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Slash's pov:

"where the f*ck have you been?"Duff said as I stood freezing outside in front of him.

"crashing at Pam's."Izzy muttered.

"didn't bother to come to rehearsals?"Duff interrogated him.

"no,I can't deal with that f*cker."He scoffed referring to Axl.

"Neither can we,but we still show."Duff scolded him.

"He's bringing in new people to rehearse,we refused to play but Axl threatened to replace us all"I groaned.

"like he could even try,were the only people on the strip who can actually play our instruments if he wants a bunch of amateurs let him have it."Izzy said carelessly.

"We worked too hard for this,we're touring tomorrow,either be there or don't show your face again."Duff said harshly. "I'm sick of risking my position for you and Adler."He scoffed

"I'm sick of Axl putting my position at risk,he's trying to kick Steven out for being on drugs?So am I!All of us are!"Izzy shouted as I went to speak up. "Don't even try to argue that your clean Slash you inject heroine in the bathrooms all the time and Duff isn't exactly sober from drinking considering your pancreas or some sh*t burst a few months back."Izzy said attacking both of us before exhaling loudly. "Just ask Axl if he wants me there,if he doesn't I won't even show but if he stops acting like a kid and is actually serious about this tell him to call me."Izzy groaned as he spun around walking off.

"nice Duff."I mocked him as Duff tutted.

"I had to be honest with him."Duff insisted as I followed Izzy out back into the Starwood.

"Izzy!"I called out as he turned to me. "where are you going?"I asked referring to what he was doing tomorrow but he turned to me glancing over his shoulder and smirking.

"I'm gonna go get my girlfriend off the dance floor I suggest you go get Ana."He chuckled as Duff and I exchanged a pure look of worry as I tried to act nonchalant as I walked forward overlooking the dance floor as I watched her dance as if her life depended on it on the pool table,surrounded by people.

"you're definitely siblings"I remarked to Duff referring to the drink in her hand that she downed in a matter of seconds as I tried to lighten the mood but he looked furious.

"I left her for like twenty minutes what the f*ck is wrong with her?"He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time to babysit her."Duff groaned.

"Ive got her,I'll take her home."I blurted out although it was my intention to do so anyways.

"Chase her round the club all you want just take care of her and that's it."Duff muttered. "I need to get home to Su,just call me when you're at your apartment and let me speak to her when she's not drunken dancing."Duff said shaking his head.

"She'll be fine,you really think I can't take care of her?"I asked.

"yeah,you can barely take care of yourself,I've seen you pass out in the streets on your way home."Duff remarked.

"I haven't had anything to drink tonight."I reminded him.

"yeah well as long as your not shooting up heroine in the bathrooms then I'm sure you'll be fine."Duff scoffed. "I'll see you tomorrow,just take care of my sister."He sighed before rushing off straight out the doors off the Starwood but not before glancing at Ana still dancing as he looked at me with a look of urgency on his face as I snapped back into reality and pushed my way over there.

"Ana!"I shouted continuously as she faced the other way ignoring me until she finally heard and spun round to me.

"you took too long."She groaned crouching down.

"We're leaving now come on."I said holding her hands.

"dance with me."She slurred.

"another time."I blushed unsure of what to do as she wouldn't move as she was being stubborn as always. "Anastasia!"I shouted.

"God you sound like Duff!"She said rolling her eyes as my hands gripped to her waist as I lifted her up of the pool table and back onto the ground where she rolled her heels and stumbled into my arms.

"get back up their blondie."Some guy in the crowd shouted as she rested in my arms.

"f*ck you!"I shouted as I knelt down grabbing her in my arms as I carried her out.

"wait I don't wanna leave yet,I haven't said bye to Pam."she groaned.

"You'll see her tomorrow."I assured her as I pushed through the crowd with her in my arms.

"I don't think I've ever found you hotter than now."She cooed as I could smell the alcohol on her hot breath.We made out into the back of a cab as soon as I climbed in behind her as she threw herself at me as I caught the cab driver glancing over in his mirror every couple of seconds during the short drive to the apartment.

I got out tipping the guy as I pulled her up the stairs and pushed through the front door that was unlocked,of course,as Steven's mental dog started jumping all around as I attempted to calm it down Ana stumbled over the the records and put a song on,as 'My kinda Lover' by Billy squier began playing as I looked up at her as she smirked at me in a drunken haze.

"what?"I said skeptically.

"you still owe me a dance."She grinned.

"fine."I groaned as I walked towards her.

"wait.really?you don't dance!"She giggled surprised.

"For you,I will."I admitted as her eyes lit up as she leapt into my arms.I had never done any of this with anyone let alone a girl,but I'm glad it was this girl although she was a pretty horrible drunk dancer and barely knew the lyrics to the song,she wouldn't remember it in the morning anyway.

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