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Slash's Pov:

I woke up to the phone on the kitchen wall chiming none stop as I groaned for Adler to answer it as I attempted to shield my face from the sun beaming through the window above my bed as I moved my arms turning over expecting her to be gone but she lay there,Anastasia was curled up hanging off the edge of the other side of the bed as her blonde hair messily covered half of her face,she was still asleep as I got up attempting not to wake her and make her even more mad at me than she already was.

I was happy my brother was here,I was excited to see my mom tonight too and I didn't care for arguing with Ana.Especially not last night,if it was up to her I'd be on my knees begging for her forgiveness as soon as I got home but I was still kinda mad at her for the stunt she pulled with Kirk that reflected badly on me but I was willing to let it slide if she forget the stupid comment I made to my brother.I meant well.It just didn't come across as well.

"morning."Ash said sitting at the kitchen counter right next to the phone as I walked out shutting my bedroom door quietly behind me.

"you didn't bother to answer the phone?"I said sitting next to him on the twisty stools.

"no it woke me up,you're apartment is a mess,you're girlfriends crazy,you're roommate is shooting up in the bathroom,all I can hear is police sirens."Ash carried on.

"you get used to it when you live in the city."I shrugged unbothered.

"I should move to the city."He said licking his lips as I scurried around on the messy counter for a piece of paper as I grabbed a pen and scribbled down his words.

"It's a good song idea"I suggested as he peered over my shoulder at my scruffy handwriting.

"I've heard most of your music on the radio,is that all you do just write down whatever people say or what comes to mind?"Ash asked optimistically.

"yeah,but most of the time,things I've heard or seen,what happened,or my muse."I said as I heard the bedroom door swing open.

"you're muse?"Ash asked as Anastasia walked over attempting to swing past me as I tugged at her waist pulling her into me.

"my muse."I said kissing her forehead as she let me almost forgetting her grudge from last night as she switched back to cold so fast pushing me off.

"not in the mood."She scowled rolling her eyes as she walked over into Stevens room.

"my rocket queen."I mumbled.

"what about paradise city?"Ash asked.

"Los Angeles."I exhaled proudly. "Anastasia and Duff used to call it Paradise city so we went with that and collectively we all just work together and make the songs but Izzy,Axl and I write most of the lyrics.We used to let Steven write songs but they were all about cocaine."I shrugged

"I'm not surprised,he's a real junkie isn't he?"Ash whispered surprised.

"We all are,some are just better at hiding it."I winked referring the the heroine Ash and I did on the apartment rooftop last night.Ana would be even more mad at me if she knew but I'm only human.

"Mom is flying in this morning and she has a couple clients to style for then I'm picking her up later from her hotel I was thinking we could go out to a diner or something?"Ash suggested.

"Actually I have this thing tonight,It's the American music awards,and I kinda have to be there to present an award and represent Guns especially since Duff isn't here.."I sighed.

"since when do you go to music awards?"Ash scoffed.

"Well I went to one the other night and Guns actually won so."I slightly bragged as Ash was surprised.

"But is music a priority over your family?"Ash asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"well music is my life,it's my job I have to be there,I can ask Alan,our manager,to see if he can get you on the guest list?"I suggested "yeah mom would love it!"I smiled.

"sure."Ash nodded.

"sick,let me call Alan,I'll get you a suit."I said happily.

"A suit?You don't wear suits..I don't wear suits."Ash said confused.

"yeah but it's THE American music awards it's formal."I exaggerated as he just grumbled something.


Anastasia's Pov:

"What the f*ck would you do?"I asked Steven laying on the edge of his bed as he was still half asleep after I just explained to him everything that had happened between me and Slash.

"Wait so why are you actually mad at him?"Steven said for the third time already.

"God!Adler he made out to his brother like I was a little obedient girlfriend!Not to mention his brother is a total d*ck!"I said outraged.

"okay just remember they're in the room next to us so lower your voice and I'm trying to sleep and your boring me with your nonsense!You love him he loves you?Its so easy!"Steven grumbled burying his head into his pillow.

"It's not easy!I wish it was but everything is so much effort and I will not be controlled."I demanded

"Break up with him then?"Steven mumbled.

"no!What?"I said surprised at his reaction.

"Then stop complaining.God Anastasia you know I love you and you're my best friend but you give me a headache."Steven said reaching out as he grabbed my hand. "It's the way of life babe just talk to him,preferably when his brother isn't around."Steven said kissing my knuckles softly comforting me as I sighed.

"yeah.You know what I will talk to him tonight!I'll make him know that!"I said excitedly planning in my head on what to say as I got up rushing away.

"Wait Anastasia!"Steven said suddenly worried sitting up as I ignored him.

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