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Anastasia's pov:

"You!Did you have anything to do with this?"Izzy said pointing at Duff angrily as he spoke through gritted teeth and furrowed brows.

"With what?"Duff asked as people began to stare.

"Y'know they did this?"Izzy asked tilting his head at Duff like this was some sort of interrogation.

"do what...?Are you on Valium again?"Duff asked as Izzy sat down opposite Duff and next to me.

"Slash re-recorded my parts."Izzy said.

"Slash?"I said surprised a little louder than I intended.

"your parts on the new record?"Duff asked.

"the whole record,He thought I wouldn't notice."Izzy said sighing.

"slash wouldn't do that."I said as Izzy and Duff both equally stared at me.

"well he did."Izzy said.

"how'd you find out?"Duff asked.

"just listen to it,sounds nothing like the parts I recorded."Izzy groaned.

"now what?"I asked looking at Izzy.

"I quit."Izzy said slamming his hands down on the table.

"you're quitting?"Duff said standing up as Izzy got up too. "you can't!"Duff insisted.

"f*ck this.The past tour was stupid and more complicated,I care about the music,I never cared for anything else."Izzy admitted.

"Izzy just talk to Slash.."Duff began.

"Izzy,Slash didn't do this!Im sure Axl put it up to him or some sh*t...It wasn't him."I said trying to defend him as desperately as I could.

"Anastasia,quit it!"Duff muttered.

"Stas,you may think you know him,but he's changed."Izzy said as I didn't know what came over me,my legs guided me quickly out the restaurant and down the road to the recording studio as quick as I could.

"Slash!"I yelled running in there,looking for him as I caught him mid way through injecting a needle full of heroine into his arm in the booth next to all the amps as I snatched the needle from him straight away as we locked eyes.
"what the f*ck are you doing!"I yelled.

"Anastasia.."he sighed grabbing hold of my waist

"don't pull that sh*t!"I snapped pushing him off me. "Did you re-record Izzy's parts?"I asked as he looked away from me,it was clear now,he did.
"Are you f*cking serious?"I yelled.

"yes Ana,Axl asked me too."Slash admitted.

"why?why the f*ck do you care what Axl thinks!"I said. "And why are you doing this..?"I said looking down at the needle a threw onto the floor.

"let me ask you something..why do you care?"He said bluntly folding his arms.

"what do you mean?Of course I care!"I stuttered. "I just stood there making myself look like an idiot in the rainbow as I defended you!"

"you've been gone for three months,barely spoke to any of us except Duff,You kept Eden away from Axl for all this time and now suddenly you show up and want to act like nothing happened."Slash said with an annoyed tone.

"we broke up.I couldn't stand to be around all the time,I didn't want to be,especially with Steven gone.Duff is my brother of course I spoke to him and Eden wasn't my fault,I didn't know anything about that.."I justified myself.

"Well things have changed.Izzy is turning out exactly like Steven,you told me to focus on the band so I am...and now what?You're not happy with how I'm choosing to live my life so you just show up?Or is it that you found out about Yvonne?You're jealous?"He assumed.

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