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Anastasia's Pov:

"You sure Duff won't freak out?"Erin asked as I fiddled around with my keys in the front door.

"I'm sure he's over it."I assured her as we marched into his apartment,it looked deserted or just really messy as I heard giggling and laughing coming from the little balcony connected to the hallway that overlooked the streets of the sunset strip and the La highway.

"the f*ck?"Erin whispered as we walked onto the balcony,to see a brand new hot tub with Duff and some random chicks in there splashing around.

"Duff?"I shouted sliding the glass door across standing there glaring with Erin behind me.

"what?"He snapped back.

"what the f*ck?Wheres Mandy?"I asked annoyed.

"who?"He laughed as I could smell the bittersweet scent of Tequila and Jack lingering in the air,I could tell by the way he was barely standing,Duff was drunk and out of his mind.

"You're wife!"I reminded him.

"You have a wife?"One of the girls in a skimpy bathing suit cooed as Duff brushed it off.

"you're a f*cking cheater!"I scowled at him.

"Well I don't go around kissing you're best friends do I?"Duff scowled turning it onto me.
"Besides these are my friends."He said wrapping his arms around the girls either side of him.

"where'd you find em the Tropicana or on the streets?"Erin belittled them calling them strippers which they probably were.

"You're unbelievable."I scolded him as he picked up a bottle of vodka taking a swig until it was empty. "Stop it!"I groaned,as much as I wanted to be mad at him and ignore him although what he was doing was pretty hard to ignore.He was still my brother,I cared for him and all of this drinking all so fast was gonna kill him. "You're pathetic."I spat before turning around ready to walk out of there as I felt something in my sense to move out the way as I did a glass vodka bottle flew at the brick wall with intense force shattering everywhere as I glanced back gasping as Duffs eyes widened.

It must've dawned on him that he f*cked up.Like throwing a bottle at me?Seriously we're not 16 anymore,that's the petty sh*t we did when we were kids but Duff was 23 and married and I was 22 almost 23.Why was he being so childish and acting up out of nowhere.If he wanted to play dirty I knew something to push him over the edge or should I say someone.This tour wasn't going to be fun for Duff at all.I thought all of this up as I managed to grab as many of my things as I could from my bedroom all while Duff dried himself off and attempted to plead and apologise.

"f*ck you!"I scoffed pushing him out my way as Erin followed me out glaring at him as we stormed out.I could only imagine the regret on his face after that.All I knew was that I wasn't stepping foot in that apartment for a long time.

"now what?"Erin asked halfway down the hallway.

"f*ck where am I gonna live?"I questioned to myself almost.

"you can live with me?"Erin suggested.

"and with your crazy roommate who hates me and I'm not the biggest fan of her either..or share a bed with you and Axl?"I said sarcastically as Erin laughed until realising how serious it was.

"f*ck it let's go to Slash."I sighed.

"I thought you were still mad at him about the Nikki heroine thing."Erin reminded me.

"I can't stay mad at him for too long."I shrugged exhausted as I trailed down the strip with half my belongings in hand.We walked into Slash's apartment as he sat there watching Mtv which didn't surprise me.

"Slasher."I smiled jumping onto the couch next to him as his hands grabbed at me pulling me in as his kissed my cheek.

"Anastasia.Where've you been?"He asked. "I don't remember half of last night but you weren't there when I woke up,I got up to Alan instead"

"Erin and I went shopping."I said. "I was a little mad about last night so I snuck out."I said innocently.

"Alan came over,Nikki is fine."Slash said as all the weight seemed to leave his body as he loosened up.

"Did you find that dealer?I bet the cops are looking for him?"Erin asked.

"Pretty much every dealer in Hollywood has been busted."Slash shrugged.

"I bet you're crushed about that."I teased.

"no..I quit."Slash said calmly.

"you quit..drugs?"I asked as he nodded.

"only for you.I'm clean."He added smirking,I wasn't sure if I believed him but I leaped onto his lap kissing him as Erin just scoffed as the front door swung open as Steven walked in groaning he was in complete distress.

"is you're door always unlocked?"Erin asked as Slash just shrugged turning his head behind to the kitchen where Steven opened the fridge door as quickly as he could in desperate search of something as we all just watched.

"butter..butter"Steven grumbled under his breathe as he continued rummaging through every part of the little yellow fridge.

"Adler what are you looking for?"Slash asked as Steven stood up straight,he was a mess.

"my coke!I put it in the butter tray.Slash did you f*cking take it!"Steven threatened him as we were all shocked at his tone.

"popcorn it's only coke calm down."Erin said bitterly.

"no he's having withdrawals look at his face,he's all sweaty."I said touching his arm as I felt the heat of his body warm my hands.

"he looks a little skinny too,have you lost weight?"Erin asked.

"f*ck I feel sick."Steven groaned covering his moth as we all winced. "I can't handle this there's not a single dealer in the whole of the sunset strip selling any drugs."Steven said full of paranoia

"Slash for f*ck sake find some coke."I said ushering him as Slash got up rushing to his room as we followed.Slash opened up a guitar case full of drugs as Steven snatched it from him struggling to open the little plastic bag of white powder,he was ravenous for it.I'd never seen him so impatient.

"so much for you being clean."Erin tutted at Slash as he smiled innocently.Steven inhaled the cocaine from Slash's brand new guitar.

"Adler what the f*ck."Slash said annoyed as Erin and I giggled as Steven relaxed a little.

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