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Anastasia's pov:

"Okay what was that?"I said to Su after she hugged me during the reception after the ceremony.

what was what?"She said looking around with a cunning smirk on her face.

"You planned all this.With Slash?"I said.

"maybe."She shrugged.

"Su!"I said with annoyance.

"I'm not blind and I'm not stupid...I see the way he looks at you,even when he's with that actress and I see the way you swoon after him,you two should be together and nobody should try and stop that,so I felt obliged to do my best to bring you two together."She winked.

"enough with the winking.I appreciate the effort but it's not happening."I blushed awkwardly.

"But you want it too right?"Su said interrupting me as I couldn't stop smiling.

"I don't know-"I said. "I promised Duff I'd never ever get back with him."I groaned.

"And I just promised Duff to always forgive him in my vows but I will never forgive him if he ruins your one chance at love."Su said adamantly.

"Did I tell you,you're my favourite sister in law."I said adoringly batting my eyelashes.

"I'm your only sister in law darling."She said.

"Exactly."I winked mocking her.

The afterparty was amazing.Besides everyone harrasing me about Slash.It was a fun night.
Everyone was dancing and having fun,even my mother got up to dance and she looked like she would crumble into dust at any point,it still didn't stop her from non-stop terrorising me for doing anything.

"Anastasia you shouldn't wear red to a wedding it implies that you have slept with the groom!"My mom announced to the table full off Susan's entire family.

"The groom is my brother,your son mom,it's just a colour."I sighed after her endless attempts to ruin my night or my life.

"It's a well-known wives tale!Red at a wedding means you have slept with the groom!"My mom carried on.

"Do you want me to take the dress off?Rather have me walking around naked?"I suggested as her face shrivelled up all angrily.

"You are ridiculous!"She shouted.

"you're basically wearing white!"I said back.

"It's off-white and Susan doesn't mind."my mom said as Su just blushed.

"It's hideous..and Susan's to nice to say anything,luckily I'm not."I said rolling my eyes.

"Anastasia!"My dad snapped. "This is your brother's wedding would you both put the daggers away for one night."he pleaded as I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"hey,you wanna dance?"Gilby said turning to me.

"anything to get me out of here."I said jumping out of my seat as I followed him onto the dance floor.

"you're still acting like this!"I heard Slash yell from around the corner as I got a little distracted peeing over at Slash and Renee arguing over Gilbys shoulder

"mind somewhere else?"Gilby asked as my eyes locked with his.

"no."I shrugged.

"Listen I forgave you for the whole date dilemma last time,so I want to ask you again."Gilby rambled on as I wasn't listening.

"Huh?"I said.

"how do you feel about a second date?"He asked.

"I didn't even show up to the first one."I laughed.

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