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Anastasia's Pov:

Slash and I quickly got out of that restaurant running as quick as we could so they couldn't charge us for our bottomless drinks as we stumbled down the busy streets in La.

"I wanna get high."I groaned.

"let's find a damn dealer then"Slash said enthusiastically as I cheered as we wandered around various alleys looking for any type of dealer..but nothing,my craving for heavy drugs ever since that night Steven passed out had grown intense,I didn't bother bringing any pills with me on tour because I didn't need them but now I'd kill for anything to make everything not so real.I needed peace and I found that in drugs.

We eventually landed outside a strip club as she alley behind was packed with junkies as Slash held me close to him as he brought golden brown powder from this dodgy guy as Slash threw some cash at him.

"you guys want molly?"The dealer grunted as he gave us two ecstasy tablets as I dragged Slash inside the strip club as the tablet melted on my tongue.It was euphoric everything was so bright and fun,if I would remember any of this in the morning it would be the best night of my life until it dawned on me that there's a wedding tomorrow.

Mandy didn't even get a f*cking bachelorette party before she got married off so I figured I'd just party for her as I swung myself around the empty pole in the strip club even Slash had a go as he failed miserably at swinging as I laughed hysterically at him until we we eventually were kicked out the club.

"Is that a tattoo parlour?"Slash said as we exchanged glances.

The rest of the night was a blur,one minute I was so high I vividly remember imagining there was two of Slash then I felt a sharp pain in my hand then we were back at the hotel,destroying everything in sight as Slash slammed his guitar into every light in the hallway lighting up the floor we shared with the rest of the band then we were making out in either of our hotel rooms I don't recall which one but we were tearing each others clothes off so aggressively.

"I love you so f*cking much."He grunted throwing me onto the bed as my nails dug into his back as he flipped me over as I arched,he slid in so fast it caught me off guard as I moaned loudly screaming his name as I had the roughest sex ever as the ecstasy slowly wore off as we lay panting in bed. "Sh*t!"Slash muttered jumping out of bed and grabbing his jeans as he dug through the pockets in desperate search of something as he pulled out the golden brown powder in a little bag as he rushed off to the bathroom.

"Slash..I'm scared"I muttered as I watched him find the vein in his forearm and inject it into him as he let out a deep breathe.

"Mr Brownstone"he slurred as I snatched the syringe and dug it into my vein,squeezing it all in as I instantly felt calm as I collapsed in bed hugging Slash.

"I can't believe my brother gets married tomorrow"I sighed resting my head on his chest as his heart pounded heavily.

"Do you think they'll last?"Slash asked stroking my hair.

"This high is lasting longer than they will."I complained"He drinks too much,he promised to go to rehab before he almost drank himself to death."I said sighing. "I just hope he's too distracted by Mandy to notice anything"I sighed


Slash's Pov:

I woke up to banging on my door as everything from last night came flooding back,most of it was a blur I barely remember a lot but Anastasia was my girlfriend,the closest thing to love I actually had despite having to keep it a secret.She was a pretty cool girl,she could party as much as me,experimented with different drugs together,have just the same amount of fun and no matter how much sh*t She or I'd done or what was going on around us,Anastasia always came back to me and I couldn't be happier until I sat up and had the worst hangover I've ever felt as I reluctantly got up and swung open the door.

"finally..."Alan said relieved as he looked down realised I was naked and sighed. "Cover yourself up Slash."He grunted barging in. "Where is she?"He said looking around as he glanced at Anastasia lay sound asleep in bed.

"If you f*cking wake her up Alan!"I warned him as I threw on my clothes.

"She's goddamn late the ceremony is in less than an hour and she's not even awake!"Alan panicked. "Duffs worried sick as to where she is and I find her here with you..and you've been doing heroine"he said disgusted glancing at the needles I left out. "Here's your suit."he said throwing expensive leather pants at me with an open shirt and shiny boots.

"I'm not wearing a damn tie"I refused.

"You will wear whatever I damn tell you so we can survive this already chaotic day get them happily married and continue the tour like normal without another one of you f*cking rockstars putting me through hell!"Alan snapped.
"Speaking of hell,care to explain why all the hallway lights are smashed?Why your guitar is ruined?Why I heard vocal moans at two in the morning?"Alan sighed.

"I got high and f*cked my girlfriend."I shrugged turning on the shower.

"Girlfriend?Now you're pushing it!Get her up,get her ready and for Christ sake just walk down that aisle and smile please"Alan pleased strutting out clearly stressed as he slammed the door

"Anastasia."I grumbled as she woke up slowly as her eyes darted down to my arm.

"Holy sh*t did you get a tattoo?"She said as I glanced down at the black silhouette of a woman on my forearm.

"I thinks it's you?"I said holding my arm up against her figure

"Sh*t!I got one too"She said as I looked at her ring finger where it was written in Italics 'Slash'

"At least it's discrete"I said looking on the bright side as she rolled her eyes but I couldn't help but laugh as she cracked a smile.

"What the f*ck happened."She groaned.

"Ecstasy baby,now get up we have a wedding to attend too"I smirked as pure panic shone across her face.

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