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Slash's Pov:

Anastasia was hell on heels.She stood there annoyed waiting for me to say something except as soon as I did she interrupted which confused me a little.Her and I had been through a lot recently and the last thing I wanted to do was upset her especially since we've been up and down since we first started dating,I just wanted everything to be smooth and I wanted to have fun and not have to worry about Duff or anyone else getting in my way

"heroine?"She snapped.

"I never said I quit."I defended myself.

"you never said you were addicted either!"She scolded me.

"I'm not addicted."I said genuinely trying to convince myself that I wasn't.

"Slash.I know what an addiction looks like.I'm just trying to look out for you."She sighed.

"I don't need you looking out for me,I can manage just fine myself."I said assuring her as she just rolled her eyes as a bang on the door shook her as she jumped as she eventually opened the door to Erin pounding on it.

"phone for you Ana."Erin said pulling Anastasia away as she just ignored me.

"Slasher give us a syringe."Nikki said rolling your his sleeves as he walked into the bathroom.


Anastasia's Pov;

I grabbed the phone still in a mood with Slash,He didn't care what I had to say,I was trying to help him,I wasn't the best person when it came to drugs especially since I overdose not long ago and I was clean until I came to La,with the occasional few bumps of coke with Steven when he felt lonely and didn't want to do it on his own,but I didn't f*ck around with any drugs harder the coke.I drew the line at heroine.

"hello...?"I called out down the phone.

"hey Ana,It's Mandy"She sniffled as I attempted to cover my other ear to hear her over the roaring party.

"hey Mandy,what's wrong?"I asked trying to sound sincere.

"duff hasn't came home yet,I'm really worried have you seen him?Is he with you?"She asked as the sound of his name triggered something in me but I looked around the party for him nether the less.I saw a couple faces I recognised getting distracted as I saw Kirk who I planned to go talk to after this call,I saw Dave mustaine too which was bound to cause some chaos as I cringed,I hoped and hoped that I wouldn't spot Vince Neil anywhere near here considering Tommy and Niki from Crüe we're here which made things even more awkward.

For Erin's sake I hope they didn't invite their band mate and save an apparent fight to the death that Vince and Axl had been slandering on about on MTV. I watched as Nikki Sixx came wandering into the living room as he collapsed onto the couch in the middle of the party but I ignored it as my attention was drew to Slash who still hadn't came out of his bedroom yet.Mandy coughed down the phone snapping me back into reality.

"oh sh*t.Uh no I don't think he's here,We're not on the greatest terms at the moment but if I see him I'll probably punch him across the face and send him home."I slurred drunkenly.

"He called me and he sounded really angry this morning,he told me to let him know if you came him but he's not picking up at all now.What if something happened to him?Like in Seattle."Mandy panicked referring to when Duff almost drank himself to death.

"I thought he went to rehab."I shrugged pressing the phone in the crook of my neck while I poured myself another drink.

"I thought he did too but I called the rehabilitation centre and they said he hadn't showed up yet."Mandy said as I was so shocked I almost dropped my drink.

"So he lied?"I said as I remembered back to earlier. "Now I'm thinking about it he was drinking pretty heavily when he punched Slash he had almost finished the whole bottle."I said casually as I was used to it.

"the WHOLE bottle?And He PUNCHED slash??"Mandy said as I could sense the outrage in her voice as I laughed to myself as if I didn't just pour almost a whole bottle of vodka into my plastic cup as I hummed.

"mmm yeah it is crazy."I said smirking.Maybe I was more like Duff than I thought as I took huge swig of my drink leaving me feeling pretty reckless.

"well if you see him call me okay?Or just bring him home."Mandy begged as I agreed putting the phone down.

"What did Mandy want?"Erin said walking over to me.

"Duff."I said in a drunken haze.

"I so wish I could get drunk right now."Erin swooned.

"I so wish I chose a different band member to date,my boyfriends in the bathroom shooting up heroine."I scoffed.

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that and blame it on the fact that you're extremely drunk"Erin giggled.

"hey Kirk."I said ushering him over as he walked towards the door.

"hey Ana."He said smiling. "I seen you on the front of Rolling Stone..again."Kirk blushed referencing to Slash and I kissing.

"oh yeah that was an accident don't mention it to Duff it's a touchy subject for him."I joked.
"I didn't think parties were your scene."I said punching his arm.

"There not,James and Lars convinced me to come but Dave is here and he's with my ex girlfriend so it's a little awkward,I was just leaving."Kirk said nodding towards the front door.

"no don't leave Kirk stay!"I begged him.

"you sure Slash would be okay with that?"Kirk said sarcastically as I laughed it off.

"He means well."I smiled defending him which I questioned after because I was still in a mood with him as I heard shouting.

"ANA!!"Steven shouted from across the kitchen.
"Nikki isn't waking up!"He panicked as he jabbed Nikki in attempt to get him up but he was out cold as Tommy Lee rushed over.

"call a f*cking Ambulance!"Tommy ordered in a hustle as I jumped to the phone which was right next to me as everyone quietened down gathering around Nikki as Tommy checked his pulse as his face turned pale as everyone freaked out.

Nikki Sixx was dead?

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