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Slash's Pov:

I sat in my seat eventually joined by Alan,Dave Goldstein,the record label,and Tom Zutaut to basically discovered us as A drunken Duff and Anastasia joined us as she reluctantly sat next to me folding her arms.

"Ana."I whispered glancing over at Duff next to her who was drunken out of his mind.

"what."She snapped.

"Where's Kirk?"I teased as she rolled her eyes.

"shuttup!You know I don't even know why you were so rude to him."She said whisper-shouting as the first nominees were announced.

"because I want to win."I scowled back.

"since when do you care about a sh*tty trophy."She sighed leaning into me.

"I care about it when it's my trophy."I whispered in her ear as she turned to me out noses basically touching as the winner was announced shaking her back into reality as she swung her head back forward clapping as everyone else did until they began their speech.

"what are you talking about?"She sighed shaking her head.

"you."I whispered back as she steps her foot on mine.

"He's my friend Slash!"She groaned

"and the nominees for MTV musics Best New Artist are..."The hostess announced onstage as a slideshow of all the artists played including Metallica as I looked over at Kirk on the row across from us who mouthed 'good luck' as I just rolled my eyes and sipped the cheap champagne I had hiding under my jacket. "And the winners are Guns N' Roses!"She cheered loudly as I stood up pulling up Duff as I drunkenly marched up onto that stage proudly.


Anastasia's Pov:

I was a little mad at Slash for overreacting but I was ecstatic when they won until they actually made it onto the stage as my drunk brother fumbled tripping up the short set of stairs as Slash hit his chin off the mic making a loud screeching noise as the hostess smiled anxiously at them as Duff cheered loudly into the mic.

"how do you feel about winning?"She asked as Slash pushed duff out the way wobbling as he held up the trophy grinning.

"It's f*cking.Oops!"Slash shouted realising he couldn't curse on live television as he leaned back into the mic "oops!"he exclaimed covering his mouth. "Anyway I wanna thank f*cking-"Slash said continuing as Duff butted in.

"Alan Niven,Dave Goldestein uhh Tom Zutaut.."Duff slurred cluelessly. "Shoutout to my f*cking sister too!"He said as a camera panned to me as I just giggled as I glanced over at Alan who looked fuming.

"thanks to Axl and Izzy and Steven for not f*cking being here andddd f*ck Metallica."Slash giggled as everyone gasped. "joking love you f*ckers!"He cheered holding up the trophy.

"have a drink on us!!"Duff said happily as he humiliated himself even more as they were cut off and sent off the stage as Duff tripped down the stairs falling into the stairs as he jumped in the seat next to me. "I didn't think we'd actually win I thought we were just here for fun."Duff chuckled happily as I just facepalmed still laughing as Slash came over.

"Sit down!My God!You two are out of control At least if Axl we're here he would've actually been sobre!"Alan scolded him shaking his head.

"Well Axl isnt f*cking here and we still won."Slash snapped as he sat down in his chair folding his arms as we sat in silence for the rest of the ceremony as Duff wandered off to find that supermodel he spotted earlier.I felt a hand slide down my thought as I glanced at Slash as I reached out my hand as I held his sweaty palms.

"you're burning up."I giggled looking at him.

"I haven't uh done heroine in a while."He whispered guiltily as he was clearly having withdrawals as I rolled my eyes as he expected me to pull away but I sat there defeated still holding his hand until all the awards were given out as I finally stood up letting go as he followed slowly behind me as I glanced back behind me occasionally making sure he was still there until I made it outside and he had vanished.I was stuck in a big crowd of people lost as I scanned the huddle until I was met with a familiar set of sparkly blue eyes as I stared at him blankly.

An estranged Steven stood there smiling with a sense of guilt behind those eyes as I looked at him up and down,he was dressed in a fancy suit and a nice tie,it wasn't rock n roll at all nor was it him but he put in an effort and I had to give it to him Steven Adler was the cutest guy I've ever known as he buried his heel into the ground nervously looking up at me hopefully as a smile just spread across my face as I ran over to him hugging him as he hugged me back.

"Adler."I smiled.

"I'm so sorry Anastasia,I was wrong,I understand and all that sh*t!"Steven stuttered as I looked closer at his eyes he'd done a sh*t ton of cocaine and it showed.

"it's fine Adler,let's just go home."I whispered.

"Did I miss the awards?"He panicked.

"all of it Adler."I said confused

"oh."He said disappointedly as he shrugged and held out his arm as I entwined my arm with his as we walked down to the closest cab.

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