't even find this bastard vampire" I said. "Language there are little ears in the room, and we will find him Mack but take a break play with Remy" she said. I couldn't deny her, and I did miss him, so I followed her out of my office. 

Of course, it didn't surprise me when we ran into Kayden on the way, "Mack I need to borrow you" he said. Lexa rolled her eyes as she took Remy from me and he started to cry, "he will be back in 10 minutes tops little dude" Kayden said as he pulled me into his office. "Mack did you find anything" he asked me, "no it is like he doesn't exist" I said, "he was talking to me today through my daughter! he needs to be found Mack today, we think his name is Constantine" Kayden said. I looked at him and I knew that name I read it somewhere and I went to his computer.

"Ugh you and your damn password" I said, Kayden typed something in and watched me as I pulled up the file I found. He read it, "I thought you said you didn't find anything" he said, "well I didn't know this meant anything until I heard the name, if this is Constantine, Lyla is not the first child wolf he has taken" I said. "Explain" Kayden said, "well according to this here, he started about 40 years ago that was the first sighting of a vampire, and he took a young wolf. He corrupted her into turning on her pack. She killed everyone including the Alpha, no one knew why she did it. Then he killed her taking her soul, he takes souls! It is said he plans to wipe out all packs and make Vampires the dominant species" I said. "MACK! this is huge and you said you had nothing?" Kayden said, "I didn't know it was him and he is impossible to find, Alpha if he has control of Lyla we are all in trouble" Mack said. 

"We are figuring it all out, Mack what else does it say?" Kayden asked, "nothing really, he has become more ruthless after losing his wife, but killing me kills the wolf" Mack said, "yes I know Milah's mother killed his wife, and that is why I think he came after out daughter" he said. "Shut up? so this is like sort of a revenge thing?" Mack said, "I am not sure, but this piece of shit needs to die and we need to find a way to take him down that won't kill our wolves" Kayden said. "Okay but can I go and see my son, he has been needing me" I said, "of course I will be calling a pack meeting in 2 hours" he said walking away. Man I could feel how stressed out he was and it was not good. I for one was glad it was not my son going through this but I really did feel for Lyla and I worried for her. 

꧁༺ 𝓚𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓮𝓷 ༻꧂

I was ready to rip off heads, anyone who pissed me off today was going to get an earful from me. Now I knew for sure that this vampire was Constantine and he needed to die, I knew that killing him directly was out of the question but something needed to be done and it needed to be done today. I of course knew that I couldn't ask anyone to give up their wolves that was not a pleasant thing. I did however need to put the offer out there, I had no other choice, I wasn't going to let my family suffer. Lyla is uncontrollable now and he she is terrified, and I don't blame her she is small and literally vulnerable. I let Mack have some time with Remy before calling a house meeting, and I sort of did it with anger.


I waited at the head of the table Milah by my side, as Theo and Lyla played in the corner, I had my mind linked to them both. Within a few minutes my entire pack was before me and were all waiting to hear me out. I looked to my kids and then to Milah and she nodded at me as I began speaking to my pack.

"As you all know, Lyla was taken when she was 6 weeks old, we now discovered that the vampire is controlling her. His name is Constantine, and he intends to have her turn on all of us. We are trying very hard to prevent that, I will not have anyone harm my daughter and if anyone tries it well it won't be pleasant trust me. I am not asking anyone to do this but I am putting the offer out there. The vampire must die but killing him will sacrifice the wolf, and as Alpha my wolf is needed. I am asking for your help here in order to stop him, to either find a way to stop this vampire without hurting anyone in the process or just down right killing him" I said. 

The room was oddly quiet, and I wasn't sure what everyone was thinking, "I will do it Alpha" Charlie said, "You will do what?" I said, "Kill him, it will give me a chance to prove to you that I am on your side, I don't need a wolf" Charlie said, "Um babe" Willow said, "no Willow it needs to be done, I don't want Lyla to get hurt or taken" Charlie said, "I will help him" Willow said, "she won't" Charlie said, "Enough, figure it out amongst yourselves, first we need to find this bastard" I said. "You will never find me Alpha and your daughter will be mine" his voice rang through the room.

I looked around and Lyla was standing on the table, "anyone one who dares stop me will suffer the consequences. No wolf will remain alive!" he said through my daughter and Milah ran to her and made her drink the remedy that Sett gave us. I found it was only helping her for so long, Lyla cried and Milah hugged her. "FUCK!" I said this was starting to piss me off, and the entire pack now saw how bad this really was. "Alpha I don't mean to be a dick here but is she a threat to us?" Paul said. "The only threat to you right now Paul is me, if you ever think of touching my daughter" I said, "Understood sorry Alpha" Paul said, I didn't need this bull shit, 

"FIND A WAY TO STOP HIM NOW! THAT IS OUR MISSION EVERYONE DISMISSED" I said and everyone parted ways. Charlie lingered, "Alpha I meant it when I said it I am willing to do what I can to help" he said. "I appreciate that but you should talk to your mate first" I said, "she is fine with it, she will be fine with it. I need to do this" Charlie said. "Charlie you are forgiven and I would rather we find a way without harming the wolf" I said, "of course Alpha but if it does come down to it I am willing to be the bait" he said. I nodded and thanked him again as he left, I had no idea he card so much. I know Charlie needed to redeem himself but this was like suicide, I hoped that we didn't need to go down that path. I just needed to find answers and fast.

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