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Anastasia's Pov:

"I can't believe you almost made me late to my own brothers wedding!"I scolded him as I got dressed quicker than ever,rushing my makeup.
"And you talked me into doing heroine"I said full of regret as I checked myself one last time in the en-suite bathroom mirror.

"you wanted to get high."Slash said fixing his top hat.

"Well I'm sure the tattoos were you're idea?"I said glancing at my body inked on his arm as he rolled up his sleeve. "How the f*ck am I gonna cover this?"I panicked as he looked around the hotel room quickly.

"here"He said pulling off his ring from his finger as he grabbed my hand and put the thick banded ring over the writing on my ring finger.

"thank you..now are you ready?"I asked as he muttered as he grabbed the syringe full of heroin as he injected into his arm. "Slash!Are you serious right now?"I said snatching the needle from him. "We have to be down there in less than twenty minutes and shooting up?"I said as he was unbothered.

"let's just get this over with..I hate white weddings."He said as I walked off ahead.

"Anastasia!There you are!"Mandy said hugging me outside the doors of the chapel.

"You look amazing!"I complimented her as she excused herself as Erin leaned in to me.

"How'd it go last night?Was it good?"Erin whispered as I looked back at Slash who was talking to Axl.

"Well if you call this good then yeah"I said holding up my hand as Erin grabbed my finger gasping.

"Oh my God he proposed!"She said shocked whispering.

"No!Look"I said quickly moving the ring up my finger revealing the tattoo.

"ouch."Erin muttered. "At least you had fun at the hotel,I seen the damage this morning and I heard you last night"Erin winked.

"you heard me..?"I said dead serious.

"I think everyone did,you're pretty vocal,lucky Duff isn't on the same floor as us."Erin smirked.

"And he asked me to be his secret girlfriend."I added as she clapped with a huge smile.

"Well that's good news..for once"she winced.

"Apart from the fact he's shooting up at my brothers wedding before he has to walk me down the aisle"I said nervously as I smiled before Mandy came over.

"Is Slash ready?My daddy's walking me down the aisle in five minutes."Mandy said jittery.

"slash."I groaned as him and Axl approached me as Axl diverted to Erin as he kissed her and I basically ignored Slash as he offered me his arm as we linked.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?"Slash smirked.

"Did I tell you how pissed off I am with you right now?"I said rolling my eyes.

"what have I done this time?"He sighed.

"you're on heroine at my brothers wedding!"I whispered clearly distressed.

"You didn't seem to have any problem with it last night."He said confused.

"That was before my very traditional family and all my friends gathered in a chapel for this perfect wedding!"I sighed.

"It's not like it's a big secret that you use drugs nobody would be surprised if your boyfriend did too."He snapped.

"f*ck you!"I spat back.

"Anastasia!Show time."Mandy smiled as the doors opened as I grabbed his arm as I walked down that aisle linked arms with Slash like I wasn't about to cry with a plastered on smile.It was like the walk of life as I finally made it to the end as we parted ways and went to either side.

"you okay?"Duff whispered as Erin and Axl walked down the aisle shortly after.

"no.."I muttered under my breathe as I looked around and noticed my parents third row as my mother flared at me whispering to my father. I couldn't believe they were here.I couldn't even believe Duff had the nerve to invite them as I looked down.

The rest of the ceremony was a blur.Mandy walking down the aisle,her father gives her away,dearly beloved.blah blah vows.
I soon came to realise I hate weddings too as it finally came to the rings as everyone looked to Slash who stepped forward tapping his pockets looking for the rings,I could tell he was only wearing that top hat to hide as Alan passed him the rings as Slash delivered them glancing at me as he glanced down the aisle and walked straight back down the aisle,causing a couple whispers amongst people as I watched him leave.

"you may now kiss the bride."The pastor smiled closing his book as everyone cheered as Duff and Mandy sealed it in with a kiss as a crowd rushed over as I used this as my excuse to quickly walk out as I darted down the aisle as I looked around for Slash as he knelt against the chapel wall smoking a cigarette as I sat on the floor next to him as he looked down and sat with me.

"I'm sorry Anastasia but I've seen the way they look at me,your mom glared at me in that hospital like I was something she stepped in and she looked ashamed as she watched me walk you down that aisle,I couldn't bare it and last night I found peace in that heroine"Slash sighed blowing smoke out.

"I didn't even know either of my parents would be here,I can't believe Duff invited them"I defended "there ashamed of me too.They think there better than everyone."I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah well I'd never leave my daughter stranded in a hospital like they did!"He said shaking his head."I don't know how you can bite your tongue trying to please them after how they treated you."He said burning out his cigarette on the floor.

"F*ck it!wanna go make them even more ashamed?"I said biting my lip as he looked at me as a smirk grew across his face.

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