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Anastasia's pov:

The tension was thick,the air was suffocating me that I barely bared to breathe in case I choked and reminded Duff that I was standing in front of him.He just smoked a cigarette so casually huffing and puffy as if he didn't have a care in the world which only made him seem more intimidating as he dropped the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it with his foot as he looked up at me.

"so?you gonna explain or am I gonna have to go into that party and kick the sh*t out of Slash in front of everyone,I'm sure he'll explain after that."Duff said with a smile spread across his face.

"you wouldn't dare."I muttered.

"And why the f*ck not?"Duff laughed as if it was a challenge.

"Because.."I began as I wanted to reply with something snarky that would make him mad but I just sighed. "I'll explain."I shrugged.

"Then do it."Duff said antagonising me as the constant interruptions started to get on my nerves.I let out a deep breath before thinking back.

"The spaghetti incident."I said.

"what?"Duff replied.

"that album..y'know the cover one,named after that time we all threw spaghetti at Steven in that diner on the strip?That was around the time I started seeing him again.It had been months Duff.I tried,So hard but you don't get it."I said stamping my foot as he just knelt against the wall not caring or even listening

"What don't I get?To be in love?Im married Ana."Duff said straightening himself up.

"So am I!"I retorted as it took him by surprise.

"so it's true then?"Duff asked.

"yes,I married him way before you even found out the first time."I scoffed. "And y'know what I'm happy,happiest I've ever been."I assured him.

"I really do hope you're happy Stas I hope he's worth it because we're done."He said folding his arms.

"you're my brother we're not 'done' "I mocked him as he screwed up his face.

"I stopped being your brother when you broke the one rule I gave you.for the Second time!ONE RULE.You couldn't even follow that.It was simple Stas,you were off limits to my band mates but you just had to go and be reckless slut."Duff snapped.

I instantly slapped him across the face without another thought behind it.I'd slapped my brother before and I wasn't afraid to do it again.

"Remember who you're talking to Michael,I'm you're f*cking sister not some slut from the streets.Im trying to explain myself you atleast owe it to me to listen."I said sternly.

"You still think after all this..I owe you a damn thing?"Duff laughed

"you wanted an explanation,I'll f*cking give you one but let me finish."I said as he folded his arms leaning back in amusement. "After that album was finished he cut things off with Yvonne I started seeing him all again,it was messy and ended again..then I started seeing Gilby."I sighed.

"and then you got addicted to cocaine.Again."Duff said smugly.

"yes.."I gulped.

"After I went through my best efforts to pull you out of that lifestyle,help you get clean,I let you live with me if it meant you'd stay away from drugs."Duff exhaled "You just don't listen do you?"He tried to scold me as I rolled my eyes.

"Not to you!Not to anyone because in case it hasn't occurred to you..I hate being controlled."I said slowly so he could get it through his thick skull.

"No you hate to admit you're wrong.You have this thing where you can never see your own flaws and even when you're in the wrong you have to blame it on someone else!Does it not get tiring always playing the victim!"Duff uttered.

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