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Anastasia's pov:

I stayed at Kirk's that night but opted to sleep on the couch and let him sleep in his own bed despite him offering,I didn't feel the most secure at Duffs apartment when he's not there and Kirk insisted it was purely platonic despite how it may seem to other people.

"morning."he muttered walking into the connected kitchen of his surprisingly clean apartment,it just had loads of guitars and comic books in which matched his kinda dorky personality,he did not look like a rockstar at all but I guess they all including guns prided themselves on not really falling into the popular glam metal scene on the strip.I could never imagine any of them wearing makeup anyways the thought of it made me giggle.

"I called James,he hasn't seen Slash since they left the bus last night,I thought they might've went for drinks but-"Kirk said clanging around in the kitchen

"But Slash left me stranded."I interrupted scoffing at the sound of it as Kirk walked over handing me a cup of coffee as I took it slowly as he squinted at my hand.

"slash..?"He said smirking as I was confused then I was reminded on his f*cking name inked on my ring finger that was on full show as I took the cup.

"we don't talk about that."I whispered as he nodded in agreement trying to hold back his laughter."Kirk Hammett you better not be laughing at me."I warned him as he burst out with laughter.

"why do you call me by my full name?"He said confused.

"I don't know,it's all kind of surreal,I never thought I'd even meet a bunch of rockstars let alone be friends with them and even date one"I said reminiscing about my boring life back in Seattle as it gave my chills as I sipped my coffee.

"I don't get the whole rockstar life they all live,even Slash I don't think big parties and all the alcohol and drugs..paparazzi is my scene at all."Kirk shrugged.

"you get paparazzi?"I said suprised.

"all the time,they practically circle this building since pretty much all of Metallica live here."Kirk said as an idea sparked in his head. "We need to sneak out quickly."He said pulling me up as we walked outside the apartment complex which looked way fancier than it did last night in the dark when I arrived as we were immediately swarmed by cameras and videos of paparazzi as Kirk held my hand guiding me through the crowd to a cab as I climbed in quickly as he got on behind me exhaling heavily.

"okay I believe you now."I giggled.

"f*ck!I wasn't meant to be seen at all in La especially not with you until it was confirmed we were on break,management are gonna kill me."He muttered slightly worried as he directed the cab driver to Slash's apartment.


Slash's Pov:

I woke up to banging on my door as I heard commotion and arguing outside of it as I listened from the couch I passed out on.

"just wait Ana!"A voice mumbled.

"f*ck know."I heard a familiar voice in that sarcastic tone,of course defying what people told her as the door swung open and Ana marched in followed by Kirk to my surprise.

"good morning Slasher."Kirk smiled as I looked at him skeptically.

"what are you two doing here...together?"I asked as Ana collapsed onto the couch next to me putting her feet up.

"Well someone left their girlfriend alone outside the tour bus so I stayed with Kirk."Ana shrugged casually.

"you stayed with him..or slept with him?"I said as Kirk's eyes went wide.

"Definitely just stayed."He said blushing nervously.

"I stayed on his couch.Duff stayed at Mandy's."she smiled calmly.

"what about Erin?"I said as her face dropped.

"She knows the truth and she doesn't wanna speak to me,neither does Adler."Ana sighed

"you spoke to Steven?Hes in La?"I asked excitedly hoping to fix things before tonight.

"yeah."Ana nodded.

"thanks for looking after her Kirk,I assumed you would've stayed with Erin,I could hear her crying the whole bus journey back,I'm sorry Anastasia."I apologised as she brushed it off.

"It's fine,Kirk's my new best friend anyway."She smiled cheerfully.

"And I have to be at rehearsal in ten,so I'll see you tonight Slash?"Kirk said suggestively glancing at his watch as Ana got up hugging him goodbye as him and I exchanged nods as he waved goodbye before letting himself out as I shut the door behind him.

"Where were you?"Ana said appearing behind me squinting like it was an interrogation.

"Izzy and I just came back here and practiced"I lied thinking back to what Kirk said as she tilted her head.

"liar."She whispered.

"no."I muttered.

"you don't practice."She said bluntly.

"How would you know?"I said walking back over to the couch.

"because your Slash."She said admirably as she climbed onto my lap looking to her side as her eyes narrowed to the coffee table next to us as she picked up the bag of heroine and held it up unimpressed. "this what you were practicing,to be a junkie?"She sighed as she attempted to climb off as I pulled her back onto me.

"Anastasia.It's fine it's only heroine."I said as she rolled her eyes.

"and it's only gonna f*ck you up!Trust me I've been a junkie on drugs it just ruins your life,this is becoming an addiction."She warned me withholding guilt.

"I'll be fine don't worry about me worry about what you're gonna wear tonight."I smirked.

"What's tonight?"She said excitedly getting distracted.

"mtv music awards,and you're my date."I smiled as her face lit up.

"you're secret date?"She said raising her eyebrows.

"Well Axl and Steven aren't going obviously,Izzy would rather die than attend any of that sh*t but Duff and I agreed we're going and he's obviously going to bring you..and there's a bar."I said as she smiled.

"you know me too well."She beamed leaning forwards planting her lips on mine.

"Am I interrupting something?A voice called out behind us.

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