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Anastasia's Pov:

Luckily I didn't trip while walking on stage as 'sweet child o mine' played but it was standing there in the bright vivid lights with everyone's eyes all over me that was making me trip.I don't know if I was drunk or anything but I needed my pills.It all felt to real.F*cking Steven Adler just vanished and now I was here as Axl read of the card,or attempted to until he stuttered and threw the card down onto the podium.

"We're Guns N roses,Duffs in Italy and I don't know where the f*ck Steven is but Anastasia Mckagans here everybody!"Axl said as the spotlight shone on me as cheers erupted from the busy crowd as I smiled proudly as everyone gasped as Steven came running onto the stage excusing his lateness as he stood next to Axl.

"my bad."Steven mumbled.

"Steven Adler."Axl shouted into the mic as more cheers came from the audience. "don't f*cking embarrass me."Axl whispered to Steven as Slash must of noticed the tension as he grabbed the card of Axl raising his mouth up to the mic.

"Here are the nominees."Slash read "metallica."He said glancing at me ironically as I giggled as he passed the card to Izzy.

"Aerosmith."Izzy announced.

"Skid Row."Axl said snatching the card of Izzy.

"Def Leppard!"Steven said happily,he was drunk of course as everyone giggled as the boys looked to me as I glanced at the card In Axls hands and read out the final nominee.

"And Mötley Crüe."I said smiling as Axl tore open the card revealing the winners as we all leaned into the mic in the middle.

"MÖTLEY CRÜE!"We announced as the crowd roared as girls,girls,girls started to play and I couldn't help but dance a little as Crüe made their way up to the stage as Steven grabbed the trophy handing it to Nikki Sixx who smirked at me as Slash appeared at my side glaring at him as I remembered that night where I took zombie dust from Nikki and passed out,Slash was protecting me,or trying to considering Nikki was wearing stiletto heels making him tower over everyone on stage.Tommy pushed passed Nikki almost knocking him over as he hugged Slash.

"Thanks dudes!"Tommy said happily. "Hey we need to all go to the cathouse sometime."Tommy said as Axl just glared at them not making any friendly gesture at all,he was being territorial.

Tommy and Slash and Steven were all friends,Nikki and I had a little history but clearly there was tension on the stage and for once it wasn't with Axl it was between Izzy and Vince as Vince must of muttered something to Izzy causing a little dispute but not for long until we were ushered off the stage as Mötley Crüe gave their speech thanking us and everyone else who voted as we walked off stage.

"that was sick!"Steven said excitedly as we finally made it behind the curtain.

"bad luck bach!"Axl teased as he nudged a short blonde rockstar next to him.Ana,this is Sebastian Bach,That's Duff sister,and I'm sure you've met my girlfriend Erin."Axl continued as Sebastian smiled and nodded at me.

"what in the f*ck were you all thinking!"Alan Niven shouted running over in a panic. "I thought at-least with Axl being there you'd actually behave and have some order of conduct but you totally made a mockery of that whole presentation!Clearly none of you are cut out for awards shows!"Alan scolded us shamefully.

"Alan come on."Axl said trying to reason with him but he was hysterical.

"yeah Niven."Steven added backing up Axl as they exchanged a forgiving look.

"don't even get me started on you Adler!You're a goddamn mess running onto stage late and drunk?It thought you were clean.Your lucky the audience found it funny!You're all extremely unprofessional ."Alan Shamed Steven along with the rest of us.

"none of us are clean Alan."Axl blurted out wrapping his arm around Erin as he attempted to stick up for Steven who looked thankful. "Give us a break we're rockstars not fancy movie stars."

"Well I oughta hope that-IZZY!"Alan shouted as we all turned to Izzy as Mötley Crüe walked off stage towards us and frontman and lead singer Vince Neil landed a sucker punch straight in Izzy's face before he could even attempt to defend himself,Vince sprung out from the dark and did a hit and run as his gold bracelet flew of his wrist landing by Sebastian Bach's feet.Alan immediately grabbed Vince throwing his back on the floor holding him down.I watched Alan debated punching Vince in the face but instead he resisted the urge.Slash,Steven and Axl ran straight to the defence of Izzy but it was all a blur as Mötley Crüe picked up Vince dragging him away.

"Hey man you dropped your bracelet!"Sebastian called out holding up Vince's bracelet as Vince ushered him the keep it as he scurried away.

"F*ck that guy!"Axl shouted attempting to follow them.

"Axl!Please don't!"Erin begged him as he just ignored him running away after Crüe as Alan followed Axl cursing something under his breathe.

"Slash!Go get Axl for f*ck sake."I asked him as Slash was helping Izzy gain consciousness as he gave me a look of confusion glancing between me and Izzy. "God I'll look after Izzy just don't let Axl go out there on his own and make a fool of himself!"I said rushing over to Izzy's side.

"f*ck.Okay..Adler!!"Slash said dragging Axl as they disappeared backstage leaving me with a wobbly Izzy as I glanced behind me at Erin who started crying.

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