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Duffs Pov:

"Anastasia!"My father shouted as slash spun her around as they couldn't stop laughing.I watched in awe as he danced with my sister on a table at my damn wedding,my parents were so embarrassed which I figured was Anastasia's plan.

"Michael,get her down for Christ's sake she's making a mockery of herself.That boy is trouble!"My mother pleaded.

"no.."I said bluntly still watching them

"Michael I'm not asking you I'm telling you go get your damn sister and kick that junkie out!"father said all distressed referring to Slash.

"I'm not a child and neither is she just let her have fun,It's the least she deserves after what you put her through."I scowled as my mom gasped.

"She put herself through it all by even going near cocaine!"my mom whispered angrily. "Get that boy away from her,what is she even doing with him?"My mother warned me.

"she loves him.."I said under my breathe as I saw the way she looked at him and the way he looked back at her.I felt stupid for even trying to deny anything they felt for each other but I chose to ignore it,I would ignore it for as long as I could until it became unbearable.

"God don't be stupid she's 22 she doesn't know anything about love!"My mother scolded me.

"And you and dad do?"I asked as my father backed down as my mothers eyes went wide.

"We've been married for almost thirty years!"she said outraged.

"And how happy are you..genuinely?"I asked as she stuttered as my dad walked away and over to the bar.My mother turned round as she marched up to that table.

"Anastasia Mae McKagan!Get down from there!"My mother cursed as Ana pretended not to hear her as my mother continued screaming as Ana climbed down at last as she reached her hand out to Slash as he took her hand jumping down as they stood in front of my mother as she folded her arms aggravated.


Anastasia's Pov:

"Yes mother?"I said innocently laughing

"You are an embarrassment!Who do you think you are dancing like that with him!"she scolded me as I glanced over at Slash.

"Oh yeah mom this is Slash,you haven't officially met"I teased as Slash stuck his hand out as she denied him as we both giggled.

"you think this is funny?Im embarrassed of you!Ashamed even!I gave up everything for you!I just wanted you both to be happy but that just wasn't good enough for you was it?you just had to go and mess up the perfect life I built for you with goddamn cocaine so much so you almost killed yourself from your damn addiction!"She shouted hysterically as everyone gasped.

"mom get the f*ck out of here now."Duff said stepping between us.

"I never want to see you again!You left me!You Goddamn left me in that hospital.You don't care about me,You never did!"I emphasised pushing past my brother as Slash held my hand.
I stared into my mothers eyes as they began to tear up.

"I'm sorry Michael,I never wanted this to happen,"My mother cried as I'd never felt so exposed.Everyone in the room stared at me more than before more than ever.Now I was ashamed.
"you just wanna throw it all away for some junkie n***** who plays the guitar!"She scowled.

"what the f*ck did you just say."Duff said bluntly as Slash was taken aback. I glared at my mother for a couple seconds debated my actions then looked at her again as I plummeted my fist into my mothers face as hard as I could in a pit full of rage as everyone gasped once again as I walked away before I realised what I'd done or before I could feel guilty in any way.

Slash's Pov:

I didn't know what to do,I was so lost.The whole perfect white wedding was in shambles but I guess nothing lasts forever.

I set out to find Ana,but the cold rain showered over the chapel as everyone filed out,some were shocked some were disappointed it was all just mixed emotions.Anastasia's parents fled off as quick as they could without even saying goodbye well to me at least but I couldn't see why they would considering their daughter just punched her mother because she was racist to me.

Although I was glad I probably wouldn't have to see them again I got the feeling that Duff was pissed at me for some reason,As far as I knew I hadn't done anything to lead him to keep glaring at me from across the room as he consoled Mandy who was so worried.

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