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Slash's pov:

"you look happy."Renee said,walking into my apartment.

"I am."I nodded as I saw shopping bags in her hand as my jaw dropped. "how much did you spend this time?"I sighed.

"what's mine is yours."she said in that simplistic snarky tone.

"more like what's mine is mine and you steal my card."I scoffed.

"you only use that card to form lines of cocaine anyway."She said rolling her eyes. "Trust me,I'm only shopping for our wedding."She said excitedly as she must've noticed the look on my face. "You've changed your mind?"She asked.

"no.."I said,I should've told her yes right then.yes I changed my mind.yes I never made my mind up anyway you just forced all this on me and I stupidly agreed.But I didn't say any of that,I just thought it which made me laugh at how long this marriage would last or if it would even go through but I was in too deep to cancel it all now,besides I had nothing else in store for me,Anastasia wasn't changing her mind any time soon and I wasn't waiting for her anymore.

"well what is it Slash!"She yelled being overly dramatic as usual.

"We have to postpone the wedding,We're going on tour."I said instantly regretting saying 'we'

"I guess that's fine,I wish you would've told me before I sent out all the invites,but I can make some calls,you said we and I supposed to be coming on this tour?"Renee asked.

"If you want,I can arrange to fly you out to all the shows that you're not busy."I offered.

"of course!I love that I'm dating a rich rockstar."I gleamed as I really questioned her intentions then

"sure you do."I mumbled.

"This is so thrilling,I'll need outfits right?I should call my agent...hey?"She asked pausing after pacing around the couch I lay on as I looked up at her attentively so she could get to the point. "Is Anastasa going to be there??."She asked pronouncing her name wrong.

"It's Anastasia...and I assume so since she's apparently with Gilby."I said still pissed off about the meeting.

"She's with Gilby,wow that's low."She scoffed.

"a little,it's fine I've moved on."I smiled trying to convince myself shuffling up on the couch making room for Renee as she kissed me.Of course she turned me on,she was still hot but she never made me feel that nervousness I did when I was around Anastasia.

I felt guilty even thinking about her while I was making out with someone else but it was a habit,even when we weren't dating I still cared,I begged Su to protect her from Duff and help her with her newly re-discovered drug problem.If I couldn't help her first hand,mostly because she wouldn't let me or because I caused it I could still try and get others to help her.I still cared a lot.

Part of me still loved her,girls like that never leave your head.Anastasia was a man eater,she was crazy and drove me crazy too but she made me feel things that I didn't even think were possible.Things I didn't even think were capable of.I shouldn't of loved her but I did,I fought with myself daily over whether I should sit and wait for something that might not ever happen or just move on and forever linger on what could've been.

It was a spur of the moment decision as I got up abruptly mid make-out with my supposed fiancé as I grabbed my leather jacket and bolted out the door.I heard Renee call my name but I didn't want her too.I headed straight to Anastasia's apartment as I banged on the door desperately.

"God,are you trying to break my door down...oh it's you."Erin said swinging open the door." "Axl is upstairs he's just putting Eden down for her nap?"Erin suggested.

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