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Anastasia's Pov:

I slept in that waiting room all night and most of the next day,Slash didn't leave my sight once until a nurse offered to tend to all his cuts from the fight as he kissed me goodbye as I waited patiently tapping my feet.

"Anastasia,how you holding up."Alan said walking over as he handed me a hot drink. "I've called Mandy,she was heartbroken but she's on a flight over her now"

"I'm okay,I hope he's doing better"I said sipping the drink as I thanked him. "Where's Erin and Steven?"I asked as Alan sat down next to me sighing.

"Erin and Steven have went to bail out Axl from jail,Izzy got away in time but Axl got the full blame for the fight with that guard as well as a law suit against him since the security and the club decided to press charges but most of the money he made last night will hopefully cover the damages.They'll be here soon"Alan nodded as Izzy walked over to me as he didn't say anything we just hugged.

"Where's Slasher?"Alan asked as I glanced at the time.

"he's been gone for a while a nurse is just patching him up from last night.Thank-you for doing that Izzy God knows what would've happened if you all didn't step up to help me get to him."I thanked Izzy as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Any immediate family here for Michael McKagan."The nurse said walking over.

"I'm his sister."I said standing up.

"follow me."She smiled as I looked back at Izzy who raised his eyebrows.

"is he okay?"I asked walking quickly behind her as we entered the ward.

"He's doing fine now,With all the bills paid we were able to give him the treatment he needed so he's onto a speedy recovery"She said as she opened the door

"bills..?"I thought to myself as I walked in and saw both my parents standing over Duff laying in a hospital bed as my heart sunk.

"Ana!"Duff smiled as he must've noticed my reaction as he glanced at my mom and dad who have never looked less excited to see me as I slowly walked over and walked over to Duff hugging him.

"I'm glad you're okay..but what the f*ck are they doing here."I whispered through gritted teeth as shrugged.

"Am I interrupting something?"Slash called out as he stood in the doorway and I hugged him as I looked at his face.

"You're all fixed."I smiled.

"She gave me stitches look"Slash said turning his head as I giggled.

"My God Anastasia have some sympathy for you're brother who almost died last night not this stranger"My mother shouted folding her arms as I turned around.

"Who the f*ck are you?"Slash said slightly offended. "hey Duff"He smiled changing tones.

"Slash these are my parents.."I sighed. "And I have a lot of sympathy,I'm the one who found him"I scowled.

"Well without all the damn bills we paid which cost a fortune he'd probably be dead"My father snapped

"I must say Anastasia,I expected you to be laying in that hospital bed not your poor brother"My mother cried.

"What are you trying to say..?"I said shocked at what she was implying.

"You didn't deserve this Michael."She cried as she knelt by his side.

"Mom it's not Anastasia's fault."Duff tried to tell her as she shook her head. "If anything Anastasia is the reason I'm alive,and I'm grateful to her"He smiled looking at me.

"I just didn't want you to become a junkie too"my mother sobbed.

"I'm not a f*cking junkie!"I exclaimed.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your mother Anastasia."My father snapped pointing at me.

"You heard him,I f*cking saved him and where were you if you cared so much?"I broke down. "And where were you when I overdosed in Seattle,you didn't visit me once,you didn't pay any of my bills,you didn't care!"I cried.

"hey..let's go!"Slash whispered trying to pull me away.

"Because you're brother isn't an Addict!He doesn't stick needles in his arm until he passes out."My mom shouted back at me as I laughed at her.

"Clearly you've never been to La"I said rolling my eyes as Duff looked at my begging me not to say it. "Are you gonna tell them or should I?"

"Mom..Dad.I over drank that's the whole reason I'm here,doctors said I drank so much my pancreas exploded causing me to knock myself out cold,I almost drank myself to death."Duff sighed as my mother let go of his hand as if she had caught the plague. "But I wanna get better,I'm gonna go to rehab."Duff continued.

"I think we better go."She whispered as she got her coat and her bag and rushed my father away.

"Mom.."Duff said as she looked back as Slash opened the door for them.

"Michael,I don't know what she has done to you but you're not like this."Mother cried still trying to blame me as I was outraged as she rushed out.

"what the f*ck."He muttered.

"yeah Duff what the f*ck!"I shouted.

"I'm gonna wait outside.."Slash said as he quickly left as I walked over and sat by his side.

"why the f*ck did you make me do that Ana"Duff sighed.

"Why the f*ck were they here anyway"I shouted back wiping my eyes.

"I couldn't pay the bills,they were the only people who actually could,I didn't know what to do so the hospital called them and they showed up.I knew if I told them the real reason I was here they wouldn't pay."He shrugged.

"God I would've found the money to help you out why them"I sobbed

"I knew straight away you'd hate it but I didn't even know if you'd come visit me until I woke up and the nurses told me you saved me."He smiled.

"No matter how mad I was at you I still love you,and I owe a bit of the saving credit to Slash and the rest of the band,nobody could find you and I had a bad feeling,f*cking Axl got arrested for beating up the security guard that was blocking me from getting backstage,the whole band jumped on this guy,Slash got stitches,me and Erin broke down the door and Slash came and carried you to the ambulance as we ran away from the cops"I explained.

"That's how you f*cking kick off a tour"He laughed. "Thank you Ana,I'm sorry for everything,the way I treated you and how our parents treat you."Duff said as he offered me a hug as a basically jumped into his arms.

"I'm just glad your okay.I missed you"I said softly.

"Can you do me one last favour?"He asked as I nodded. " I wanna get married to Mandy in our hometown soon,I'm lucky to be alive and I don't wanna waste anytime,could you please send her to me as soon as she gets here."Duff asked.

"Of course I can."I agreed,I was so happy for him.

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