Seventy Eight

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Of course I knew that I couldn't give up the throne I mean none of the other Alpha's would be able to handle it. I just knew Kato and I were the only ones who were capable but it was still a lot of work on my part. Even Blaze said he was glad it wasn't him, managing all of the packs was hard. A lot of them still hated me and I thought Roan was one of them but turns out he trusted me. He was dead now and his pack was coming here this worried me more than anything because I didn't know how loyal they would be to me. I didn't want to have to kick them out or anything like that.

Hell I was having our pack house built bigger for them so they better be damn grateful, I felt my mind link and I laughed.

I am so damn bored!

Love you need to rest

Fuck rest I need to move around like I am dying here Kayden

Give me 5 minutes

Why what are you going to do?

Just wait 5 minutes

I knew my kids were with Charlie today, I would need to check in with Willow later I had a feeling she was struggling with it. I finished up the little bit of paperwork I had and ran home to my wife. "that was 6 minutes" she said. "Sorry my little white wolf" I said kissing her and pinning her to the bed.


"Kayden this is not bed rest" she said, "you are in bed are you not?" I said, she laughed, "I mean sure" she said. I was going to show her a good time I couldn't have my wife bored and alone, I knew our kids were good. I took her clothes off and kissed every part of her taking special care of her stomach. I had a feeling I knew what we were having but she wanted to keep it a surprise. I pulled Milah close to me and slowly pushed into her, she moaned but it was more of a growl. It had been a while since were intimate she was always mad at me. 

I mean I didn't blame her but I was going to show her who she belonged too and I fucked her hard. "Kayden" she screamed out my name and I squeezed her breast and kissed her as I continued to pound into her. I was drawing the process out wanting her to really feel everything and how much I loved her. Ten minute later she screamed out her orgasm and I finished as well I rolled her onto her side and held her in my arms. "Good?" I said, "great" she replied and I just held her, I wanted her worries to melt away. "The baby is kicking me so hard right now" she said. "hmm well our little baby loved it too" I said kissing her neck and placing my hand on her stomach. 

"As badly as I want to stay here with you all day my little wolf I have work to do" I said, "I know but I enjoyed this" she said. "I did too" I said kissing her one las time before leaving, I knew she would fall asleep. I made it back to my office only to be annoyed that my beta was outside the door. "Must be nice taking a sex break" he said, "shut up what do you need?" I said, "Well the new pack members arrive tomorrow and I am just making sure everything is in order" he said.

"Okay and you need me why?" I said, "I am wondering are we making them all official? Like with mind link and all?" he asked, "only if they choose it, and I am expecting a bit of controversy so I want you and Harley to deal with it" I said. "Deal with it how?" Mack asked, "you are my Beta Mack figure it out" I said. "I mean okay but I just don't know what to expect" he said. "If they do anything to harm or piss anyone off deal with it however you see fit. This is our pack and we will not tolerate bullshit does that help?" I said. "Yes Alpha" he said and left.

I sighed sometimes I wondered about him I mean he was a good Beta but he didn't always trust his instincts and I needed him to be more confident. I could be babysitting my Beta, the times I was down he was a great leader. I mean I give him props for having me locked in the dungeon when Merida took over Kato. That is the Beta I need, lately it was like was constantly seeking my approval. I needed to get to the bottom of that, I figured Lexa would know but first I needed to talk to Willow.

Willow can you come to my office?

Yes Alpha

I am not sure why everyone felt scared when I linked them I mean was I really that bad?  I know Milah told me a lot of the girls found me intimidating but I was trying not to be but I needed to be Alpha. That means sometimes being the tough guy and putting my foot down, there was a slight knock on the door, "come in" I said and Willow walked in. "Don't look so scared Willow you aren't in trouble" I said. "Sorry Alpha it is just the first time you called me here" she said.

"I know sorry, I am trying to be more in tune with my pack. I want to check in with you" I said, "I am good" Willow said. "Are you though? I mean you can be honest with me, I know Charlie is a lot. Especially since he has taken a huge step in being there for my kids" I said. "Its hard and sharing him sucks. I see how your kids are with him and it makes me happy, but I also haven't told him he can't ever have that with me" she said. "I know, and that is why I am checking in, are you going to tell him?" I asked. When Willow was younger before her wolf her parents took her on a trip outside of pack ground and they were attacked. Willow was stabbed with a silver knife and Vivian had to remove her uterus. Willow will never be able to have kids of her own, and she was still dealing with that. 

"I haven't but he deserves to know" Willow said, "If you need me to be there when you have that conversation let me know" I said, "thanks Alpha I appreciate it, I will tell him I just need to find the right time" she said. I nodded and she left my office, I linked with Lexa next I needed to get behind Mack.

Lexa, can you come see me?

Sure give me 10 minutes

no problem

I knew she would need to find someone to watch Remy he was 2 going on 10 and he was a lot of work. When he came to our house it was always like a bomb went off as there were toys everywhere that kid was a hurricane. A few minutes later she came into my office she had Remy with her. I laughed as he ran around my office, "sorry I had no choice, "its fine, Remy here take this" I said handing him some paper and crayons. He took it happily and sat down to color. "Everything okay Alpha?" Lexa asked, 

"its fine I actually wanted to talk to you about Mack is he okay?" I asked, "he seems to be why what are you seeing?" she asked, "lately he has been seeking my approval on everything, I mean he is Beta so I trust his instincts. I am not sure why but I feel like he is making sure I don't get mad at him or something" I said. "He has been worried yes, he still feels like you judge him for locking you up" Lexa said. "I would have done the same thing, and I am proud to know that if I was to ever die or something that he is such a strong leader. Lexa he is my Beta for a reason and I trust him" I said. "I know and I try to tell him that" Lexa said, "I guess I am going to need to tell him again. If you ever need a date night bring Remy to our place we will take him for you" I said. "Thanks Alpha" she said scooping her toddler up and leaving, I mean I knew how hard it was to leave them. I tuned into my kids and they were both happy and laughing, Milah was asleep as I checked on her too. 

I did some more paperwork before calling in Mack, I needed time to talk to him get behind his fear of disappointing me. There was a lot going on with my pack members and I needed to address all of these issues. I also made a note to check in with Aurora I knew how hard it was being a new mom. 

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