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Anastasia's pov:

I woke up to banging on the front door,Slash had long left for rehearsals and I figured he'd dragged Steven along with him as I didn't notice Steven in his room as I walked past.

"Erin?"I said surprised as I opened the door.

"I brought a house."She said,out of breathe.

"A house?"I said raising my eyebrows. "How did you afford that?"

"my future husbands a rock singer,remember. Anyway as my maid of honour I need your help."She said still panting.

"Did you run all the way here?"I asked.

"no,I got a cab..those stairs to get up here just took my breathe away."She sighed.

"there's like 12 steps?"I said peering through the door at the small set of stairs at the end of the hallway.

"ANA FOCUS!"Erin shouted snapping me back to reality as I pushed the heavy door open wider.

"yeah,sorry come in."I said as she strutted in sniffing around.

"God,this place stinks!"Erin said covering his nose.

"I know,I should probably clean it up..but anyway why do you need my help?"I said sitting on the couch as she sat on the other one opposite letting out a sigh of relief.

"I have three weeks until I have a baby and two weeks to plan a whole wedding."Erin announced.

"And you want my help?"I said unsure.Of course I wanted to help Erin but how.

"of course,you're my best friend Anastasia.I can't do this without you."Erin pleaded.

"okay,I'm sure we can figure it out."I nodded as she smiled hugging me.

"Okay let's go."She said pulling me up.

"oh right now?"I said un expecting.Erin and I spent the day running around the strip,we even went to the store where Mandy brought her dress and tried a couple on until she found the one,it was my job to take it to be altered for her pregnant body.

We even called Pam as soon as she got off her shift at the new diner she started working at since the quit the last one to join us on tour.Together us girls managed to do quite a lot of planning together. Pams sister had just had a baby so we had plenty of the items we needed.We called Alan and he sorted the venue for the wedding out for us and even hired us a party planner,we weren't sure how professional he was but he took a lot of the jobs we had to do off our hands and took them upon himself.

"okay this is it."Erin said as we looked at a huge house,we walked in and it was half furnished half not,we ordered Chinese takeout and opted to sit on Erin's new dining room floor as there wasn't a single table or chairs yet. "holy sh*t my life is actually coming together."Erin smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Thank you both of you,my baby is gonna love you."Erin sniffled.

"are you okay Erin?"Pam said tilting her head as Erin began to cry.

"Yeah I just really hope this lasts forever."She sobbed.

"what us eating Chinese food on your floor?"I said as Pam laughed.

"no just us,you guys are the best friends I've ever had and I can't help but think Axl isn't going to be around all that much especially with the tour and all.I obviously can't come on the tour,what will happen when I'm not there?"Erin said worrying.

"Well I'll be there..probably.Don't worry I'll keep an eye on him,he wouldn't dare upset you or he will have me to deal with.Trust me Axl is better than that."I said unsure of if it was actually true but I'd tell Erin whatever she wanted to hear as long as it made her feel good.

The truth was I wasn't sure how Axl would be away from home leaving his soon to be wife and baby back in La as we traveled across the world.Axl was a nice guy when he wanted to be but he was always so up and down.But he truly loved Erin,that was obvious.

"Pam will be there too right?"I said looking at her as she kinda blushed.

"I'm not sure,Izzy hasn't mentioned anything,in fact he had barely spoke to me since we got back."Pam admitted.

"He hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet?"I asked as she shook her head. "He's just shy."I said shrugging. "don't worry about it."I smiled.

"What if my baby grows up not knowing who their father is?You know what Axl's like he could abandon me at the alter and then come over to my apartment like nothing had happened,he threw a damn guitar at me when I told him I was having his baby."Erin said panicking.

"Erin where is this coming from?"Pam asked.

"That f*cking fake stylist model b*tch called Axl while I was at his apartment,when he was at the studio."Erin grumbled.

"Stephanie Seymour?"I said surprised I ever remembered the girls name but realistically how could I forget,Alan tried to ruin my relationship.

"yeah,that b*tch had the nerve to call and when I asked her she said you don't remember me?"Erin mocked her.

"She might've been calling for business."Pam said trying to be positive.

"business my ass,At least I have you two."She sighed.

"Don't go soft on us not Erin."I said as she giggled as we all laughed until Pam's face dropped and it showed.

"hey Erin,why are you marrying Axl if you think he's cheating?"Pam said.

"Because I love him,I don't know for sure if he's cheating it could be a misunderstanding like what happened with Adrianna."She sighed " I should really have more faith in our relationship,we've been together for ages.I just hope it's nothing and I'm just being paranoid."Erin shrugged

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