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Slash's pov:

I didn't sleep that night,I went out,rediscovered heroine and brought a chick from a club in downtown New York back to my very empty apartment after Renee dipped.I had a raging hangover and a chick clinging to my arm when I eventually woke up to banging on my front door.
We were flying home (La) which I had big plans for,new plans and later that night we would land so I didn't know why I was being woken up now..unless it was night?

I was so out of it I just sat up and listened to the pounding on my door for a few seconds before deciding to get up and open it.Well I was going to open it until I heard Axl's voice on the other side.

"Slash..."the girl in my bed called out as I wasn't sure whether to pretend I was gone or dead as I froze and hid behind the corner. "I can see you silly."She cooed,she was naked entangled in the covers peering round the corner at me stupidly hiding from a girl whose name I couldn't remember but she sure knew mine.

"sh*t."I grumbled walking towards her except I was fully clothed,I wasn't sure if we'd had sex I just hoped if we did I wasn't a d*ck and didn't use protection we all know what that leads too.

"Come back to bed"she said as the banging continued as she winced.

"you should probably get out of here."I warned her as she looked a little scared and quickly got up as I opened the door to the inevitable argument awaiting as Axl marched in.

"you quit?"He yelled as I saw the girl sneak out behind him as I laughed to myself.

"you smashed my guitar?"I said getting a little bit upset.

"and what...you quit!"Axl repeated yet this time it wasn't phrased like a dumb question.

"that guitar was a gift."I said,It was Joe perrys sunburst Les Paul that Anastasia brought me for Christmas last year.I loved that guitar.

"why do you care?You can buy hundreds more...well now you can't because you quit!"He retorted angrily as he got frustrated with my silence. "Why'd you do it?"He asked.

"do what?"I asked naively hoping he'd get angry over having to repeat himself.

"you know what don't make me say it again"Axl said light heartedly laughing until he suddenly turned serious again. "and don't you dare say her name Slash."Axl said sternly as my smile faded.

"I wasn't going to."I mumbled.

"But it was her.You just couldn't let it go,could you?"Axl sighed.

"when you get someone like that you shouldn't let them go."I said as that would make a great song lyric.

"well maybe you should.I understand what you mean,I'd do anything for Erin however I'd never sabotage my best friends for my own selfish desires."Axl said like the narcissist he was.He wasn't playing mad even though I knew he was he was trying to guilt trip me and freeze me out by being cold and honest which never worked.

"I'm sorry." was all I came up with although I wasn't sorry not a little bit,not at all.

"sorry doesn't fix the band."Axl sighed being all dramatic still trying to get sympathy.

"The band was already broken Axl,it's not the same without Izzy or Steven,I've made my amends with them it's just you."I said harshly.

"Well don't need them we kicked them out for a reason."Axl said being stubborn.

"We kicked Steven out for being on drugs!We were all on drugs at that point,how we convinced the judge and basically won that court case,I'll never know but it wasn't fair,it was rogue and completely cruel,Steven is my best friend and you know who was right about the whole thing?"I said as Axl rolled his eyes at me.

"don't even say it."He groaned referring to Anastasia.

"And Izzy,he left he wasn't kicked out at all,Gilby had been desperate to join and with you forcing me to re-record Izzy's parts in the studio and actually using them on the album caused him to leave."I said shaking my head. "I love the band..well I did but until it is the original five members,you me,Duff,Izzy and Steven.Im not playing or joining back.If that never happens it's fine it was fun while it lasted but I can't keep playing with people I don't like and being around them it drives me crazy."I complained giving Axl and ultimatum.

"you're just jealous of Gilby."Axl said pettily.

"why would I be jealous of Gilby."I scoffed.

"he has everything you ever wanted and she adored him and you know it that's why you freaked out last night and ran off stage saying you quit to chase the girl who doesn't even want you back."Axl said so cruelly.

"get the f*ck out my room."I yelled at him as he hit a nerve,he was telling me the truth,I knew it was the truth I just didn't want to hear it.

"you thought I didn't notice all of her magazine covers you buy every time you walk past that stand...if you're gonna get married to a new girl actually go through with it instead of keep rebounding,God you're relentless."Axl groaned taunting me as it just enraged me even more as I reached for the first thing I saw being my brand new guitar after Axl smashed my old one,So I smashed it into him as he dodged and took a few steps back.

"I quit your f*cking band,I quit all of it unless Adler and Izzy come back I'm not allowing you to make another cent of off me."I grunted.

"Gilby will just replace you,he already replaced you as Anas boyfriend,we're doing a show as soon as we get back in La."Axl muttered as he pulled open the front door.

"There's no show..without me,There's not even a f*cking band without me?"I said as Axl shook his head. "Everyone wants them back,you saw that sign that said where is Izzy last night right?Matt and Gilby are gonna leave or you will probably kick them out,Duffs having a baby with Su,you think he's gonna wanna sit around rot in the studio making sh*tty cover songs with you?He will quit and they will all quit just like I did."I uttered as it became unbearable to Axl.

"you didn't quit because I kicked you out!"Im kicking you out right now!"He yelled as I grabbed a vase from the table and threw it at him as he left as it smashed against the doorway missing him only slightly as he scattered,the plane home would be awkward.

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