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Anastasia's pov:

"Get the f*ck off me!"I yelled shoving my brother as he let go of my arm after he forcefully dragged me out of the La coliseum and out into the busy street.

"you just couldn't help yourself could you!"Diff spat angrily as I was taken aback.

"what are you talking about...?"I said shyly.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about Anastasia McKagan."Duff yelled.

"god..my full name what have I done this time?"I joked trying to lighten the mood.

"This isn't funny Anastasia."Duff warned me.

"you forgot my middle name."I said as I winced as I pushed him too far.

"just shut the f*ck up!For once just quit being a pain in my ass!"Duff yelled as it kinda hurt me.

"what.have.I.done?"I said getting frustrated.

"slash?"Duff said calmly as my body had a physical reaction and my face must of twitched too as he licked his teeth and nodded. "I knew it,I f*cking...knew it."Duff nodded.

"you don't know anything!"I shouted back.

"I know everything.Mandy told me,the whole sneaking behind my back,secret relationship."Duff said as my heart sunk.

"Mandy...?"I said as my eyes fluttered

"I met her yesterday,like I told you.I got myself a divorce like I also told you but clearly you never told me a f*cking thing...I had to hear what I'd known all along from my ex wife!"Duff snapped.

"If you knew all along why are you mad?And why would I ever tell you?"I uttered.

"I tried to ignore it Ana,I noticed it at the wedding,I knew by the way he looked at you he was in love with you,and when you were dancing on those sh*tty tables,it's hard to not notice trust me...but I always thought the best of you,I really thought you were better than that and you were really so interested in the band and me because you genuinely cared"Duff said sweetly.

"yeah..?"I said wanting him to elaborate.

"I was wrong.You're a f*cking whore!"He yelled as I wanted to smack him.

"Im the whore?"I gasped. "I'm not on my second marriage!"I snapped.

"And I didn't sleep with your best friend for what..two years now?"Duff said tilting his head.
"How long Stas..how long have you been f*cking him.."He said as my eyes began to water.

"since I met him."I admitted biting my lip.

"you're unbelievable."Duff spat as he turned away.

"Where are you going!"I yelled.

"Far from you."he muttered.

"This isn't fair!"I yelled.

"you wanna talk about fair Anastasia?I'll tell you what's not f*cking fair,you're a reckless whore!You don't care about anything you do.You don't care about how you act can affect people.You just don't care about anything.Not about me,not about Su,I'd be surprised if you even care about Slash!"Duff yelled.

"of course I care about him..and you and Su!"I sighed.

"Doesn't seem like it.I was gonna propose to Susan tonight,but no it's all about you,it always has been so now I have to spend my night explaining to you that you f*cked up and your only sorry because you got caught..Did you really think Id just never catch on?Do you take me for some sort of idiot?What if Mandy didn't tell me?"Duff said glaring.

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