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Anastasia's pov:

"you think you're pregnant?"Erin asked getting up as she opened her bedroom door. "excuse me!"She snapped as a lady,dressed like a maid rushed over.Erin grabbed Eden who was still babbling and handed her over. "I'll be a few minutes just watch her please."Erin demanded as this lady who was quite clearly in the middle of cleaning took Eden away.

"You got a nanny?"I asked screwing up my face.

"Don't give me that look...it's perks of marrying a rockstar."Erin shrugged as she scrambled around in her bedside table drawer picking up some keys as she saved them in my face. "Let's go."She smiled as I followed her out to her car.

"When did you get a convertible?"I questioned as she climbed into the side of a fancy white car with the roof as it lifted off.

"Perks-"She began.

"Please don't say perk of marrying a rockstar"I interrupted as she laughed.

"Don't be mad because you got knocked up by one..it's a good thing."Erin said as I sat nervously,twiddling my thumbs in the passenger seat "what makes you think you're pregnant anyhow?"Erin asked.

"I don't know..my emotions are so scrambled, with Steven gone and the move I just feel sick constantly..like I had a bad feeling."I swallowed.

"The move?"Erin asked.

"oh right,I haven't brought a phone yet but Slash kinda brought me a house."I blushed.

"Holy sh*t!Thats why you've been so quiet these past few days.Thank God I hated that apartment..It's up here?"Erin asked as I nodded. "It's nice round here,a lot more private, quieter, hardly any paparazzi better than the sunset strip."Erin said flicking her hair kinda snobbish as I just laughed it off. "Don't worry,Steven will be fine and I don't get why you're so worried,If you're pregnant then that's amazing.Slash brought you a house and you didn't even have to carry around his child for nine months.Imagine what he would buy you after birthing his kid."Erin giggled.

"Anyone ever told you that you sound like a gold digger?"I said brutally.

"money makes the world go round babe."Erin smirked. "You know I'm only kidding.Just trying to ease ur nerves,I've never seen you so frightened."Erin laughed.

"I was talking to Slash about all this..I just dont think we're ready.Well he saids that he's not but maybe I am or maybe I never will be."I sighed.

"you're getting yourself worked up.Eden was the best thing that's ever happened to me."Erin bragged.

"But I'm not really like you.."I mumbled.

"I know you're not,that's why me talking about my lavish lifestyle makes you uncomfortable, some people are a lot more humble.You Anastasia are extremely humble which is why even if you're not ready for this baby you need to see that it's still a blessing."Erin kinda lectured me as she turned to me. "Nobody is ever truly ready for a baby.I was 23 years old but I don't regret anything."Erin smiled as we pulled up to the nearest pharmacist.

"I just don't know how to feel.."I admitted as Erin looked in the rear view mirror and began applying lip gloss.

"There's no certainty that you are pregnant.Lets just get the test and be quick."Erin said checking herself out as she grabbed the mirror and kinda nudged it to the side as her eyes widened. "We've got company."Erin announced.

"what?"I panicked so paranoid as I snapped my head back to see paparazzi camping around the pharmacy as I heard a couple camera flickers.

"Don't look at them.Thats what they want."Erin scoffed looking straight on. "In the glove compartment there should be a couple pairs of sunglasses."Erin said as I opened it up passed her a pair as the ushered me to put the other pair on.She passed me her lipgloss as I put it on."Just pretend not to care."she whispered.

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