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Anastasia's Pov:

"Slash."I called out as I opened his dressing room door.He was sprawled out on the couch layed on his back smoking a cigarette.

"what the f*ck do you want?"He hollered looking me up and down.

"you."I said quietly as I shut the door and slowly walked over as he sat up and I climbed on top off him as I began straddling him as I leaned down and grabbing the cigarette from his lips and burning it out on the leather couch as I threw it aside and smashed my lips onto his,it was a long shot but he kissed me back passionately like he'd been waiting for this,and if I was being honest so was I.His hands gripped onto my ass as I lifted up leaning over him still kissing him as he sunk into the sofa and unbuckled his pants underneath me as I began to mutter between kisses.

"wait."I said pulling away. "you need to talk to me about this contract."I insisted as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you really trying to seduce me so I will drop the case?"He groaned leaning his head back.

"Is it working?"I asked hopefully as he thrusted up his hips and grabbed my ass again picking my up and putting me to the side as he got up glancing at the clock on the wall as he walked over to the closet and began changing.

"no.It was a good try tho and here I was thinking you were trying to rekindle things"He said as he tore off his shirt.

"Why the f*ck would I want to do that?"I said rolling my eyes. "You basically cheated on me"

"Cheating isn't the right word if we weren't officially together and I never actually f*cked her."Slash nodded as he ripped off his pants.

"Well imagine if it was me you'd never speak to me again"I said

"Well you haven't exactly been talkative to me since then unless you want something like right now"He defended himself

"Do you blame me?I needed you and I caught you with another girl after I'd just ended things"I retorted.

"Can we get over the whole Slash cheated thing because like you just said things were ended so I didn't cheat,I was trying to move on"Slash grumbled as he f*cked around with his hair in the mirror.

"Are you still trying to move on?"I asked shifting around on the sofa.

"Are you still angry at me?"he asked back.

"Depends are you going to drop the contract?"I said slyly.

"Even if I wanted to baby I couldn't"He shrugged as he began digging through the closet,in search of something.

"Then I'm still angry."I said folding my arms.

"Then I'm still trying to move on..like you wanted me too might I add"Slash said as he dug up the top hat I brought him accessorised with his belt like if envisioned as he placed it on top of his head as his curly hair flowed down.

"Steven is your best friend and your willing to just kick him out?"I said shocked.

"He's also a raging coke addict destroying the band he even convinced you to do a line while you were quote on quote clean"Slash said sarcastically with no care.

"Stevens destroying the band but your not by sleeping with me?"I said catching him off guard as he was stunned for a second.

"What are you gonna tell Duff?"He laughed

"I might it's not like he can never speak to me again he already doesn't,I have nothing to loose but you do."I said squinting at him.

"Are you blackmailing me Anastasia?"He said smirking.

"no."I lied.

"It's turning me on and you'd never do that."He noted breaking the eye contact as he turned back to the mirror.

"oh I wouldn't?"I questioned even to myself.

"no and if you did,Steven would be fired anyway,without me there's no lead guitar and without Axl who also kept the secret from Duff theres no vocals therefore no band at all so everyone would ultimately be kicked from the band and you're just not worth it"Slash said outsmarting me as he smirked as he threw on his designer sunglasses.

"you're an asshole and I want nothing to do with you!"I said glaring at him.

"well you didn't want anything to do with me yesterday but you still showed up trying to seduce me in my dressing room baby so let's keep the lies to a minimal because we both know you want everything to do with me"He winked with an arrogant tone as he puckered his lips expecting a kiss as I kissed him back as he gripped at my waist as I pulled away slapping him.

"you're just not worth it."I teased smiling as I rolled my eyes and walked off looking back as he was still smiling but stunned.


Slash's Pov:

I was left still humbled by Ana as I joined the rest of the band including Steven on stage as the crowd roared,this club was huge,bigger than anything we'd ever played before,we had an amazing set list and some amazing songs from the album as well as some singles lined up as we opened with 'it's so easy' as we would back home.
I played all night but something or should I say someone was distracting me throughout every song.Anastasia was basically prostituting herself to every man in that crowd and if there's one thing she knows how to do,it's to drive me crazy.

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