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Anastasia's pov:

I don't know when or how or even why but I snuck off from the party back to Slash's place,as I lay in bed with him with the stones playing on his record player.

"you change your mind?"He muttered breaking the silence and the peace as I was finally brought back to reality which scared me.

"friends remember."I said softly keeping my guard up as he stroked my back as I lay on his chest looking up at him.

"Friends don't do this Anastasia."Slash grunted as he was obviously getting frustrated.

"Don't call me Anastasia you sound like my brother"I sighed.

"you never want me to stop saying your name"He said looking down at me as I smiled.

"What's your name slash?"I asked genuinely curious.

"Saul."He blushed.

"Saul Hudson."I whispered

"Anastasia McKagan"he said adoringly.

"Sh*t!Duff."I panicked sitting up as I grabbed my clothes scattered across the floor as Slash just blankly stared at me. "what?"I said worrying as I fixed my hair.

"you're so beautiful."He flirted.

"nice try but that's not gonna make me stay as much as I want too"I scoffed laughing at his attempt to seduce me as he sighed.

"you want to stay with your 'friend?' "He said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes as I got dressed.
"Where are you even going?"He groaned.

"home.I bet Duffs probably called the cops and reported me missing already"I said rushing around Slash's bedroom.

"Duff would never call the cops"Slash said defensively as I shrugged as I began to walk out the door as he called my name as I stuck my head back into the door. "When can I see you again?"He grinned.

"uh on the tour tomorrow?"I said as if it was obvious as I blew him a kiss and rushed home to Duffs apartment.

"Hey Ana,where've you been?"Duff said as I pressed my back against the front door.

"I was uh with Steven."I defended myself.

"Funny cause Steven was just here"Duff said squinting at me as the phone on the wall rang as Duff sighed and answered it nodding as he held the receiver out to me. "It's for you"He shrugged as he walked off down the hall as I grabbed the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"...Anastasia?Its Erin Everly from last night.Do you even remember?"She said sounding hopeful.

"Erin!Of course yeah,my saviour you just got me out of a really awkward conversation with my brother"I whispered praising her.

"God works in mysterious ways"She giggled. "Anyway Axl gave me your number this morning and I need your help."Erin sighed.

"Anything"I agreed.

"Can you come over to my apartment,I'm so lost on what to pack and what outfits to wear for the tour."she said frantically.

"of course I'll be over in ten send me your address"I said as I hung the phone up,got myself ready and walked over to Erin's.

"Ana hey!"She squealed opening the front door as she pulled me in for a hug. "Now you're my saviour because I'd hate to be in those paparazzi pictures with a bad outfit"she groaned.

"Paparazzi?"I said a little star struck.

"Girl we're going on tour with the hottest rock band who signed a record deal that's in the top ten charts,we're like the groupies,of course there's gonna be everyone's eyes all over you"She winked

"I've already had too many bad magazine articles about me..oh wait is Axl here?"I asked looking around the cluttered apartment.

"no he left this morning just me and my roommate"Erin said as a girl with a short black fringe walked into the open kitchen. "Speak of the devil"she teased. "Anastasia McKagan this is my roommate Meegan Hodges"Erin said eccentrically.

"you're Duffs sister?"Meegan said tilting her head as her bangs shifted

"yeah."I smiled.

"Actually you look quite similar,I think I've seen you and popcorn around the Roxy"Meegan nodded and Erin laughed

"We all call Steven popcorn ever since Axl came up with it"She smiled.

"It's the hair"I agreed as Erin dragged me away to her bedroom. "nice to meet you"I said to meegan as she sorta waved me goodbye.

"Okay outfits Anastasia pretend we're backstage or even on the stage"She winked.

"you're coming on stage?"I said raising my eyebrows.

"Maybe if I have too much to drink"She said smirking. "I just hope Axl plays Sweet Child O' Mine"She said adoringly.

"I think rocket queens my favourite"I admitted.

"Yeah but Axl wrote that song for me I just find it so much more meaningful when you know it's for you like isn't that the cutest?"Erin bragged as I bit my tongue as I was about to go on and say Rocket Queen was about me but I stayed quiet and humble.

Erin and I chatted for hours about outfits and ideas for the tour and by the end of the day we were super close,as Axl was brought up in conversation I wanted to tell her about Slash,how he made me feel,how I made him feel just everything I had so much trust in her but I needed to move on Slash said so himself that we can't be together and there no point sitting around and waiting for something that's not gonna happen.

"That'll be Axl."Erin said excitedly as a bang at the door interrupted out conversation as she rushed to the door as she swung it open and jumped into Axls arms as a crowd flow through the door behind him scooting past the couple filling up the small apartment including Izzy and Slash.

"Anastasia."Slash said surprised to see me.

"Slash."I said back in the same tone.

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