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Anastasia's pov:

Gilby deserved it..trying to come on to me like that when he knew I had a boyfriend,I just worried that Slash punching him would push Gilby to tell Duff.It made me feel sick to my stomach.Slash was quiet...quieter than normal even Steven wasn't very chatty but he was basically drunk in the backseat of the car.

"do you have a cigarette Adler?"I asked as he stared at me blankly for a couple seconds before digging through his pockets and pulling me one out as I placed it between my lips. "slash.."I cooed  as he didn't even look at me until I just stared at him until he realised I wanted something.He looked down at the cigarette pursed between my lips as he sighed grabbing the lighter from his pocket lighting it up for me. "Thankyou baby."I said looking at him as he dropped the lighter back in his pocket barely acknowledging me.

It was almost as if he was mad at me.If anything I should've been mad at him for punching my friend..well someone who I thought was my friend.It wasn't my fault he tried to come on to me..was it?I was genuinely questioning myself as if I'd done something wrong to be treated like this.Why was I acting like this.I didn't give a f*ck what anyone thought but just recently my whole mood was depending on him.I needed to clear my head.I leaned out arching my back out the window smoking a cigarette just thinking.

Everything felt too real,my emotions were at a high they were raw and happening and I hated that feeling.I needed my pills that I used to take.I took one whenever I felt like it,they helped me unwind and it was a way to quit coke and rely on pills instead but since attempting to be sober and meeting Slash I hadn't took any pills at all but f*ck being sober it was overrated anyway

We made it back to the apartment,Slash basically carried Steven into his bedroom as he was still giving me silent treatment.

"okay what the f*ck is your problem."I said throwing a bag of ice from the freezer onto the bed as I began getting changed in front of Slash as he just lay on his bed guitar on his lap just strumming.

"What problem?"He said acting stupid as he picked up the ice. "what's this for?"He asked holding it up.

"your hand,you wanna be able to play guitar or not?"I scoffed as he just bit his lip placing the bag of ice on his now bruised hand "and don't act stupid,clearly something is wrong with you."I said in annoyance.

"Somethings wrong with me?"He said.

"yeah."I nodded.

"Well I don't sneak off in hallways with childhood best friends I used to f*ck!"He shouted catching me off guard as I thought for a second.

"YES YOU DO!Do you not remember Adrianna?"I shouted back.

"you didn't speak to me forever after that..and what?just because it's you in the wrong I shouldn't do the same thing and there's something wrong with me?"Slash said making a fair point as I just sighed.

"That is not what I meant-"I began.

"Why didn't you tell me?"He said.

"tell you what?"I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"don't you act stupid now...why didn't you tell me you had a thing with Gilby."He sighed.

"I didn't think you'd care."I admitted.

"Of course I care if I'm meeting some ex of my girlfriends."Slash said.

"It wasn't that serious,we didn't date at all,like I said...and you heard,we just fooled around,I was a teenager and I was stupid and he used to bring coke and you know what happened after that."I sighed taking a deep breath after ranting as I referred to my Od.

"why did you even want me to meet him?"Slash asked.

"Because I thought it would be nice and I wanted him to see how successful and amazing you are..I told him all about you in the record store but I didn't realise he'd be so jealous..he was a little flirty with me when I first saw him again and I shut him down straight away but I just wanted more closure."I said as Slash just bit his lip.

"did you know he had a thing for you?"Slash said.

"what is this 21 questions?"I giggled trying to make it light hearted but he didn't laugh and just stared at me awaiting my answer. "no..Like I said he was a little flirty earlier but I told him I was dating you and that you two should meet,I honestly thought you would get a long."I said looking at Slash as he placed his guitar against the wall.

"Well you're an idiot."He scoffed pulling the covers over him.

"You're an idiot!I didn't want to cause a scene I just wanted you to take me home and leave it!But you just had to punch him..now he could tell Duff and literally anyone about us!"I yelled as he was unbothered.

"what was I supposed to do just let him come on to you like that?And don't act like your above making scenes you caused a fight with your brother's wife in front of a whole audience of people at a show."Slash scoffed once again.

"f*ck you."I shouted getting up.

"you knew he liked you didn't you?"Slash tried accusing me as I rolled my eyes walking away. "Where are you going?"he shouted as I ignored him. "Walk away."He muttered. I guess I really was sleeping on the couch tonight.I just hoped it was as comfy as I made it out to be to Duff earlier.

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