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Anastasia's Pov:

f*ck!My heart has sunk.Duff had seen it all that's why he called me so many times.I could barely remember anything from that night,I was still recovering from my wild hangover.All I could think about was Duff,how annoyed he was or maybe how upset he was that I'd lied to him.

"Anastasia."Slash said still glaring at the tv. "What's the f*ck are we gonna do."He said not even phrasing it as a question because there was no getting out of this.

"holy sh*t!Duff is gonna freak."Steven said slamming the phone on the wall.

"Adler shut the f*ck up!"I said as he instantly went quiet. "Oh my god.He's going to kill you,and then kill me and then kill you again."I said at Slash who's expression vividly changed,he was calm for some reason.

"He only saw a kiss.That all the happened.My memory of last night is a bit of a blur but I don't think we did anything else in front of the paparazzi,as far as duff and everyone else knows we only kissed."Slash said conjuring up a plan.

"what are you suggesting?"I said glaring at him.

"Just tell Duff you were drunk."Steven shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"That may work for you Adler when you don't show up for rehearsals for weeks on end but no..Ana mtv thought you were dating Kirk,it was all a rumour."Slash said mocking Steven.

"Maybe tell Duff you were trying to get rid of the Kirk rumours?"Erin suggested.

"He's not gonna believe that!"I sighed.

"Tell him the truth then."Slash said bluntly.

"And say Oh yeah you're best friend and bandmate that you said was off limits and you'd kill if he ever touched me,him I've been f*cking and secretly dating for months behind your back,Oh He also has my silhouette tattooed on his forearm."I mocked holding up Slash's arm. "Oh and I have his name tattooed on my f*cking finger!"I snapped holding up my ring finger.

"you got f*cking tattoos?"Erin said surprised as I realised I had just blurted out another secret.

"Or shall I say I had sex with him in the recording studio and Axl put my moans in a damn song!Or He sang a song called you could be mine that he wrote for me while spoiling the next album and I went backstage and had sex with him again."I continued hysterically

"Maybe don't say it like that."Steven said replying to me as I rolled my eyes

"I can't!You know I would if I could but you don't understand."I sighed.

"I understand completely.You're scared."Slash said nodding.

"No it's not like that at all!"I said defending myself with ease but I couldn't come up with the words to explain it or even why I was feeling how I was and why I was so damn annoyed.

"go on tell me."Slash said still pestering me for answers as it was the rare occasion where I was fully speechless.I bit my tongue not knowing what to say at all as a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts as Steven walked over to open it as the door swung open from the other side hitting the Steven in the face as Axl marched in.

"Sh*t I didn't realise you were all here,when Steven called and told me to get over here urgently I thought he od'd ,I needed to tell you all something anyway"Axl said excitedly as Erin stood up as he walked over as I looked down because he said od which made me feel more ashamed than I already did.

"you're having a fight?"Erin said back as he attempted to kiss her but she pushed him away.

"what are you talking about?"He said surprised at her upfront attitude. "I came here to tell you,Alan and I arranged the tour to resume next week?"Axl said at probably the worst timing possible as Steven looked happy and began to cheer until he sat down and read the room at everyone's faces.Erin was fuming.Slash was pissed too,I was just quiet and Axl didn't understand why we weren't more happy.

"God Axl what about Vince?"Erin said as his face was blank. "VINCE NEIL ON MTV??"Erin shouted as Axl was even more baffled. "He called you out for a fight."

"well I've been waiting for that f*cker to say something,I'll fight him any day of the week"Axl said cockily as Slash just scoffed.

"no you will not!"Erin demanded.

"yes I damn will,you don't tell me what to do."Axl said glancing back at Slash and Steven proudly.

"let's talk somewhere more private so you don't feel the need to act like a c*nt in front of your friends."Erin said as Slash nodded towards his bedroom as Erin dragged Axl in there slamming the door.

We sat in silence,I couldn't even look at Slash,I was still pissed about the whole baby thing,now I had these f*cking birth control pills that were useless to me considering I was so frustrated with Slash for trying to push me to tell Duff,He didn't get it,nobody did.Telling Duff would ruin the band and ruin our relationship but it was so hard not telling Duff and keeping those secrets from him especially since he already knew because of the picture but I was considering lying and keeping even more secrets to protect myself and everyone else.We listened out to try and hear what was being said in Slash's room but I could mostly just hear Erin screaming.

"sounds like a nice conversation."Steven joked as Slash and I both just glared at him as I huge crash came from the bedroom as we all got up as the bedroom door swung open as Axl stormed out and made a b-line straight for the front door walking straight out avoiding eye contact with anyone as he slammed the door behind him.

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