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Anastasia's pov:

"Im so glad you ditched Gilby."Erin said sighing of relief as her,Susan and I walked through Beverly Hills with as many shopping bags as we could hold on either arm.

"I haven't ditched him..not yet.If anything he ditched me."I said laughing at it to make myself feel better.

"that's so sh*tty that he didn't visit you at all!"Erin said looking at Su for her approval.

"Slash visited,he was there everyday."Su agreed as I noticed the mention of Slash made Erin a little guilty still.

"I was wrong about him."Erin said.

"It's sweet he cares but he's married."I sighed.

"I haven't seen Renee forever!"Su exclaimed.

"she left the tour early,maybe they broke up."Su shrugged.

"I hope Slash didn't sign a prenup,we all knew Renee was there for his money."Erin said

"and what are you there for?"I teased her as she rolled her eyes.

"I love Axl,I knew we'd get back together..that's why I never signed those divorce papers."Erin blushed.

"I bet you love your new Hollywood hills house too?"I joked as she ignored me.

"It's a lovely house perfect for Eden to grow up in and perfect to host parties."Erin winked.

"I'm so glad I'm having a daughter,her and Eden can be best friends!"She exclaimed as they both un shamefully switched the whole conversation onto babies and children and family.It made me feel a little bit uncomfortable as I obviously couldn't relate,my only family resented me apart from my Dad who has suddenly started calling me everyday,I figured he got lonely but I had no aspiration to have any children right now.I wasn't sure if that was the life I even wanted.

"Axl and I were actually thinking of having another,he really wants a boy and Eden is walking and talking more and more and told us she wants a baby for her birthday."Erin grinned.

"better get busy Erin,Edens birthday is next week."I butted in as Su laughed.

"I can't wait to have this baby,I hope everyone attending the premiere doesn't think I'm fat."Su giggled.

"only persons opinion that matters is Duff and he thinks the world of you Su."Erin complimented her as I felt a little bitter,I wished Duff would think a little better of me sometimes,just like now,he hasn't spoke to me since the tour and despite Susan's best efforts he refuses.

"Anyway speaking of Edens birthday are you all free next Saturday,that's when her party is."Erin asked.

"I have a checkup in the morning but me and Duff will be there."Su said kindly

"Ana?"Erin asked as I realised I kinda zoned out.

"yeah,I'll be there."I nodded.

"you should have a daughter Ana,then they could all be best friends!"Erin said as Su cheered.

"not now..I'm not sure I'm the motherly type."I said as Su and Erin exchanged glances.

"you think we were?I was a model chasing after a rockstar."Erin laughed.

"me too."Su agreed.

"But Erin you've always been good around kids and Su,You're probably more of a mother to me than my own."I admitted.

"don't say that you'll make me feel old."Su blushed.

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