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Anastasia's pov:

"You're gonna be fine!"Su assured meas I sobbed,she pulled me off the red carpet away from Slash and all the paparazzi,her assistant had snuck in a pregnancy test to the hotel toilets.I never expected I'd find myself at a movie premiere taking a pregnancy test but I didn't expect a lot of things that had happened to me.

"how much longer?"I groaned with impatience tapping my foot anxiously,this test predicted my whole future.

"It's only been a couple minutes...these things take a while.I remember when I did mine I was-"Su began as I cut her off.

"Su I really don't want to hear it,I'm not ready for a baby,nor do I want one nor does Gilby want one,I don't even know if he loves me anymore"I sighed.

"I'm just saying..if the test is positive there are other options,you never know you might enjoy motherhood?"Su suggested.

"my mother didn't enjoy it..why would I?"I shrugged.

"Because you're not your mother Ana."Su said sweetly as she stroked my arm comforting me.

"All parents f*ck up there kids some way or another."I said as I looked at Su and her bump.
"You won't...Duff maybe but you'll be great."I smiled.

"you think?"Su said her face lighting up as she stroked her bump.

"of course."I said smiling back at her.

"I just hope Grace isn't born on the same day as Eden,Erin would kill me."Su said as something on my face must've gave away where I currently stood with Erin. "What happened between you two?"She asked.

"it's a long story,I can't even talk about it,I don't wanna mess up my make up."I blushed. "Is Grace the name you decided?"I asked sweetly changing the subject swiftly.

"yeah like the Jeff Buckley Album?"Su smiled.

"I love it!"I said with glee as Su looked down at the test turned over on the fancy marble counter.

"It should be time."She said looking down at her watch as I almost forgot about it all,I normally hated talking about babies but I enjoyed my conversation with Su,I enjoyed any conversation with her but this one just opened my eyes to other possibilities and options for the potential future.

"pick it up."I demanded her covering my eyes as Su grabbed the test covering it from me as I peaked between my fingers desperately looking for a change in expression or any slight change that gave away my fate but nothing. "So?"I asked hopefully as Su exhaled.

"the good news is..you're not pregnant."Su said as all the weight glided off my shoulders as I patted my eyes dry.

"good I did a line earlier."I said wiping my forehead as Su rolled her eyes at me. "If I'm not pregnant then what's making me throw up?"I asked as Su looked clueless.

"Maybe all the drugs you take?"She suggested

"you sound like my brother."I said ironically

"The bad news is..now you're gonna have to explain this to Slash and Gilby."Su said as my moment of joy was sweeped away.

"on a scale of one to ten how upset did Slash look when you saw me tell him?"I questioned.

"It was bad Ana,he looked distraught."Su said not making me feel any better about it.

"Do I tell Gilby or not?"I asked.

"I can't help you with this one Stas,That's up to you but I think you need to decide,do you want to be with Gilby or Slash?Or do you want to be with anyone?You can stay single."Su reminded me placing the test back down.

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