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Anastasia's Pov:

I walked home as Adler wasn't around and Slash had to rehearse and record more for their album.

"hey...where'd you go?I went to record some guitar riffs and you disappeared..again"my brother smiled as I walked through the door quietly.

"I went to look for modelling castings"I lied as I heard the shower running "got someone here?"I asked as he nodded.

"Just Mandy,wasn't sure if you'd be home yet Adler told me you already left the recording studio?"He said confused.

"yeah I went to eat and get an outfit for your show tonight..are you excited?"I lied as he looked suspicious but shrugged

"This show is gonna be amazing!If the record label that interviews us after likes our music we could release the album we've been recording and get some bigger shows."Duff said excitedly.

"That's amazing Duff,I'm happy for you!"I smiled

"yeah...but what about you?"he smiled.

"I'll be fine I'm sure there's some modelling agencies around La."I sighed still happy for my brother but I felt like he was moving on and leaving me behind a little.

"Well I'm sure Mandy could help she's done some modelling now hurry your a*s and get ready you can't make me late,Mandy already took to long in the shower"he said sarcastically as I rushed to get ready.


"you look gorgeous Ana!"Mandy complimented me as I walked towards the door struggling to walk in my tall boots.

"Thank you Mandy,god knows how my brother pulled you"I teased as she giggled

"watch it Anastasia"Duff grinned as we headed out the door but I ran back inside to grab my pills.I hadn't taken as many the past couple days as I didn't feel like I needed to but I was a self-destructive human and with all my brothers success I just needed to swallow a couple with all the stress as I hoped and prayed Axl would actually keep our secret.


"Ana"Adler smiled embracing me a hug as I joined the rest of the band backstage.

"Adler."I smiled hugging him back as I felt eyes all over me.

"Popcorn,save some Ana for the rest of us"Axl teased hugging me tightly leaning into my ear.  "How's Slash?"he whispered as I rolled my eyes at the grin spread across his face of satisfaction from saying that.

"f*ck you."I whispered back smiling.

"Ana.here"Izzy muttered passing me a shot as I threw it back as my throat burned.

"what the f*ck is that?"I muttered with a scrunched up face.

"tequila"Izzy said shrugging as Axl gathered everyone around.

"This is our chance motherf*ckers and we're gonna make it big"he announced as everyone finished their drinks as management came in.

"Axl none of the backup singers have showed up.We need them for the track?"The manager,Alan panicked bursting through the door.

"Ana will do it"Duff blurted out to my surprise.

"will I?"I said confused,I was a confident girl but there was a lot of people in that audience and a lot of big talent scouts and producers and record labels and a whole lot of pressure.

"Anastasia,you know the lyrics right?"Axl said a little panicked.

"yeah I've been at rehearsals but-"I began to speak before I was cut off.

"Perfect,put on a good show Ana."He said smiling gaining some composure as I glared at my brother for roping me into this.


My nerves skyrocketed as I messed around with my makeup in the vanity mirror in the dressing room making it more smudged and messier to give me that edge.Hopefully I'd blend in.

"Ana."Slash called out opening the door as he glanced quickly around the room noticing I was alone as he quickly shut the door leaning against it.

"Slash"I murmured as a smile grew across his face.

"you're our new backup singer?"He questioned even though he knew the answer.

"Just for tonight"I sighed

"are you nervous because I'm here or the show?"He grinned as I rolled my eyes.

"you don't make me nervous at all"I lied flicking my hair. "But is it obvious I'm dreading it"

"no..just have fun."he reassured me

"What's with the sunglasses?"I questioned pouting as I applied dark red lipstick.

"Big crowds and I don't like making eye contact with strangers."He said taking of his designer glasses and hanging them off his half opened, unbuttoned shirt.

"you made eye contact with me"I said glancing over at him as he appeared behind me in the mirror.

"Well I can't really keep my eyes off of you"He grinned as he rested his head next to my shoulder as I turned and kissed his cheek softly before pulling away as I craved him as I wrapped my hand around his neck pulling him in devouring his face.Our tongues collided as my body was torn from the vanity chair as my back was smashed against the wall.My legs opened wrapping around him as he held my body trailing kisses all over my neck until a banging on the dressing room door almost made me fall to the floor as Slash's eyes widened.

"don't make a sound"He whispered covering my mouth as he let me go slightly as he opened the door a little.

"On stage in five minutes,for f*ck sake Slash where is your damn guitar!"Alan sighed peering into the room as we locked eyes.
"Duff was also looking for you...I see you've already met his sister"He tutted.

"not a word to anyone Niven"Slash muttered pointing his finger on Alan's chest as he threw on his designer sunglasses and strode away giving me a smirk behind Alan's back.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced yet....Alan Niven I manage all the boys"He smiled sticking his hand out as I walked over shaking it reluctantly.

"Anastasia McKagan...you can call me Ana"I said hesitantly.

"I see the resemblance to your brother,however you should consider modelling Miss Mckagan  "He complimented,slightly catching me off guard.

"Oh..I am a model actually that's why I moved here to focus on that"I stuttered.

"Well I'm pleased your filling in for tonight and I'm very grateful however your playing a risky game"Alan sighed.

"what..?"I said furrowing my brows

"it's just going to end up breaking up the band and it's not worth it..but best of luck out there on stage in...three minutes"He said glancing at his watch appearing quite cheery after shaming me for sleeping with Slash and consequently blaming me if the band breaks up. What an asshole!

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