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Anastasia's Pov:

Steven walked me home to Duff apartment as I thought over and over about what I was going to do.

"Ana?"Duff called out from the hallway as I immediately opened the front door.

"what?"I groaned.

"could you come here a sec?"He asked sweetly as I dreaded it as I walked down the hallway into his bedroom as it was a state.Clothes were all screwed up on the bed underneath a huge black suitcase opened up that was over flowing. "can you help me pack?Mandy is out of town and nothing will fit."He said as his cheeks turned pink with embarrassment.

"maybe try folding?"I suggested laughing at him as I reached for a shirt as I lazily folded it. "where are you going?"I asked.

"sh*t!I forgot to tell you uh Mandy's parents gifted us a short trip in Milan and Mandy has a couple shoots there too so it's kinda like a business trip thing."Duff blushed brushing it off.

"so a honeymoon?"I said as he dumped all of his clothes onto the floor emptying the suitcases as I put the first folded shirt in.

"no.You know I hate all that sh*t."He insisted rolling his eyes. "you gonna be okay while I'm gone?I would've told you last night but I was pretty drunk."He laughed.

"yeah I saw what you said in the magazine."I said remembering as he scratched the back of his head.

"yeah.I'm sorry about that I just thought since you stayed with Kirk you kinda had a thing and those pictures were-"He began.

"Those pictures were nothing.Just him leading me through a crowd of paparazzi,Kirk is my friend,you had no right."I scowled as he looked genuinely sorry.

"my bad Ana I just assumed."He shrugged.

"you assumed wrong."I said slamming leather pants into the case

"why are you getting so defensive?"Duff asked suspiciously peering over at my face.

"I just don't appreciate my brother having to control my dating life and 'approve' who I date."I said mocking him.

"I approved Kirk!"He said naively as if it was any closure.

"I don't want Kirk!"I snapped after exhaling loudly. "I just want my freedom and not have to worry what I'm doing in case it hurts you."I sighed.

"what are you talking about."He muttered.

"nothing...just im gonna stay with Steven while your away,Did you know you're missing more awards?"I asked changing the subject.

"yeah,you can go instead if you'd like to represent Guns."He smiled.

"sure...Are you really only gonna wear leather boots and leather pants all week in Milan?"I laughed as I stared at the numerous pairs of pants he had stacked and only one pair of shoes.

"it's rock and roll."He insisted as I just rolled my eyes as I finished helping him pack as I spent the rest of the night hanging around as I packed a couple things to stay at Slash's.

"I'm gonna get a cab to the airport and meet Mandy there,you sure your okay here on your own?"He asked as I nodded.

"I'll be fine."I assured him as I hugged him waving goodbye as I shut the front door as I ran over to the window overlooking the road as I grabbed my bag watching him climb into the cab and drive away as I sprinted over to Slash and Stevens.

"Anastasia.."Slash began as he opened the door as I leapt into his arms wrapping my legs around him as he held me surprised.

"my brothers in Milan!!"I cheered kissing him.

"And we're going shopping..again."Slash smiled.

"for what?"I said.

"world music awards dresses?"Slash suggested as my face practically lit up as Steven walked over as I noticed him from the corner of my eye.

"just don't steal any hats again Anastasia."Steven teased as Slash looked behind and then back at me.

"you stole that tophat?"He said surprised.

"and got chased by the cops down the strip."Steven interrupted as Slash looked at my proud.

"trust when I'm rich you won't have to steal anything."Slash assured me.

"sure thing rockstar."I said laughing at how ridiculous he sounded as we headed out the house down the strip shopping which I assumed as Slash hailed a cab.

"where are we going?"I asked giggling at how spontaneous and strange he was being.

"you can't buy a nice dress here."He said as if it was obvious.Mandy and Alan got my other dress for me but I'd always fantasised about shopping for my own especially in La.We arrived at the very sparse but popular shopping street in downtown La with all the expensive shops.We wandered around numerous shops as I tried on a couple as Slash and Steven waited outside the dressing room despite Slash's best efforts to go in the changing room with me but the staff wouldn't allow him and neither of us would fit.

"what about this one."I said excitedly walking out as Steven laughed at me as he played with the fancy ties as I scowled at him.

"you look like one of those fifties housewives."Steven teased as I rolled my eyes.

"I think it's nice it's only.."Slash began walking over as he pulled the price tag from down my bag as his eyes widened. "two hundred dollars." He gulped.

"It's fine I don't need a really expensive dress."I said shaking my head. "I'd rather you buy heroine than this."

"Although it's tempting,get whatever damn dress you want."He smirked.

"I love you."I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna go find a fancy suit."Steven said awkwardly staring excusing himself.

"I'm not paying for you too!"Slash assured him as Steven scurried away pretending not to hear

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