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Anastasia's pov:

"I missed you so much."I sighed resting my head back as I lay sprawled out on the couch with Steven on the floor his legs under to huge glass table as he used his backstage pass to form little lines of coke.

"I was stupid to even trust a thing Adrianna said."He sighed.

"you'll find the right girl someday Adler."I teased as he scoffed as he snorted a line.

"Do you think you found the right guy?"He asked rubbing his nose.

"god how much coke have you done?"I laughed avoiding the question as he ignored it raising his eyebrows at me expecting an answer. "I don't know,all odds are against us.."I sighed.

"Well your still going strong."He shrugged

"strong isn't the word of use."I admitted as the front door swung open as Slash fumbled in.

"speak of the devil."Steven whispered as I giggled.

"f*ck! You're brother is a pain in the ass to get to bed."slash said groggily.

"you put Duff to bed?"I said surprised.

"I hd too it was the only way I could get Alan to f*ck off he wouldn't leave me alone about the whole Metallica thing apparently there manager flipped and now we don't know when we're resuming the tour."Slash said pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked over as he lifted up my legs sitting down on the couch as he rested them on his lap with ease.

"I forgot about that."I said glaring at him as he held his hands up in defence.

"Do we even know when we're gonna resume to tour anyway?I haven't spoke to Axl at all."Steven said

"Axl and Erin are sorting things out but atleast you two did."Slash said grinning. "Apart from you leaving me to deal with Duff."He said with annoyance.

"I've been dealing with drunken Duff my whole life give me a break."I excused.

"I can't believe how sh*tty those awards were,there wasn't even proper drinks."Slash said blowing raspberries.

"I think I'm glad I missed it."Steven said smiling.

"Well your not missing the next one f*cker,Duff isn't coming so you have to present this award with me."Slash said adamantly

"There's another?Do I have too?"Steven groaned

"yes,Did Alan not tell you?Next week My mom and brother are flying out to watch us present it so we have to convince Axl to come."Slash said exhausted as his stare turned to me. "since Duff is gone,you're my date."He winked as I smirked back.

"Duff will still find out,wherever he is?"I said confused.

"He's going to see Mandy's family?Thats why I want you to meet mine."Slash said sweetly.

"awh."I cooed as Steven slammed his hands on the table standing up quickly.

"you make me feel sick."He teased walking away as Slash threw a pillow of the couch at him. "Wake me up in the morning I'll talk to Axl"He called out dodging the pillow as he walked into his room slamming the door as Slash got up sliding himself on top of me as he lay on my chest

"I can't believe you said f*ck Metallica."I said still unable to comprehend it.

"It just slipped out,I was just pissed about Kirk."
He admitted.

"you shouldn't be,you have nothing to worry about."I reassured him as I planted a soft kiss on his lips as I shut my eyes my head resting on his curly hair until i fell asleep suddenly waking up later in the morning to loud thumps.I lifted my head up from a pillow I was resting on as Slash was gone until I saw him marching into the room with a thick stack of paper.

"Finally."He muttered as he noticed I was awake as I sat up and he slammed the paper on the table in-front of me as my feet touched to floor. "nothing to worry about huh?"He said as I squinted reading the fine print.

'Guns bassist sister rumoured to be dating Metallica lead guitarist,Kirk Hammett causing uproar on tour and at Mtv Awards.'

"What the f*ck?"I said picking it up as I looked up at him. "You know this is fake right?"I said in an obvious tone.

"Well there you are,holding his hand,on the cover of a rock magazine,seems pretty real to me."Slash cursed.

"oh my god he was just guiding me through the crowd of paparazzi people don't actually think we're dating."I scoffed.

"Duff does..page three."Slash muttered as I looked at him squinting as I flicked to the next page with the quotations.

'when asked about the rumpus bassist Duff McKagan said he was unaware of this relationship however he "approves" of Hammett dating his little sister'

"okay this has to be fake!Duff wouldn't say that!"I said baffled.

"Well it's there in quotations,Atleast you know he approves."Slash said angrily.

"f*ck Slash!Im obviously not dating Kirk,they obviously just had the wrong idea and Duff probably just assumed it wrong too!"I sighed.

"what the f*ck am I meant to tell my mom,who flew out her to meet you and she sees that your goddamn dating another rockstar on the cover of a magazine?"Slash said biting his lip.

"god.f*cking magazines.."I sighed in defeat.

"And why the f*ck does Duff approve of it?But we have to keep this a secret in case Duff doesn't!"He snapped

"You know how Duff is he'd never approve of us."I admitted

"But it's okay for you to be with Kirk on a magazine cover after literally ending the tour with his band and Duff saids it's okay?why the f*ck does he think that's okay."Slash groaned.

"You're his best friend Slash,it's the ultimate betrayal if he finds out about us he'd ruin the band."I said as he sat down next to me.

"It like he thinks Kirk's better than me or something.."He muttered. "Why the f*ck did you go home with him."he sighed

"I only I slept on his couch and maybe I wouldn't of had to if someone didn't abandon there girlfriend after a long tour at the bus stop outside a diner to go do heroine!I scoffed.

"it wasn't like that,I thought you were with Erin and-"he began to defended himself until he stopped. "I'm sorry but what the f*ck are we gonna do if everyone thinks your dating Kirk!"Slash said biting his lip.

"I have an idea."I said smiling as Slash just looked at me blankly.

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