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Slash's Pov:

I was in a fit of rage,as I drove to Duffs apartment.The door was slightly open as I barged in and saw him on the balcony exactly how Ana and Erin described.He was on the balcony leaning on the railing drinking like crazy.

"get the f*ck out."Duff scowled as I opened the sliding glass door,I felt sharpness under my boots as I lifted up my foot checking my sole and it was glass,shattered glass all over the balcony floor.

"what the f*ck Duff?"I said scoffing "You threw a bottle at your damn sister?"I scolded him.

"That's why you're here?"He asked,my answer seemed to depend on his reaction as I nodded and he squared up to me.Duff was much taller,If I was honest his height and his drinking habits was the only scary thing about him.

"I came here for one thing."I muttered before pulling back my arm and using as much strength as I could power into a punch clipping his right eye with a smirk.To my surprise he didn't flinch,or move or have any reaction at all except a little pain as he just shook his head.I intended to leave straight after that.

"You just couldn't stay away from her could you?"Duff shouted as I turned my back.

"no."I said shaking my head.

"She's not made for this lifestyle Slash,you know that.Anas been through a lot of sh*t and being surrounded by drugs and alcohol and you."He exaggerated. "It's gonna f*ck her up,but she's my little sister!"He yelled.

"She's happy Duff."I said bluntly.

"She's always happy.It's those f*cking pills she takes."Duff scoffed getting frustrated.

"Nobody is made for this lifestyle Duff,Look at you."I said nodding the the shattered glass and beer bottle in his hand.

"If you want to continue this band,stay away from her."Duff warned me squinting.His eye where I hit him was red,I'd seen him much worse in fights but normally it was Duff and I fighting other people not each other. "Look what she's doing to you."Duff said trying to turn this onto Ana as I just glared at him before turning away and leaving.


Anastasia's Pov:

"why did I let you talk me into this."Izzy grumbled miserably as we sat in a booth at the Rainbow Diner.

"look there she is!"Erin cooed as we watched Pam walk in.

"go on Ask her!!"I said as Steven Erin and I ushered Izzy to get up and talk to her.He got up quickly slamming his hands on the table as he was now full of confidence as he marched over and spoke to her.

"what's she saying."Steven said looking eagerly.

"SHH!"Erin and I both shouted at him as we tried to overhear but the chiming of plates and people chattering prevented us from hearing them both as they chatted away for ages as Izzy turned to us with wide eyes,he looked ecstatic as
we all cheered drawing attention to ourselves as Pam saw us and giggled as she dragged Izzy over.

"hey y'all."She smiled.

"so you're coming?"Erin said smiling.

"aha what?"Pam asked nervously giggling.

"Izzy you didn't even ask her!"I shouted at him D he shrugged.

"what was the look then."Steven blurted out.

"what look?"Pam said suspiciously as Izzy shook his head.

"Izzy wants to invite you on tour with us."Erin said grinning.

"A tour?Thats so cool!When?"Pam said excitedly.

"tomorrow."Izzy blushed.

"oh."Pam said as she furrowed her brows. "Well I kinda have to work."She said resisting.

"f*ck this."Steven said trying to encouraging her as I could tell she was considering it.

"when else are you gonna get asked to come on tour with LA's newest and hottest rock band?"Erin said as Pam rolled her eyes.

"what the hell.Sure!"She smiled as we cheered again.

"does this make me the only single one in the band?"Steven said with an annoyed look.

"you'll find your soulmate one date popcorn."Erin teased.

"I have her name is cocaine."Steven retorted as Erin giggled at how bad his joke was.

"Let me get off my shirt then you're coming to my apartment to help me pack."Pam said tugging at the collar of Izzy's shirt as she winked and we all teased Izzy.

We eventually walked back to the apartment as we were left without a car. "You car crash in my bed Erin.But don't take any of the coke I have in there I'm saving it for when we get back!"Steven warned her as Erin and I exchanged glances.

"Steven I'm pregnant,I'm not going to steal your coke."Erin said rolling her eyes as she kissed me goodnight as she went to sleep in his room.

"you okay out here Adler?"I asked him as he dived onto the couch flicking through the channels on the television.

"I'm good,my mom is coming to see me tomorrow before we leave...I think she wants her car back."Steven shrugged "Slash better not of crashed it again."

"Again?"I giggled as I blew him a kiss goodnight as I jumped into Slash's cold bed and fell asleep.It wasn't long until the bed was warm as I felt heat climb in next to me as I opened my eyes to Slash's full shadow as I pulled at his face pulling it into mine as I kissed him softly.

"where'd you go?"I whispered.

"To Duffs."He said bluntly.

"you what?"I gasped.

"I went to Duffs apartment."He said again.

"why?"I asked biting my lip.

"because I'm not scared of him,only what he might do to the band."Slash said as I questioned him.Did he prioritise music or his career over me?I didn't want to be the reason Guns would eventually break up but I wasn't exactly gonna be the reason the stay together.

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