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Anastasia's pov:

I woke up on the couch,my back ached and it was already 10am.Steven clattered around in the kitchen behind me muttering to himself.

"butter..butter"Steven said in a drunken haze.

"Adler?"I said turning around as he giggled to himself digging through the fridge as his fluffy hair poked over the top of the refrigerator door.
"what are you doing?"I said looking at him as he held the butter tray in his hands.

"What are you doing?"He asked back in the same tone confused as to why I was still half asleep on the couch. "were you crying?"Steven asked as I wiped my eyes.

"no.my makeup just smudged."I said rolling my eyes. "what's in the butter tray?"I said squinting as his eyes lit up as he pulled the lid off the tray revealing a pile of coke as I just sighed.

"you want some?"Steven offered holding up the dish towards me.

"no she doesn't."Slash said walking out of his bedroom groggily.

"maybe I do."I spoke up.

"no you don't."Slash said directing his eyes at me. "I need to talk to you."Slash said as I just scoffed.

"I'm going out."I said trying to avoid confrontation.

"it won't take long..Adler f*ck off."Slash said sitting on the couch opposite me as Steven just shrugged taking his butter tray of coke away to his room.

"don't talk to him like that!"I snapped.

"just listen to me Ana."Slash said trying to reason as I cut him off.

"no you listen to me,he's not a f*cking dog!I don't care how Axl or anyone else treats him don't you dare speak to yours and MY best friend like that."I scoffed as Slash just exhaled.

"okay..I'm sorry.And I'm sorry for last night,I trust you but I wasn't going to let him get away with that."Slash said bluntly.

"I should've told you but I thought that would make you not want to meet him and I really wanted him to see you and how great you are!"I said as Slash just cupped my face kissing my face.
"I can't believe you actually sincerely apologised to me."I giggled breaking the kiss.

"I never said it was sincere."Slash smirked as I rolled my eyes as I tried to escape his grasp.
"where'd you think your going?"He said trying to pull me back.

"I'm going to see my brother and hope Gilby hasn't crushed his whole world."I giggled as I kissed him once more before swiftly leaving as I walked out of the apartment,down the street and onto the strip.

I stopped by the chemist on my way to the diner,I grabbed some of my prescribed pills,I hadn't taken any in a while because of how well I was but everything was to real and moving to fast,I just wanted to keep myself sane.

"Ana."Duff said as I approached the diner,he leant against the wall smoking a cigarette."I need to talk to you."Duff said on edge as he was sort of nervous with made me nervous too.

We were seated by an elder waitress as she pulled out a notepad,ready to take our order.

"blueberry pancakes please and can I just have a water..?"I asked as she nodded scribbling down on the notepad.

"just a coffee"Duff smiled as the waitress wandered away. "Blueberry pancakes?"He scoffed looking at me like I was a child.

"I need to see what Steven's obsession is."I shrugged.

"he probably hides coke in them."Duff muttered. "Anyway..Gilby."Duff said finally breaking the tension that had built up around us as I awaited for what he had to say. "Su told me he called her Mandy.."Duff said looking uneasy.

"yeah?She said that to me too."I frowned. "Did you ever speak to him about any of it?"I asked as he shook his head.

"no..I haven't spoke to him since I left Seattle,we had an argument because I left the punk band we had at home to move here remember?"Duff said.

"that's weird..you think he forgot about it?"I asked as the waitress brought over my water and Duffs coffee,I rummaged around my pocket looking for my pills,I couldn't just swallow them whole now as I raised the glass or water up to my lips popping a pill out the shiny packet.

"what the f*ck is that?"Duff said glaring at me.

"pills"I muttered before tossing one in my mouth and taking a huge gulp of water after.

"no sh*t!What for?You still on that weird birth control sh*t?"Duff asked concerned as always.

"yeah but these are my prescribed ones."I nodded.

"you're popping pills?I thought you quit."Duff said sternly.

"I did,I haven't taken them in a long time actually."I added as I tapped my chest helping the pill the break down.

"Then why are you taking them now?"Duff said.

"God Duff,there by a doctor they can't be that bad"I said rolling my eyes.

"There still drugs Ana just because a doctor prescribed them doesn't make popping pills not an addiction."He scolded me.

"It's not an addiction,I can get rid of these anytime..I just choose not to!Anyway you were saying?"I reminded him changing the subject quickly before it all turned bitter.

"I didn't forget about our last argument,I had a flight in under an hour to La and he tried to fight me when I went to the studio to collect my guitar."Duff laughed.

"Wait I remember the night he came over straight after you left,he started selling drugs because everyone else quit the band after you...and now he's here?"I said biting my lip.

"He must've read something about us,why else would he call Su Mandy?"Duff whispered.

"Well he didn't know anything about me."I said aloud before shutting myself up.

"huh?"Duff said.

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