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Anastasia's Pov:

"You don't have to tell me baby,I already know what I'm gonna do with you."

Almost instantly he smashed his lips against mine once again,I kissed him back passionately fighting for my breathe as I felt people staring.I looked beside me to see a couple rockstars watching.

"Get a room."the one with bright orange hair called out using his pool cue to stand up.

"F*ckers." Slash muttered pulling away.

"Before you f*ck on the pool table,we'd actually like to play"The dark haired one joked.

"We were just leaving."Slash said grabbing my hand ready to pull me away.

"Leaving without introductions?"The red haired when teased as slash rolled his eyes.

"Axl.Izzy.My bandmates."Slash said effortlessly,I recognised the redhead as the lead singer and the dark haired one as some sort of guitarist. "This is Ana"Slash spoke before I stepped forward confidently.

"Anastasia"I smiled as the other two exchanged glances and I looked back at Slash who looked impressed.

"Well Anastasia,why don't you stick around and have a couple drinks with us."Axl suggested.

"Maybe another time"I smiled back.

"Why not?You got better things to do?"Izzy asked picking up a pool cue.

"Yeah.Him"I said winking as I lead Slash out the club laughing at his bandmates astonished looks.

We stood outside the club as I watched slash light up a cigarette,offering me one but I shook my head and instead took the one from between his pursed lips and took a drag.

"I didn't think you could turn me on anymore"he grinned with a mischievous look in his eyes as he took his cigarette back.

"you haven't even seen it all"I said flirtatiously as he raised his brows.

"Smoking isn't good for you Anastasia."He said through pursed lips.

"neither are arrogant rockstars but here we are"I said rolling my eyes as he laughed a little under his breathe as I smelt the alcohol linger in the air.He leaned down to my ear and whispered all types of things making my body ache for him while kissing my neck softly trailing to my lips.

"give me five minutes"I said pushing aside his curly black hair as I ran back into the club to find my brother.

"Michael!"I shouted over the pounding music as he reluctantly turned to face me from the pool table where he was playing with Axl,Izzy and another blonde I didn't recognise.

"Michael?"One of his bandmates with blonde hair asked confused.

"This is my sister,Ana"my brother said as Izzy nodded smirking.

"We're familiar."Izzy smiled as I rolled my eyes "anyone seen Slash?"as I scowled at him,if my brother found out he would go absolutely mental but he brushed off Izzys comment.

"Ana,I want you to meet my girlfriend."Duff said as a tall blonde girl stepped forward from the bar smiling.

"Hey Anastasia,I'm Mandy."The blonde smiled as I nodded a little surprised.

"Call me Ana,I didn't know Duff had a girlfriend."I said looking at my brother.

"Well clearly you've spent a lot of time talking about me Duff"Mandy joked

"Anyway I'm leaving,I've had enough,Nice to meet you Mandy!"I said edging away desperate to get back to Slash.

"you want me to come with?"Duff asked looking concerned.

"No,I'll just go back to my apartment you stay here have fun!"I smiled innocently

I hurried outside to see slash still smoking against the wall as he grinned when he saw me.

"Shall we?"he smirked as we walked to his apartment.

We barely made it through the door before my coat was on the floor along with my dress slowly falling down my body as my back slammed against the wall as Slash kissed me lustfully and precisely making sure to cover every inch of my torso making me beg for him.

"slash.."I moaned as picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his lower body resting on one arm holding me up while the other was entangled in my long blonde hair as he didn't break contact with my lips as he carried me all the way to his bedroom dropping me on the edge of the bed as I kicked off my shoes as he tore off his shirt and undid his belt.He looked down at my dress half on my body as I winced.

"just destroy it."I gave in as he instantly tore off the rest of my clothes but I didn't mean the dress.I pulled his neck down to me moaning as he slid in without hesitation as I drew my nails down his bare back moaning in pace with him.

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